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1、撰写人:_日 期:_中学生英语的演讲稿 Heve, aspsnwhlif concen,sucesbms rycote. Iforn ucss s fame sucess Ishgh sal satusccess N,I thnks. I eleescss is treaaionof peope os n deas.owdys,i the modn sciety thee ar opl ho ae rerdea the succulAn th s oschaactersticoftm remoey, hig ion and luxurioulife So mostpepleeievetht s

2、 uces ltaty o isfor this prose. uttpobe is eher its ral succss. We al kotherearelwaysore oney, higher posti btter coditoin front of If wep chasing tem, ereiten Whtwilsaisf satls erefre, we a ee, toge threlSccess wemsteed othiginsie, whi s the realiatoofplehosand ideals. Dffet peope hae differe ida o

3、sues; cae peles opes adiesa ronherBut a sure very ess i deartoeeybdy, cause t oasyto m by, auseinhe rss our strivn fo succes,w t oh our b an sultempted, meanhiw aeeightned by he mulqati fuman bengs: lv, patint,courag sense o repnsbiliy. he r he bet treasres. o nw m very poud taIavtis pportuityo stad

4、 he skig to of o. It smy sccs,cuse raise up t callnge y hpe. ht is cce eyone as hs wn ierretaio s I do.ButI asureee scsleadsoan er-rihterfutre So ld adgtle, belee in ou hops, eivein oueve, we,eery ne us,an mae a success life! Wih ou god sucess! 中学生英语的演讲稿 In y18yesofle,here habee many thnsUnivrsity d

5、ayareh bes prt of hm.I n eer fortth aen Istep to muivrsiyIwaimpesedy its gadenlie cmpus, tethusiastitudntsadepeciallyitlrnig atosprI aoncefell inlve wi it. Aft hearduo mit ranin, get boutabsod in myudies. elass given e teacrs excellent. e provieu with irmatio ony fom ourtextbb ro mnytheourcs well. e

6、y asarosemy nstiable dsre o take smuh as I ca. Franypeang, afrst h e dificly folowin the teacers. Her,thughon efrts d thas o y ahers guidne, made remaares. Now Ie bnefied a lot returead many oe adeic rports. Leniia lnprocs; Ill kee ploringihetes ous nowleget nrch yslf. Thi summer go ou o the vorower

7、 and ntered the el word A publihig oeofferemea attime ob i cpilton and rvisio. A the beinig I waelittledby my olgue. the were eaysuprised nI rant seen Enli rics oer ,00 wodson ony oeday. Gradually,teen look atewitrectfuleyes In teir pinion Iturneo to b a useul and tustrthy olee. aso ralizehnly thsew

8、o bringhappesor othrs cnbe tlyhap. SoI oftn t partincite cncerng public re I once wetto bae mountainiae wih m classmatsWaught he ds her ho could nfo sol.Wleshwig thow bodndhowcivilzedtheoue rld i, eeplytouchedbytei eagres learn, theirhonest adte urity.Icouldnt cnro my teson hea when we eft eprcisepe

9、nc with the por idsmademe awareofeespnsiily te shleof us,rteachers. Beides study nd sil pti, ther ar enterainmens s well. I o bd dig eveyda, hoping tokee hathndenergeic Weaso wrte a pla d ti oin or spatie. mpsife ithmos spldi ime.Bt iffrent p av diffechoices. The majortofstudetsherish thebautiful se

10、on and cheri the ho tat o ayheyl become outstndg. ut tre ar ded sstudents sill undignorc Thy gahr oetr for eang, drinkin orplaying ards Therebus iearching fo a gird or a byfiend Tefor ompty aut ti si s clge sudens and oe fther moherlandFinaly, Idohe evryocan ty heibstoecme orthy czno the country.Io

11、hpeveybody n cme the akbon of our ntion and mkegrat cntributios to socey! 中学生英语的演讲稿3 L me egn msee t replaof scenesfailir tomost,ifnt all, oftose esen retoday “Mm,Im oy, btI need 3,0 an fr yuitinisyer.” “M,ts yfriend bthda trrw,ust buyherpest.” “m, tisct aso o faonlon go, uld ou do me afvor ” Take. Tk.Tkehe elaiohipbetwee a othera a c



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