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1、语法突破目标:现在进行时态的被动语态高一英语组2013-12-17 一、现在进行时态的被动语态的基本结构的构成:1. 现在进行时态的被动语态的肯定式为:am/is/are + being + done。 如:The question is beingdiscussed at the meeting now.这个问题现在正在会上被讨论。Another bridge is being built over the Changjiang River at present.目前长江上正在建造另一座大桥。2. 现在进行时态的被动语态的否定式为: am/is/are + not + being + don

2、e。如:The baby isnt being taken good care of.这婴儿没在得到很好的照顾。The animals are not being set free at present.目前这些动物还不能被放出。3. 现在进行时态的被动语态的一般疑问句需将am/is/are提到主语的前面。-Is a new library being put up in their school now Yes, it is.甲:他们学校现在正在建一座新图书馆吗。乙:是,正在建一座新图书馆-Are a number of Dongfeng trucks being shipped abroa

3、d No, they arent.甲:一批东风卡车正被运往国外吗乙:不,没有。4. 现在进行时态的被动语态的特殊疑问句为:疑问词+ am/is/are + (主 语) + being + done。如:What is being done to the machine现在对这台机器要采取什么措施How many houses are being built in the village村里正在建造多少房屋When is the sports meeting being held in our school.我校将在什么时候举行运动会 二、现在进行时态的被动语态的用法:1. 现在进行时态的被动语

4、态的同它的主动语态一样,表示现在正在进行的被 动动作。He is being interviewed by our headmaster now.他正在接受我们校长的采访。This film is being shown now.这部电影正在被放映。2. 现在进行时态的被动语态的同它的主动语态一样,表示现阶段正在进行的被 动动作。The disease is being studied by scientists.科学家们正在研究这种疾病。These animals are being hunted at such a speed that t hey will disappear soon.

5、以如此速度捕杀动物,他们很快就会消失。在进行时被动语态五个提醒一.不可遗漏being现在进行时的被动语态表示说话时主语正在承受谓语动词的动作,谓语动词的 形式为is/are/am+being +过去分词。如果我们把being漏掉,就成为一 般现在时被动语态或系表结构。试比较下列句子:Look!The children are being taken care of by their aunt. 瞧! 孩子们现在正由姑母照看着。 Children are taken good care of at school.孩子们在校被照看得很好。(指通常情况)The report is being wri

6、tten by one of the best students. 报告正在由一个最好的学生写着呢。The report is well written.报告写得很好。(系表结构)二.表示现阶段现在进行时被动语态也可以表示目前这一阶段主语正在承受谓语动词的动 作。 Many interesting experiments are being carried out thesedays.最近正在进行许多有趣的实验。(说话时,并不一定在进行)三.表示计划或安排现在进行时被动语态还可表示按计划、安排主语将要承受谓语动词的动作(仅 限于bring,take,send,hold, sing,show,

7、play等表示移动的或能用来表 示某项活动的少数及物动词)。A folk song is being sung next. 下面将演唱一首民间歌 曲。 A party is being held tonight.今晚将要举行一场晚会。四.没有进行时被动语态contain, include, impress, feel, want, like, love, satisfy,surprise,own等一些表示状态、 心理活动、拥有等意义的动词(和主动语 态一样)一般不用进行时被动语态,常用一般现在时被动语态表示此时此刻或 目前主语承受谓语动词的动作。Xiao Wang, come here. Yo

8、u are wanted on the phone.小王,过来,有人打电话找你呢。Football is becoming more and more popular. In other words, it is loved by more and more people.足球现在越来越流行了,换句话说,它被越来越多的人喜爱。五.其它形式 表示被动结构be + under/in等介词+名词结构可代替进行时被动语态。 The city is under attack ( = is being attacked)at the moment.目前这个城市正受到进攻。The telephone is

9、in use(=is being used)now.电话正在使用中。练习题单选:1.Have you moved into thenew houseNotyet,the room.A. arebeingpaintedB. are paintingC.arepaintedD.,are being painting2.Look! The ship.A.is unloadingB. isbeing unloadedC. had unloadedD.is been unloaded3. The children many times not to swim in the riverA. toldB.

10、have toldC. have been toldD. are being told 4. The new plan now.A. is discussedB. is discussingC. is being discussedD. is going to discuss5. The whole city looks like a big construction site. Many new factories.A. have been builtB. are beingbuiltC. are going to be builtD. arebuilding 6. A science la

11、b in our school at presentC. is build.You mA. is being builtB. has builtingD. will be built 7. Since your caray use mine.B. has been repaiD. is bA. is being repaired redC. is repairingeing repairing8. A new cinema here. They hopemonth.A. will be builtis builtC. has been builtis being built 9. Look!

12、The roads to finishnow.itnextB.D.A. are wideningidenedC. are being widenedis to be widened 10. The window is dirty.B.are wD.I know. Itfor weeks.B.didnt clA. hasnt cleanedeanC. wasnt cleanedD. hasnt been cleaned 现在进行时态的被动语态自主预习1. 回顾复习 1)现在进行时的构成:be+I am doing my homework. 译2)被动语态的构成:be + V-ed (过去分词)(

13、由by引出动作的发出 者 ) The school is built by the government.2. 回归课本,找出下列句子中的动词部分。1)We re being killed for the wool beneath our stomach.2)Our fur is being used to make sweaters for people like you. 3) She was being watched by an elephant.4) So good things are being done here to save local wildli fe. 3.总结归纳,

14、得出结论。现在进行时被动语态的构成:现在进行时被动语态表达的意义:二、用法讲解1. 表示此时此刻正在进行的被动动作。 The new plan is being discussed now.这个计划正在被讨论。2. 表示现阶段正在进行的被动动作,但该动作不一定此时此刻发生。 Several new roads are being built in Heze. 荷泽有几 条新的公路正在建设中。3. 表示一种经常的被动行为,常常与always, constantly等副词连用,往往带有夸奖、羡慕、埋怨、讨厌等感情色_彩。 Tom is always being praised by his tea

15、cher. 汤姆总受 到老师的表扬。4. 可与情态动词连用,表示说话者对正在发生的被动行为的推测。-Do you know what mary is doingShe may be being interviewed in the office. 你知道李 华在干什么吗-他可能正在办公室接受面试。三、拓展提升1. The parents are taking good care of their baby.The babybytheir parents.(注:短语动词中的介词不能遗漏)2. An English party is being held tonight.译:(注:现在进行时的被动语态有时可表示 按计划或安排将要进行的一个被动动作)3.用现在进行时的被动语态改写 下列句子:The problem is under disc



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