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1、春季高考英语语法专项复习动词时态考纲解读一般目前时用法1.概念: 表达现阶段常常性、习惯性的动作或存在的状态、特性、客观真理。2.标志语:usuy、oftn、nver、somtimes、oce aweek、twice a moth、ery yer客观事实:1.The oon _(mve) run the earth 2.He said tt te et _ (b)rond. 她说地球是圆的 主将从现:1. Wel g thre if _ (not rin)2. Hecall you hnhe _ (rive).一般过去时用法概念: 表达过去某个时间发生的事,存在的状态或过去反复发生的动作。标志

2、语:yesterday、. ao、i 99、 last wek/mnth过去持续几种动作: Se pe tup ,_ (pas) i to me and _ (go) out.一般将来时用法概念: 表达将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态。构造: wil do、shalldo、 be gng todo、be aou o do、be to do标志语:tomorrow、exek/month.、n.、omorrow mrnin/evenng主将从现:I _ calyuas soo asIget hre tomorrowmorning目迈进行时表将来: e bu_(me)目迈进行时用法概念: 表达目

3、前正在发生的动作。标志语: Loo! 、 Listen! 、no始终进行:He _(wrt) novlthis year.目前完毕时用法1概念: 表达过去发生或已经完毕的动作对目前产生的影响或成果构造: a/hv+ don(及物动词的过去分词)标志语:alreay、 ye、eve、 evr、since、f、usHe _(wrk) ere or a year.两“去”: He _ t Chnatwc.eisn here e _ tthe libary.注意: 表达短暂动作的动词,如om, go, eve, finsh, b, mrry, die 等的完毕时态不能和f, sine等表达一段时间的状

4、语连用。但可以用表达相似意思的其她延续性动词或短语替代。例如: 误:I ave como Bejin for half ear 正:I havebenin eijig fr half a ar. 过去进行时1.概念: 表达过去某一时刻或某一阶段正在进行或发生的动作构造: be (s,re) 动词目前分词(dong)标志语:a8:0erday、wen、 hile、: wasding my homework a eigt yesrday.过去将来时概念: 表达从过去某一时间来看将要发生的动作或存在的状态。构造: wou 、be (was、wre) ointo do标志语:常用于主句是一般过去时的宾

5、语从句中E:Betty said h wo isther ucl nex aturda 过去完毕时概念: 表达在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完毕的动作。它所示的动作发生的时间是“过去的过去”。这一过去时间用by, bee等介词短语; whe, before等引导的时间状语从句或通过上下文来表达。构造: had doneEg:The im d en on for five mies hn ot to the cinma.(我到电影院时电影已经开演五分钟了。)专项练习1. If he _ earlytomoow,hl b lae. dsnt gt upB. wont get p . gs u

6、D.desn getsup2. I _ my mobilponsi iv yeas ago.A. bh B. hae ought C. hadbought D. hae had3.-Hveyouseen Bil? -Ye,e_to th libry.A. as gone hd goneC has ben D.ent4.Mike wats to nowi _ a pictomorrw. Yes.Bt f t_, wvisit temsem insteadA. u ae.will rain B.you ill have.wil rai C.y willhve.rai D will yo hv.ra

7、is5. Do yo know hi wel? ure. We _frins incetenyers ag A. wee B. haveen C. he become D. hve mae6. My I speakto ohn? or, h _ Japan. Buhe _ intwo as.Aas been o, will me ackB.hs g to, wil beback. hs be i, wl come bakD. hason to, wontcome ack7.The ace toldus in clas tha heart_ arou the sn. move .medC.ism

8、ovngD. toove8.h, the ilk _ rae,d you n its OK to n?A. a tasted B ted C i asig D. tastes re you goig to see heilm with s? No, I _ itwic.A. seB. wa seeiC. wldseeD. have se10.He _ pla basetball wth usi h _ fee torro. A. omes; is. me; will be. willme; willbeD. will come; is1. Tere_ a concert tomorr eeni

9、ng. wil heb B. is gng tave C. ll hv D. is going o e12rat hange _ inmy hometow since1988A. veben anlace B. ha takn plcC had tae place hadbentken place13. My father_ eijor two year.A. has been to B. asgo to . been in D.goes14. Do you now i he _ o a asketbl ith us?I thiwill ome f e_ ree omorrw. omes, i

10、s B.coes, l b C. will cme, is D. ill e, wll e15 Dntcr any more. The bay _. As seepi Bslep C. i epg D.let16. hee is yu cat?haven se it fo a long time. , it _. It _ bout tedays ago. .ied; ead B. has died;hase C was ead;a died . i dead; die17. f e _ tmorow, he illbe lae A dntstar B dint stat . osnart .ntstt8 Wllgofr a pc ifit _ ths unday Wsh o a lvelyweekn A. isntrain . doesnran .on in D didnt rain 1. d yumet te witr at te stion? o.He_ bhe tie I got re.as left B was eangC. a lt . eft0. A takon mria hitory_i hsol hall nextwek. A isgivn B. ha been giveCwil be givenD.gives2. I le


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