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1、(秋季版)七年级英语上册期末综合测试卷新版人教新目标版.听对话,选择正确的答案。(5分)(A)1.Where are Jacks shoes?AUnder the bed.B.Under the desk.CIn the box.(B)2.What does the girl have every morning?AEggs.B.Apples. CPears.(C)3.What sport does the girl like playing?ABaseball.B.Volleyball. CTennis. (A)4.How much is the red Tshirt?A5 dollars.

2、B.9 dollars. C14 dollars.(A)5.When is the boys fathers birthday?AOn July 3rd. B.On June 3rd. COn June 13th.听短文,选择正确的答案。(10分)(C)6.What does David like playing? ASoccer.BPingpong.CBasketball.(C)7.How many(多少) good friends does David have?ATwo.BThree.CFour.(A)8.When does Jane go to the clothes store?AO

3、n Sunday.BOn Saturday.COn Friday.(C)9.How many soccer balls does Mike have in his room?A4.B6.C3.(C)10.What does Maria think of(认为) watching TV?AEasy.BInteresting.CRelaxing.听短文,回答问题。(10分)11How many sisters does Ed have? He has two sisters.12What does Ed have for breakfast? He has bread and milk for b

4、reakfast.13What does Alice and Jane have for breakfast? They have eggs and strawberries for breakfast.14What does Alice have for lunch? She has hamburgers for lunch.15What does Jane have for dinner? She has salad for dinner.【笔试部分】(95分).单项选择。(10分)(C)16.Is Sally your sister? .AYes, Sally isBNo, Sally

5、isCYes, she isDNo, she is(C)17.Tony and I love the sport. He likes soccer. I like soccer, too. AoldBfreeCsameDeasy(D)18. These my grandparents.I love very much.Aare; theyBis; theyC.is; themDare; them(D)19. My aunt doesnt like chicken, my uncle likes it very much.AandBsoCorDbut(B)20. Thursday is the

6、day of the week.AfiveBfifthCfourDfourth(C)21. They are nice .They can tell us time.AfruitBvegetablesCwatchesDfood(C)22. Jim like orange juice?Yes, .ADo; he doBDo; I doCDoes; he doesDDoes; she doesnt (C)23.When is Childrens Day?Its on .ASeptember 10thBMarch 8thCJune 1stDJuly 1st(C)24.The schoolbag is

7、 really beautiful. is it?Its nine dollars.AHow manyBHow oldCHow muchDHow long(A)25. Yes,please.I need a pair of sports shoes.ACan I help you?BDo you need help?CI want to help you.DExcuse me.完形填空。(10分)Dear mother, Today is Sunday.I 26 go to school.I stay 27 home.Im writing to you now.Every day I go t

8、o school 28 seven thirty in the morning.We have four classes in the morning.We read and write Chinese 29 school. 30 fiftyfive students in my class.Four students are American.The other students 31 Chinese.The Chinese people are friendly.Now I have 32 Chinese friends.They teach 33 Chinese.I can 34 a l

9、ittle Chinese now, please 35 worry about me.Yours, Kate(A)26. AdontBam notCdoesntDisnt(B)27.A.inBatConDof(C)28.A.fromBwithCatDin(D)29.A.behindBaboutConDat(B)30. ATheresBTherereCTheyreDIts(A)31.A.areBisCbeDdo(C)32.A.anyBmuchCmanyDlittle(D)33.A.IBmyCImDme(A)34.A.speakBtalkCtellDsay(C)35.A.notBnoCdontD

10、cant.补全对话。(10分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。A:Hey, Jack.36. B B:Yes, I do. A:Great. 37. D B:Sounds interesting.38. F A:Er, my cousin Joe has two pingpong bats. We can ask him for one.B:Good!39. C A:Well, I dont know, but we can call him.B:40. G A:Its 6762520.B:OK. Lets call him. AYou are right.

11、BDo you like playing pingpong?CWhere is Joe now?DLets play pingpong.EHow are you?FBut I dont have a pingpong bat.GOh, whats his telephone number? .阅读理解。(20分)(A)Here are Peters replies(答复) to his friends.Dear Jim,I cant get to your home for dinner at 6:00 this evening. I wont finish my work at 6:00.

12、What about 7:00? Is it OK for you? Please call me back.Peter Dear Anna,Im sorry that I cant go to the concert(音乐会) with you on Thursday evening. I have an English lesson that evening.PeterDear Susan,Thank you so much for asking me! I cant dance(跳舞) very well, but Id like to go to the dancing party w

13、ith you on Friday.Peter Dear Robert,Ill have time and I can go to your birthday party on May 12. Ill bring(带来) you a nice dog. See you then.Peter (A)41.Jim asks Peter to Ahis home for dinnerBa concertCa dancing partyDhis birthday party(D)42.Anna wants to go to the concert on AFridayBFriday evening CMay 12DThursday evening (C)43.Peter will go to the dancing party with AJimBAnnaCSusanDRobert (C)44.Robert was born(出生) in AMarchBAprilCMayDAugust (D)45.From the replies, we can know that Peter Awill meet Jim at 6:00 pm. Bdoesnt like musicCis good at dancingDwill get Robert a


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