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1、宾语从句易错题整理例题解析: 1.The teacher asked the students _.A. if they were interested in dinosaurs B. when was Albert Einstein bornC. what they will do with the computers D. how many trees they have planted解析:宾语从句中从句应保持陈述语序,答案B首先删去,主句一般过去式,从句要用于过去有关的时态,删去答案C和D,答案A中的if 意为如果.应选A2.Could you tell me _ ?A.what th

2、e matter is with you B. what was the matter with youC. hats the matter with you D. whats the wrong with you .解析:what 就是从句的主语,whats the matter with you 本身就是陈述语序,因此删掉A; 主句可看作是委婉的请求,并是一般过去式,可删去答案B; wrong 前不用加the, 因此此题选 C.3.He asked me _ I could sing the song My Heart will Go On. A. if B. weather C.what

3、 D. that解析:此句应选含有疑问意思的关系代词, 故删去D;weather 意为天气,根据句意应选A.4.Our teacher told us that the moon _ round the earth. A. went B. turned C.go D. turns解析:从句是一个客观真理,因此从句的时态不受主句影响。 应选 D5. It makes no difference _.A.whether will you come tomorrow.B.Whether or not will be pass the examC.If he will come to the meet

4、ing or notD.Whether he will come to the meeting or not解析:答案A和B从句不是陈述语序先删掉,if 不能与 not 连用。因此此题选D6. They dont know _ their parents are. A.that B. what C. why D. which解析:what 表示职业, 因此选B.7. I am sure _ you said is true.A. what B. that C. which D. who解析:根据句意应用what , 做said 的内容, 你所说的话。应选A.8. The old man tol

5、d us _ and _. A. to do what , to do how B. what to do it, how to do it C. what to do, how to do it D. what to do , how to do解析: 疑问词what 即连接不定式,又做 do 的宾语; 而在how 引导的不定式短语中, how 表示方式, do 为及物动词, 因此需接宾语才正确应选C课堂练习与巩固:1.-Do you know when the World Cup _ next week?- Next Friday. When it _, I will ring you.A

6、. begins, begins B. begins, will begin C. will begin, will begin D. will begin, begins2.- Today or tomorrow? - What are you talking about?- We are talking about _ to give a talk on WTO. A. how B. where C. when D. what3. I wonder _.A. where does he live B. where he live C. he lives where D. where he

7、lives4. - Are you sure you have to ? Its been very late. - I dont know _ I can do it if not now. A. where B. why C. when D. how5. -Would you please tell me _? - In a small village near Niingbo. A. where was your mother born B. where your mother was born C. when was your mother born D. when your moth

8、er was born6. The photograph will show you _. A. what does our village look like B. what our village looks like C. how does our village look like D. how our village looks like7. - Can you guess if they _ to play basketball with us?- I think theyll come if they _ free.A.will come, will be B. will com

9、e, are C. come, are D. come, will be8. -Where does he come from ?- Pardon? - I asked where_. A. did he come from B. he came fromC. he comes from D. does he come from9. She wondered _. A. how much he cost the computer B. how much he paid for the computerC. how much the computer will cost him D. how m

10、uch did he spend on the computer10. -Do you know _?- Im not sure. Maybe he is a businessman. A. who he is B. who is he C. what he does D. what does he do大家都来到荷塘,挖莲藕抓鱼虾,捉泥鳅捡螃蟹,人声鼎沸,笑语欢声,相互谈说着要如何弄出一顿顿可口的美味。光是莲藕的吃法就有很多:熬汤炖肉八宝酿、清炒生吃蜜饯糖,还可以磨成藕粉,加入砂糖或蜂蜜,在温水里一泡,就是一杯清凉清甜的解暑饮料。用鲜莲叶来熬粥,蒸饭蒸鸡,或蒸其它肉类味道都是极鲜美的,做出来的食物均带着一股淡淡的莲叶清香。人们那么喜欢荷花,不单单是因为它的芳香美丽洁净高雅,更因为它全身是宝,每一处都可食可药可用。我最喜欢的是生鲜莲子羹。把剥好的莲子对半打开去芯,莲子芯很苦,可以药用,没有芯的莲子是甜的,正好用它熬糖水。把足量的生莲子洗净,和着一小片生姜一片鲜莲叶,放进清水锅里,盖着盖子大火烧滚,转小火熬二十分钟,捞起莲叶,加入冰糖,小火慢熬,边熬边搅拌,十五分钟后,一款既清香甘美又消暑解渴的莲子羹就做成了。这样的汤水,在炎热的夏季里,只要喝过一次都不会忘记。1教资


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