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1、Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 第一课时 Section A (1a2c)I. 根据首字母提示完成下列单词。 1. Excuse me. Is there a r near here? I want to wash my hands.2. My hair is dirty. I need to buy s to wash my hair.3. Liu Qian is very popular because of his excellent m show in the Spring Festival Gala(

2、春晚) in it.4. There is a big d near my house. I can buy all kinds of things in it.5. The e didnt work. I had to climb up the tenth floor.II. 单项选择。1. , could you tell me the way to the Park Street? The Park Street? Oh, go straight and turn left. You cant miss it. A. All right B. Never mind C. Excuse m

3、e D. Thank you 2. His income is very low. So he has to his money for his son to go to school. A. spendB. saveC. keepD. stay3. Lilys mother looked for her for half an hour, but could not find . A. what Lily was B. what was Lily C. where Lily was D. where was Lily4.What did you say to your mother just

4、 now? I asked her she cooked for dinner. A. that B. if C. how D. what5.Do you know the Capital Museum?Next Friday.A. when will they visit B. when they will visit C. when did they visit D. when they visited6. Our physics teacher told us light faster than sound last term. A. travels B. travel C. trave

5、lled D. travelling7. Our company is the beautiful garden. A. next to B. besides C. next D. in the neighborhood.8. Could you tell me where a dictionary? A. get B. gotten C. getting D. to getIII. 用适当的连接词填空。1. Excuse me! Do you know the bank is?2. Could you please tell me I can get a dictionary?3. Coul

6、d you please tell me there is a supermarket in the neighborhood?名师指津1. Could you please do?句型(1) “Could you please+动词原形+其他”意为“请你好吗?”是用于礼貌地提出请求的日常交际用语。也可以说“Could you+动词原形+其他,please”。如:Could you please give me a hand, please?Certainly.你能帮我一下吗?当然可以。(2)could在此非can的过去式,而是情态动词,表示委婉的语气。回答该句型时应注意以下两个问题:肯定回答

7、通常用Certainly./Sure./Of course.等。否定回答通常以Sorry开头。问句中用could是为了更有礼貌,回答时要用can 或cant,不能用could或couldnt。2. Take the elevator to the second floor.乘电梯到二楼。(1)take the elevator意为“乘电梯”。take意为“搭乘(某种交通工具)”。elevator指垂直上下的、封闭式的电梯,是美式英语,而在英式英语中用lift表示。如:He takes an elevator to go up and down.=He takes a lift to go up

8、 and down.他乘电梯上下楼。(2)escalator意为“自动扶梯”,指开放式的、有扶手的、倾斜的、上下的电梯。3.writing paper书写纸、写字纸、信纸Writing n.写,书写,写作4. Can you tell me theres a good place to see a movoe?5. Do you know he is an scientist. IV. 根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 我更喜欢去公园和公共花园里的免费音乐会。 I to free concerts in the park and public gardens.2. 我刚才听见有人在隔壁房间里打电话。

9、 I heard somebody in the next room just now.3. 左转到大酒店并经过水果市场。 at the big hotel and a fruit market.4. 她不能决定该买哪条短裙。 She cant decide skirt she .5. 汤姆不知道在父母死后他去哪里。 Tom didnt know after his parents died.6. 直往前走你就会看到邮局。 and youll find the post office.7. 你能告诉我这儿有没有什么好的博物馆吗? Could you please tell me any goo

10、d museum here?V. 从方框里选择合适的句子补全对话。有两项多余。A: 1 Could you please tell me how I can get to the Childrens hospital?B: Certainly. Go along the street, and turn right at the second crossing. Youll see a white building between Hong Xin Cinema and Zhongshan Park. The white building is the Childrens hospital.

11、2 A: Thank you very much. 3 B: About half an hour. 4 A: 5 B: The No. 13 bus.A: Thanks a lot. Goodbye.A. You cant miss it.B. Its not far from here.C. Excuse me.D. Which bus shall I take?E. how long can I get there?F. How can I get there?G. Youd better take a bus.She doesnt get much from her writing.她

12、写作得到的收入不多。【拓展】(1) n.(用作定语)。writing materials书写用具writing desk写字台writing skill写作技能(2)n. (个人的)字迹,笔迹。 如:I can never read your writing.我怎么也看不明白你的笔迹。(3)n. 著作the writings of Dickens狄更斯的作品4. Turn left.往左拐。turn v.转向He turned when I called him.我叫他,他就回过头来。turn left = turn to the left向左拐turn right = turn to the

13、 right向右拐【拓展】turn(1)v. 扭转This hot weather has turned the milk sour.炎热的天气使牛奶变酸了。(2)v 翻译Turn English into Chinese.英译汉。(3)v. 驱赶Turn him out of the house.把他赶出家门。(4)v. 变The leaves are turning.叶子在变色。(5)n. 轮流Its your turn to read now.现在轮到你读了。第二课时 Section A (3a4)I. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1. Could you show me how many (街区) I should walk?2. There is an (橡树) in front of the house.3. The leaves looks f and greener after the heavy rain.4. There are a lot of (免费的) films there.5. The mall is always (拥挤).II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I decide (go) to


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