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1、奔腾年代-台词mMlSeabiscuito 2003年奥斯卡奖提名影片奔腾年代海报O时间00:16-02:33台词1seabiscuit片名:奔腾年代2ma n n arrati ngThey called it the car for Everyma n.人们称之为人人皆宜的车。3Henry Ford himself called it a car for the greatmultitude.亨利福特本人则称它为适合大众的车。4It was fun cti onal and simple, like your sew ingmach ine or your cast-iro n stove

2、.它功能齐备构造简单,就像你的缝纫机,或是你的铸铁炉#You could learn to drive it in less than a day.你可以在不到一天的 时间内学会开它。6and you could get any color you wan ted, so long as it was black.你也可以买到你想要的颜色,但目前只有黑色。7When Ford first co nceived the Model T, it took 13hours to assemble.福特造第一辆T型车时,花了 13个小时来装配。8With in five years, he was t

3、ur ning out a vehicleevery 90 sec on ds.5年后,他每90秒就能生产出一辆汽车。9Of course, the real inven tio n was nt the car; it wasthe assembly line that built it.当然,真正的发明不是车,而是制造它的装配线#Pretty soon, other bus in esses had borrowed thesame tech niq ues.很快,其它行业也借鉴了同样的技术。11Seamstresses became butt on sewers.裁缝成了钉纽扣的。12F

4、urniture makers became knob turners.家俱匠成了装把手的。13It was the beg inning and the end of imag in ati on.那是想象的起点和终点。14All at the same time.都在同时发生。Narratorlt was a land of opportunity.那是片充满机遇的土地。2The country was shri nking,and there was life to be made out west for any manwith drive and ambition.乡村的面积在缩小,

5、但对于每个有动力和雄心的男人,西部是 仓V 业的地方。3If your dream was big eno ugh and you had the gutsto follow it,there was truly a fortune to be made.如果你的梦想足够远大,你又有勇气去追随它,财富便唾手可得。1C.S. HOWARDS BIC YCLESSOLD AND REPARIRED new OPEN of BUSINESS霍氏自行车行,零售兼修理,新 开业。2Damn thi ng blew on me.这鬼东西烧坏了。3What?什么?#Its a Stanley Steamer

6、.The boiler blew.斯坦利蒸汽车。锅炉烧坏了5-oh? Can you fix it?你能修吗?6Sure. Sure, I can fix it.当然。我当然能修。7This is an amaz ing mach ine.这是台奇妙的机器。8Its got a two-stroke boiler system.它有着双冲程的锅炉系统thats heated by this huge fire grate.由这个大炉篦来加热C10I mean, its-Well, its basically a very smalllocomotive.我是说,它是-它基本上是个小型的火车机车

7、。11Thank you.谢谢。12Now, I made some improveme nt.现在,我做了一些改进。13It was nt your boiler that was blow in g. It was your bleed valve.烧坏的不是你的锅炉。而是你的排放阀。14So with in creased pressure, I can see you gett ing up to miles an hour.所以,增压后,我想它能跑到每小时40英里。#Really?真的?16Oh,yeah. And if you superheat the excess, I can

8、 seeyou reach ing Fifty, maybe 60 miles an hour.真的?哦,是的。如果 你过度加热的话,我想它能达到-每小时50,也许60英里。17Is that right?这行吗?19Easily. And the thing of it is,Mr. Coughli n, you dont feed it, you dont stable it,and uni ess you hit a lamppost, the thin gs not gonnaget sick and die on ya.很轻松的事。重要的是,考夫林先生,你不用喂它,你不用圈养它,除非

9、你撞到灯柱上,这东西不会生病离你而去的。#-Thats funny.真有趣。21To tell you the truthwould nt spe nd more tha nfive dollars on the best horse in America.说句心里话,就算全美国最好的马,我也不愿花上5块钱以上We n ever know how high we are till we are called torise.我们从不知道我们有多高,直到我们被召唤站起。And the n, if we are true to pla n, our statures touchthe skies.如

10、果我们格守计划,我们的身才能够触到苍穹。The heroism we recite would be a daily thi ng.我们历数的英雄事迹,也 将变得稀松平常。Did not ourselves the cubits warp, for fear to be aki ng.不正是我们自己歪曲了度量,不敢称王称霸。Emily Dick insonThank you. Thank you for coming.谢谢。谢谢各位的光临。I came here 15 years ago with 21 cents in my pocket.15年前我来到这里,口袋里只有21美分。I know

11、 a lot of us at the table have a story like that.我知道在座有 许多人有类似的故事。And, you know,I cant help thinking that if we can start out thereand end up here, where cant we go in America?我不由得想,如果我 们可以在别地起家而最终落户于此,美国还有什么地方我们到不了呢?So, as corny as it soun ds, Id like to propose a toastto the future.虽然听上去有些象 陈词滥调,我

12、还是想提议为未来举杯。Because out here, my frien ds, the sky is literallythe limit.因为在外面,我的朋友,天空正广阔无比。To the future! To the future!为了未来!为了未来!Charles Howard查尔斯霍华德San Fran cisco Chroni cle旧金山纪事报CRASH!Market Collapses in 6,410,030 Share DayTel. & Tel. and Steel Among heaviest Losers行情大跌:天内市场狂跌6,410,030股。电报电话公司和钢铁

13、 公司名列最大输家。n arrator旁白1There were no suicides on Wall Street that day.那天华尔街没有人自杀It was a myth that would grow over time.随着时间的推移,这将是个越来越难以捉摸的迷。3The real effect of October 29 took a little Ion ger to sink in.后来人们才认识到10月29日的真正影响。4By noon, all the gains of the previous year had bee n obliterated.到中午前,上一年

14、的收 获全都泡了汤。5By 4:00 P.M., nearly $10 billion of market value was gone.到下午4点,几乎百亿美元的市值化为乌有。6Over the n ext tow weeks, the hemorrhage continu ed.后两个星期里,大出血在继续。And before long, 25% of the workforce was78un employed.不久,25%的劳动力失了业A great n ati onal migrati on bega n.一场全国大迁徙开始了。9Displaced families took to the American highway inthe last possession that remained to them:their automobile.财产:他背井离乡的家庭踏上了美国公路,乘着他们所剩的唯-们的汽车。10And all at on ce, millio ns of America ns had a new definition of ho



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