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1、2022-2023年考博英语-南京艺术学院模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题Mr. Duffy raised his eyes from the paper and gazed out of his window on the cheerless evening landscape. The river lay quiet besides the empty distillery and from time to time a light appeared in some house on Lucan Road. What an end! The whole narrative of her

2、 death revolted him and it revolted him to think that he had ever spoken to her of what he held sacred. The cautious words of a reporter won over to conceal the details of a commonplace vulgar death attacked his stomach. Not merely had she degraded herself; she had degraded him. His souls companion!

3、 He thought of the hobbling wretches whom he had seen carrying cans and bottles to be filled by the barman. Just God, what an end! Evidently she had been unfit to live with, without any strength of purpose, an easy prey to habits, one of the wrecks on which civilization has been reared. But that she

4、 could have sunk so low! Was it possible he had deceived himself so utterly about her? He remembered her outburst of that flight and interpreted it in a harsher sense that he had ever done. He had no difficulty now in approving of the course he had taken.As the light failed and his memory began to w

5、ander, he thought her hand touched his. The shock which had first attacked his stomach was now attacking his nerves. He put on his overcoat and hat quickly and went out. The cold air met him on the threshold; it crept into the sleeves of his coat. When he came to the public house at Chapel Bridge he

6、 went in and ordered a hot punch.The proprietor served him obsequiously but did not venture to talk. There were five or six workingmen in the shop discussing the value of a gentlemans estate in County Kildare. They drank at intervals from their huge pint tumblers, and smoked, spitting often on the f

7、loor and sometimes dragging the sawdust over their heavy boots. Mr. Duffy sat on his stool and gazed at them, without seeing or hearing them. After a while, they went out and he called for another punch. He sat a long time over it. The shop was very quiet. The proprietor sprawled on the counter read

8、ing the newspaper and yawning. Now and again a team was heard swishing along the lonely road outside.As he sat there, living over his life with her and evoking alternately the two images on which he now conceived her, he realized that she was dead, that she had ceased to exist, that she had become a

9、 memory. He began to feel ill at ease. He asked himself what else he could have done. He could not have lived with her openly. He had done what seemed to him best. How was he to blame? Now that she was gone he understood how lonely her life must have been, sitting night after night alone in the room

10、. His life would be lonely too until he, too, died, ceased to exist, became a memory-if anyone remembered him.1.Mr. Duffys immediate reaction to the report of the womans death was that of( ).2.It can be inferred from the passage that the reporter wrote about the womans death in a( )manner.3.The word

11、 “obsequiously” in the third paragraph probably means( ).4.We can infer from the last paragraph that Mr. Duffy was in a(n)( )mood.5.According to the passage, which of the following statements is not true?问题1选项A.disgustB.guiltC.griefD.compassion问题2选项A.detailedB.provocativeC.discreetD.sensational问题3选项

12、A.compassionatelyB.servilelyC.feverishlyD.passionately问题4选项A.angryB.fretfulC.irritableD.remorseful问题5选项A.Mr. Duffy once confided in the woman.B.Mr. Duffy felt an intense sense of shame.C.The woman wanted to end the relationshipD.They became estranged probably after a quarrel.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D

13、第5题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。题目问的是“Duffy先生对关于这个女人死亡的报告的即刻反应是什么”。文章第一段第四句话提到“关于她死亡的整个叙述令他厌恶”(The whole narrative of her death revolted him),第五句话提到报到者用谨慎的语言掩盖了粗俗的死亡,让他倒胃口(The cautious words of a reporter won over to conceal the details of a commonplace vulgar death attacked his stomach),因此选项A“反感”符合题意。2.细节事实题。题目问的

14、是“通过文章可知,报道者用方式报道了那个女人的死亡”。文章第一段第五句话提到报到者用谨慎的语言掩盖了粗俗的死亡,让他倒胃口(The cautious words of a reporter won over to conceal the details of a commonplace vulgar death attacked his stomach),因此,选项C“谨慎的”符合题意。3.词义题。题目问的是“单词obsequiously的意思是”。文章第三段第一句话提到“店主地为他服务但是不敢跟他说话”(The proprietor served him obsequiously but d

15、id not venture to talk),根据店主服务客人的原则可以推测店主是非常殷勤的,因此选项B“屈从地”符合题意。4.推理判断题。题目问的是“从文章最后一段我们可得知Duffy先生的心情”。文章最后一段提到“他不能与她公开生活。他做了看起来对他最好的事情。”(He could not have lived with her openly. He had done what seemed to him best);“他的生活将会一直孤独,直到死亡”(is life would be lonely too until he, too, died),说明Duffy先生非常后悔当初的做法,

16、选项D“后悔的”符合题意。5.推理判断题。题目问的是“通过文章可知下列哪个表述不正确”。文章第一段提到“他曾经跟她说过”(he had ever spoken to her of what he held sacred),因此选项A可以排除;文章最后一段提到“现在,她死了,他明白了她先前的生活是那么孤独”(Now that she was gone he understood how lonely her life must have been, sitting night after night alone in the room),以及“他不能与她公开生活。他做了看起来对他最好的事情。”(He c



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