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1、Uit 1同步测试卷 (测试时间90分钟,满分100分)卷 (选择题,共分)单选。(共25小题,每题1分,计分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )1.-_ i your pen pl_? -e is ro Bijig.Were; frm B. Whn; fo C. Hw; t D.Wht;a( )2.Tere rethree_. .A Cines B Amric C. apanese D. Astralian( )3_ is he capita riin.A ari onon C Washngo .C. D. Sdney( )4.ih book _, ths one o tt o ?. be

2、tr B. est he btter D.ood( )5.Whichis or favurite after u hve sen so anyhuses?. thbiggestoe B. he bigger one . e ig on D. te bigtoe( )6.The teacher akus toliten t hr_. carefl B crul Cmo carful D.caeles( )7.I nt to buthspair ofjeans an I_?A. try n em B .y the on C.ty i on D.tryn it( )8.Sandycored_ poi

3、nts , an e me _n he billboard.A nnt-igth,fifth B. iety-eight, fifth C. nietyeight, ive D.int-eight, fie( )in o nI ve the sm uildin. Buthe ives two loor _me.A.on B.ov .une D. blo( )1 He sit etwen_.A. yu and she .yuadhe .hd you D. hr an yu( )11.We rd10 2like ts_A. one tosand,two nred ad B. on thns, tw

4、 hure ndsC. t thousand, to hudre ad sx D. tenthosan, two hdrdsix( )1. hy willrrve_China _eeber nd. A i, on B. at, ro C in,in D.at, n ( )13._ te suden will oto te isnd for th pni.A. Twohunrd f BTwohunde C.Two hudreds D. Hude f( )1. Imlistning t e msi_ m sister ipayn wh the ca. A. when B hile C.but D.

5、 o( )15-am ging na tr to Xia nxt wek, - _.A. oo me B. Thnyo C. Its goo . ood ide( )16. ew Yrk is in_. A Canad .ha C. the SA D. Jn( )17. an yu tell me abou _? A. you Byour C self Dyouelf( ) 18. _s y pn pa. Shes _ Toonto . It, at B.I, rm C. This, a . his, from( )19. Hesfom hia,_ecanspeakhins. A baue o

6、r .and D.s ( )2. Tht famous rtst i _ Toky. .to B. from C.at D fo( )21. Engish isbrin and _dificl. A.ofB. ny. to D. ome( )2Doe he oten write_ ou? A. . in C. on. to( )23. Can tboy seak Cinese? es, capea A.a few B. littl C. alitle Dmny( )24. _ Lucome from Englan? A. Is B. Does C Do D. Are( )2. A:o spak

7、 rn? B: _ A Ye, an B. No, Icat .No, Imnot D. Ye, I do .完形填空。(共10小题,每题1分,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。WanLn is a_26_ gl She spak Cinese dlivs in Hanhou Shhs fe pen pas. Two thmcme _27_h same cunrythe Uite Stas.One i Dick. H livein NewYok._28 on s Sallyhe lie n Washnton DC.Dyoknow WasingtnDC

8、?Is_9 (首都)of the nite State. She as a pen pa fm the Uit KgdomHis names Jim.Ji livesn odn. Lodo isthe cpital ohe_0_.Brc is heren pa_,31_. _2_rom_33_, Ausraia. She asoas a pen pal from_34_, Canad Heame s Alce. Allhe pen pals_35_ Englih( ) 26. A.Chine B. ha C. Cad . apans( ) 27. er B.to C. o .from( ) 2

9、8. A. anohe B. the oher . other D othrs()29. .a bi lake B. a town C a muntain D. he cpial( ). .the U.S.A. te U. Frae D. nad( ) 3 A too B al C. ier D. he( ) 32. A. come . re C.is D.lives( ) 3. ASydne B. Torono C. Toky D. Pai( )4. . ondo B okyo . Toont D Wahigton DC( )5. c speak B pek . ak D.ay.阅读理解。(共1小题,每题分,计20分)阅读A、B两篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A It is the ftero of the Midatmn Day. Al Yanyangsriends rom London are in hishme.hey ar goig to hve anne party.Yangyang is sowing them some oo in the siti room. His pants M and Mrs han are cookig in the tce. His itlpg hem.Dinner beg a6:3. Al the


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