高中英语 专题四 短文改错名师导学导练精析精解 北师大版

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1、短文改错本章导言本章导言 短文改错题的宗旨在于测试考生发现、判断、纠正文章中错误的能力,以考查考生在语篇中综合运用英语的准确性。该题浓缩了学生平时学习过程中的常见错误,涉及的知识面广,综合性强,包括了词法、句法、语篇结构、行文逻辑等方面的错误。而且近几年来短文改错中的题材贴近学生生活,考生比较熟悉,但是文中的“错误”大多来自学生常犯的习作错误,因此在平时的训练中把短文改错与书面表达联系起来不失为一个两全其美的方法。 高考考点导向 近年来高考短文改错一直保持如下特点:第一,语言材料取自于学生的习作或类似学生的习作,且叙述故事的身份皆是以第一人称“I”出现。第二,所叙述的故事或话题是发生在考生身边

2、或考生想说的。第三,文字难度和水平与考生书面表达的水平相当,行文方式与表达思路如同考生自己写作文一样。第四,试题中与语法规则有关的改项在减少,对固定习语与结构的机械性记忆要求在淡化,而需要通过对上下文从语篇的角度找出错误的改项在强化,增多。从典型例题文改错题来看这一特点仍是如此。而正是这些“贴近考生自身”的特点,给考生的答题带来难度,因为我们总是“自丑不觉”。上述的这些特点将仍会在近几年的高考题中体现。要做好短文改错,不要为改错而改错,平常要加强写作的基本功训练,保证由词到句、由句到段、由段到篇的正确表达。写好了自己的作文,发现和改正别人的错误就不难了。高考考题解析 考题 1 ( NMET 典

3、型例题he day before the speech contest (比赛)English teacher talked to me. She said that 1. she and my schoolmate all wished me success, 2. but it didnt matter that I would win or not. 3. When I was on the stage the next day, 4. I felt so nervous as I shook like a leaf. There 5. were so many people prese

4、nt! Suddenly Icaught a sight of my English teacher in the 6. crowd. She was smiling but nodding at me I 7. remembered her words and calm down. I did 8. a good job and won the first prize. Now mvpicture and the prize is hanging in the library. 9. Whenever I see them I will often think of 10. my Engli

5、sh teacher.解析 1在Englis hteacher前加my。因为可数名词前必须有限定词,且根据下文得知是“我的”英语老师。 2改schoolmate为schoolmates。校友不可能只有一个。 3改that为whether。whether与后面的Or构成whetherOr固定搭配。 4。 5改as为that。构成sothat句型,表示如此以致。 6去掉a。catch sight of为固定搭配。 7改but为and。此处的smiling,nodding是并列动作,而不是转折关系。 8改calm为calmed。根据上下文的时态而定。 9改is为are。主谓的单复数要一致。 10去掉

6、often。因为often与whenever的意思有重复。 考题2(NMET 典型例题ike most of my schoolmates, I have neither brothers nor 1. sisters-in any other words, Im an only child. My parents 2. love me dearly of course and will do all they can make sure 3. that I get a good education. They didnt want me to do 4. any work at family

7、; they want me to devote all my time to 5. my studies so that Ill get good marks in all my subject. We 6. may be one family and live under a same roof, but we dont 7. seem to get much time to talk about together. It looks as 8. if my parents treat me as a visitor and a guest. Do they 9. all understa

8、nd their own daughter? What things are in other 10. homes? I wonder.解析 1。 2去掉any。in other words意为“换句话说”,为固定词组。 3can后加to。they can为定语从句,修饰不定代词all;to make sure that作状语,表目的。 4改didnt为dont。通读上下文,不难看出本文谈及的是现在的状态。 5改family为home。两词的区别在于family侧重指家庭这个结构或家人,而home侧重指家庭的所在地。再者,at home为固定词组,意为“在家里”。 6改subject为subj

9、ects。学生在校会学许多课程。 7改a为the。the same为固定词组。 8去掉about。无宾语,也就不需要介词。 9改and为or。意为“或是”。 10改What为How。意为“情况如何”。 考题 3 (NMET 典型例题招)I used to love science class-all of them 1. biology, chemistry, geography, physics. I think I 2. liked those classes because I felt that it helped me 3. understand what the world works. For example, when 4. I was a child, the rain was a mystery (奥秘). In one 5. class, I learned it rained. I think science classes 6. clear up mysteries. But then there is always more 7. mysteries look into. What was my least favourite class?


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