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1、42课1 musical mju:zikl adj 精通音乐的 e.g a musical child Her family are all musical.音乐的 e.g musical instrument a musical performance/ filmmusic n 音乐 listen to music2 market m:kit n 市场 e.g a world market at the market 在市场上买卖fair 集市(尤其是指买卖牲口,农副产品者,在固定的地点定期举行,常常伴有娱乐表演)3 snake charmer sneik- t:m n 玩蛇者(通常借音乐控

2、制) charmer n 有吸引力的人 charm n 魅力,诱惑力 e.g He had great charm, everyone liked him. V 迷住,吸引(某人) e.g We were charmed by the music.4 pipe paip n (吹奏的)管乐器 e.g a bamboo pipe 管子(tube) e.g a water pipe a gas pipe a waste pipe piper n 吹笛者5 tune tju:n n 曲调 e.g play a tune Can you sing this tune? In tune with 和谐,

3、协调 e.g His idea were in tune with the times. Out of tune 走调,不和谐 e.g He sang out of tune. 6 glimpse glimps n 瞥见,一瞥 have/catch/get a glimpse of 瞥见 e.g. I caught a glimpse of our new neighbor.V 瞥见,乍看 glimpse at sb/sth e.g. He glimpsed at my new dress and said nothing.注意:glance n.“一眼,看一眼”。粗略地匆匆看一眼。强调动作过

4、程,常常用give / take a glance at8 movement mu:vmnt n 动作,姿势 e.g. the movement of the planet move v (词形变化: moved moved moving moves) 移动,改变位置 e.g. Dont move, stand there. 搬家,迁移 move into vt.搬进,迁入. move from to 从。搬到。 move out 搬出 move to 搬到。 使某人感动 e.g. The story moved us deeply.9 continue kntinju: v 继续 conti

5、nue to do/doing sth e.g. He continued reading when I speak to him. He continued to read when I spoke to him.10 dance d:ns; dns n 跳舞 e.g. May I have the next dance? dance-hallball room V 跳舞 e.g. would you like to dance11 obviously bvisli adv明显地,显而易见地(位置较随意) e.g. Obviously he cant tell the difference

6、between them. He was obviously drunk.12 difference difrns n 差别,差异 difference between A and Be.g.Can you see any differences between these two ?different adj 不同的 different from 13 Indian indin adj 印度的,印度人的 The Indian OceanIndia n 印度 43课1 polen.(地球的)极South Pole 南极North Pole 北极Pole Star 北极星2 explorern.

7、 探险家explore v.探险exploration n.(科研相关)探险,探求,开发adventuren.冒险(追求刺激)venture n. 冒险(为了财富,没有生命保障)3 liev. 处于tell a lie 撒谎lie n.谎言; lie v.撒谎 Eg.:You lied. You,liar!lie,lied,lied 撒谎lie/lai/,lay/lei/,lain/lein/处于,位于stay in bed/lie in bed 躺在床上in bed 介词短语, lie vi.lie 现在分词- lyinglay v. 放,放置;lay an egg下一个蛋lay vt. l

8、ay sth. 放,放置lay,laid,laid4 pointn. 地点point 点,一般指从飞机上向下看的点地点place,spotdot 点5 seemv. 似乎seem + as ifseem + adv.seem to beseem that.Eg. : He seems rich.He seems to be rich.It seems that he is rich.it seems that.看起来似乎.6 crashv. 坠毁crash(从上向下掉)aircrash 空难strike 撞击clash 撞击,冲突7 clearv. 越过over越过(距离)clear(凌空)越

9、过go over飞跃clear the mountain 飞跃山峰The horse cleared the fense8 plainn. 平原mountains 高山plain girl 平凡的女孩Eg.: Im a plain girl.441forest n. 森林(人工) woods(小树林)Jungle(热带丛林)2 isk n. 危险, 冒险Take a risk 经历一次危险Run the risk of doing冒险去做某事你不可以冒险偷家里的钱You can not run the risk of stealing money from home.3 picnic n. 野

10、餐Its no picnic这不是轻松的事情4 edge n. 边缘 on edge紧张不安5 possession n. 所有In ones possession 为。所有6 breath n. 呼吸 out of breath:上气不接下气waste ones breath;白费口舌in one breath:片刻, 转眼间: He finished water in one breath. 他一口气把水喝完了 hold ones breath:屏住呼吸 7contents n. (常用复数)内有的物品(具体的东西)content:内容(抽象) : content of the text 文章的内容more contents! (口语) 在吃饭时要求再加些饭菜时可以这样说.451 conscience n. 良心, 道德心clear conscience 问心无愧guilty conscience 问心有愧 2wallet n. 皮夹, 钱夹 handbag 手袋3 savings n. 存款savings account存款账号(有利息的, 有点象活期存款)checking account 存款(没有利息)4villager n. 村民per cent 百分之.three per cent 百分之三



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