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1、九年级英语 Points for Unit5一、知识点:1、情态动词表示推测:(1)must常用于肯定句中,意为“准是、一定”,它表达的肯定程度最大,可以达到100%。(2)could、might、may的意思是“可能、也许”,表示推测,它们所表达的肯定程度较低,这三个词相比may的可能性稍大一些;他们的肯定程度在20%至80%。(3)cant的意思之“不可能”,它相应的肯定形式是must;它的可能性为0% 。(4)must、could、might和cant的后面可用一般现在时、现在进行时,表示对现在的动作、状态或正在进行的动作的推测。例:He might/could be playing b

2、asketball now.他现在可能正在打篮球。 Im sure that she cant stay at home.我确信她不在家。He must be walking in the garden.他肯定在花园里散步。2、 author与writer:author单纯制作者或作品;writer的意思较多,有“作者、抄写员”等。3、drop:(1) vt.(及物动词)意思是(有意或无意)让掉下来、投下;放弃、不再干。例:She dropped the teapot.He dropped it into the mail-box.I want to drop math.(2)vi.(不及物动

3、词)意思是掉下、落下;下降、降低(可与fall互换),例:The man dropped from the top of the building.The temperature has suddenly dropped.Prices dropped.(3) n.(可数)滴、点滴, a few drops of rain几滴雨4、exam:用在正式场合,指入学考试,期中、期末考试,正式等级考试。 test:意思是测验、考查、小考,指非正式的阶段性的测试。 quiz:测验、口试、笔试,只简单的临时性的考试。5、too much太多 much too实在太6、garbage、rubbish、jun

4、k和waste:(1)garbage废料、垃圾;(厨房倒弃的)剩饭、剩菜。(2)rubbish=trash垃圾,普通用语,指各种垃圾,英国人常用rubbish,美国人常用trash.(3)junk破烂物,指废铁、破布等,现在用来指使人发胖的食物。 (4)waste废物,指工厂排出的废水、废气或家庭垃圾等。7、owner “物主” 名词 The owner cant be a boy .Own 1.“自己的” 形容词 ,和形容词性物主代词连用,My own book is useful. 2.“拥有”have 动词 I have a dictionary.8. be worried about

5、= worry about “担心” He worries about his pay .= He is worried about his pay.他担心他的薪水。9. because of 因为 ” 接名词,代词,动名词 because 连词,引导原因状语从句 I cant go out because it is raining now.= I cant go out because of the rain.10. catch 追赶,抓住 catch a bus 赶车 catch up with= keep up with 赶上11. escape 逃跑 escape from 从逃跑

6、escape doing sth 逃避做12. suit 一套衣服,套装 ,常指西装 A sports suit 一套运动装 a suit of clothes 一套衣服13、however与but:(1)从语义上看,but所表示的是很明显的对比、转折。(2)从语法上看,but是并列连词,however是个副词。(3)从语序上看,but总位于所引导的句首,however可放在句首、句中、句尾。(4)从标点上看,but之后没有逗号,however之前、之后短语用逗号隔开。14、happen指偶然的“发生”;happen to do sth 碰巧做 I happened to meet my ol

7、d friend in the street in the morning.take place用于计划好的事情或自然的“发生”;When did the story take place ?Happen,take place 都不及物,故不能用于被动语态。15.there be sb/sth. doing sth . 有某人/物正在做某事 There must be sb/sth. doing sth . 肯定有某人/物正在做某事There is a boy playing basketball on the playground.There must be something visiti

8、ng the homes in our neighborhood.16、smell 1.名词 气味 2系动词,闻起来(look 看起来sound 听起来taste 尝起来feel摸起来) The cake smells very good.17. attempt sth 尝试 attempt to do sth 尝试做Dont attempt to do so much in such a short time.别打算在这么短时间做这么多事。18. lift sth 抬起 举起19. chase after 追逐 追赶 chaseaway 赶走 chase out of 从 赶出去 chase

9、 around 赶来赶去 chase all over 到处奔波二、短语:1、belong to属于 10、wear a suit穿西装2、listen to classical music听古典音乐 11、make a movie拍电影3、at school上学、求学、在学校 12、in our neighborhood在我们附近、在我们小区4、go to the concert去听音乐会 13、have fun玩耍、取闹5、have any/some idea知道 have no idea不知道 14、ones own idea 自己的看法 6、try to do sth 努力/试图做(不

10、一定成功) try doing sth 尝试做 7、late night深夜 15、a present for his mother送给她妈妈的礼物8、the final exam期末考试 16、an ocean of 许许多多、无穷无尽的9、be careful = look out当心、小心 be careful of 小心. 17、pretend to do sth假装干18、run for exercise跑步锻炼 19、use up用完、用光三、句子:1、If you have any idea where might be, please call me.如果你知道它可能在哪,请打

11、电话给我。2、Its crucial that I study for it because it makes up 30% to the final exam.关键是我必须学,因为它占期末考试的30%。3、What do you think “anxious” means?你认为“anxious”是什么意思?4、He could be running for exercise.他可能是跑步锻炼身体。5、He might be running to catch a bus.他可能是在跑着赶公共汽车。6、He was the only little kid at the picnic.他是那次野

12、餐中唯一的小孩子。7、No more mystery in Bell Tower neighborhood.钟塔小区不再有神秘的事了。8.It cant be Johns. It might belong to Alice.它不可能是John的,它可能是属于Alice的。9、One finger cant lift a small stone.独木难支。10、When an ant says“ocean”,he is talking about a small pool.井底之蛙。11、It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishones

13、t.宁穷勿贱。12、Be careful of the person who does not talk, and the dog that does not bark.明枪易挡,暗箭难防。13、You cant wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.真人不露相。14、Tell me and Ill forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Let me try, and Ill understand. 有亲身体验才能明白其中的道理。15、Dont let yesterday use up too much of today.过去的就让它过去吧。16、He who would do great things should not attempt them all alone.一个好汉三个帮。



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