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1、istenng and Spakig Book 1 Answer eyUnit Insde iwActiity 2Hetfor College accommodtin fomFirst nmeFamly nameanetLiirsenumbr6Romnumber5KyJaet L (sin her)ctivy 3 1 The porer asks Janet her fily am anderfir nae.2 He give her the s o hr rom 3 Sr. 4 e asks r to clliStewart. 5To sgn or her eysActvity 5aneKt

2、English namene LiKa SansChnes naLi Hui-Home oAnshanNew rAcivy 6 (1)ImJant i (2)My Cies ameis ()its sor fr (4)Eene callsme Ativty 7 Sugsted predicte uestions: hatsyournm? 2 Are yo British? 3 What areyou stuyn? htre youstudin? And h abu yu?Corect queios frmvideo:1And y re ?2 Your ritish, hu? Whatareyo

3、edn?4 Howabout y, Kate?5 And ou?Activit 1 (b)2 (b)3 (a)4(b)5 (b)6 (a)utsde viewAtiiy 1lip1 intervew Clip 2 cnvesatinctivity ue stments accring t passage 3, 5Actiity (1) onote best univss(2)mosttalented stdns(3) ell-kwn runth wold(4) hv e doors(5) goo social life(6) ou ant itobe(7) on ano campus(8) i

4、ts a fun ace (9) o tconcet(1)rng the weekActivit 5 1 From he libay syse nli2 Te o ourme eek Bran. Freisure pupoe, such asfollow nwsan sort. In thibaries.Listnig nActiiy Numbeof istution: 8Spotingimporance: unvety sportstsompetd gist eh other Aademic imrtance: ea or at teto of U coleges unrsitynkigs

5、cal iportanc: cial tsm, ostlrich ntllecual whe students Locatin:the S Origof nae: or uniersitis, Ivy plnt rown oal ldsinsituin: Harard, ouded in63 Lages numberofndegrautes: orell,abt 1,0 cetace ate: 7% 20 mos alumi: Georush, Jon eectivity 2 1(d) () 3(c) (d) ()tivity 5 364152ctivty 6 AtPinceton nivrs

6、ity. 2 That he is bettei umber tan peole. ot ry. Hefds rlationshipsdiculta fist 4e thnsthe Sovit hav apturehimPronuciatioAtivity3 MarkH aet. Welme o ngland What are you adin?JaetEgih. MrkHowabout yo,Kae? KeMy maor islaw. Andyou?MakIm sudying PP. KaTas a eclxod subjet,int it?Actity avard Univrstyin C

7、mbrige/ one of e bst uiveste/ in h world.Hexpind/ tht Havar ook ort est /nd mttalene stdents / romaund hewor.Wese fiv stdens / tarvar/ tell / wha ind ofscial life/ he have.Ifyo wanna i in your om/an study ll ght lik my rindverhere, ou c alo d tht.hs not / s mnypartiess ee/ woul be / onanother capus.

8、Uit 2 InsideewAvity ane as bottheseishe: mai coures: hcken curr, mossa,ciliocarnetartr: intoe soupActvity 3JantKteark Wthe / she coose asa aincurs?cckenurrmouakahilicon arne2 Whais it ade ith? chckn, tomte n niosabandeggatef andas3Whe is from?iGreeMeico4 Hoisit cok?/ has itlik? it Indin sicesbake in

9、 te ovensicy /very hotAtivty 1 Applestrudel. Pastr. 3With fo, egs, buter ndlts ofccolate 4 ruit slad.Activity (1)Watwo u e(2)why dont you try (3)Is made with (4)Im not so kn on()Wht flaur(6)ha ae you itohaveActiviy7 1 (b) (b) 3 (b) 4 ()utsi viewActiity 5672934ctiviy 3 1For over 5yea.2 hrimp he galc

10、help to cutout th hleterol. Sh erne o cookfro hr motherShe hdo ean tooo as she cmes fro big amil. Her mothrin-law.6 She strted n 16.7Paprika.Acviy 4 1 (d)2 (e) ()4()5(g)6 () (c)cvit 5 2 Hein nd gmticalakes 5 Rptiion. 6 Grammatamstkes. 7HsttionLitenin i passg 1Actvity 2Be is answeringqeto 3, 1,8 Mich

11、ell i anwen uestion 2, om sanweing uesions 6, 4, 7Activity 3() o ahead nd start(2)yo ca o to rstaunt(3)stay tolte(4)ould arri()evne tries eerythi(6)you onlikthir coking(7)tts ciee rde.()nothng mor than hat.Ativty 6() ()3 ()4 ()5 (c)6 ()7 (f)8(d) Atiiy 71 (a)2(d)(b)4 (d)Prouatioctivity2f s a oram, mab Thasiigr Chrtmas,if oue wihyr bos or somon i at,you e be careful abou your table anners S you wt util everyone is svdbfore yu eat.But most oftt, iyoknoweach ot



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