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1、语法初识原句感知自主探究There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.It was a scientist called Charles Keeling, who made accurate measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere fro

2、m 1957 to 1997.They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide.It was during the 20th century that the temperature of the earth went up about one degree Fahrenheit.这些句子都是强调句,句中的黑体词部分标出了句中的强调句结构,即:it is/was 被强调部分that/who .。句首词用

3、it;be动词总是用单数形式,即is或was;连接词一般用that,当强调部分是人时,强调连接词也可用who。语法剖析语法点一强调句型的基本结构强调句型的基本结构为:It is/was 被强调部分 that/who 其他剩余部分。It was John who/that bought an old bike yesterday in a marketplace.是约翰昨天在市场上买了辆旧自行车。(强调主语)It was an old bike that John bought yesterday in a marketplace.昨天约翰在市场上买的是辆旧自行车。(强调宾语)It was ye

4、sterday that John bought an old bike in a marketplace.约翰是昨天在市场上买了辆旧自行车。(强调时间状语)It was in a marketplace that John bought an old bike yesterday.昨天约翰是在市场上买了辆旧自行车。(强调地点状语)It is only when you have your own children that you realize the troubles of parenthood.只有当你有了自己的孩子,才能真切地了解到为人父母的辛苦。(强调时间状语从句)点津(1)强调句

5、可以强调主语、宾语和状语,但不能强调谓语,强调谓语动词要用“do/does/did动词原形”。Do be careful when you cross the street. 过马路时,务必要小心啊!(2)当被强调部分是人时,可用that/who,其他情况都用that。(3)强调时间、地点、原因时不能用when, where, why,只能用that。即时演练1同义句改写 (用强调句型改写下列句子)Tom met your sister in the zoo yesterday.(强调主语)It was Tom that/who met your sister in the zoo yeste

6、rday.He came across his friend in the park yesterday. (强调地点状语)It was in the park that he came across his friend yesterday.They could not cross the river because the water had risen. (强调原因状语从句)It was because the water had risen that they could not cross the river.He finished his homework yesterday. (

7、强调谓语)He did finish his homework yesterday.语法点二强调句型的疑问形式1一般疑问句:Is/Wasit被强调部分that/who其他成分?Was it Li Ping that/who he met yesterday?他昨天遇到的人是李平吗?Was it last year that you got the degree?你是在去年获得学位的吗?2特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词is/wasitthat其他成分?Where was it that you met Tom yesterday?昨天你是在哪儿遇见汤姆的?Who was it that came up

8、with the bright idea? 究竟是谁提出了好的主意?点津强调句型也可用于宾语从句中,但注意语序要用陈述句语序:动词特殊疑问词it is/wasthat其他。I wonder why it was that he gave up his wellpaid job.我不知道他为什么放弃他的高薪工作。即时演练2完成句子Ive already forgotten where it was that you put the dictionary.我已经忘了你到底把字典放到哪里了。When and where was it that you got to know Mary?究竟在何时何地

9、你认识的玛丽?Was it in the park that he met our new teacher?他是在公园里遇到我们的新老师的吗?How long was it that you last saw her?你上一次看见她是多久的事了?语法点三not . until句型强调句式基本句式为:It is/was not until . that句子其他部分。He didnt go to bed until/till his wife came back.It was not until his wife came back that he went to bed.直到妻子回来他才睡觉。点

10、津强调句型中只能用until,不能用till。但如果不是强调句型,till,until可通用。且强调句型It is/was not until .已经是否定句了,所以that后面的句子的谓语要用肯定形式。即时演练3对黑体部分进行强调I didnt realize she was Chinese until she spoke.It was not until she spoke that I realized she was Chinese.They will not leave there until they finish the project.It is not until they

11、finish the project that they will leave.语法点四使用强调句型的几个注意事项1若被强调成分是主语,who/that之后的谓语动词应该在人称和数上与被强调的主语保持一致。It is he who/that often helps me with my English.是他经常帮我学英语。2若被强调成分是作主语的代词,用主格;若是作宾语的代词,则用宾格。It was he that helped me yesterday.昨天帮我的人是他。It was me that he helped yesterday.他昨天帮的人是我。3强调句中只用两种时态,即一般现在

12、时和一般过去时。原句谓语动词是一般过去时、过去完成时和过去进行时,用It was . that/who .,其余的时态用It is . that/who .。It is you who/that are to blame.是你该受到指责。It was chairman of the committee that we elected her.我们选她当委员会主席。4强调句型的省略形式句式特征为: 在一定的上下文中,强调句型的某个部分可以省略,解题时要特别注意将其复原并加以比较。Who is making so much noise in the garden?是谁在花园里弄这么大的噪音?It

13、is the children (who are making so much noise in the garden)是孩子们。5强调句型和定语从句的结合句式特征为: 在强调句型的被强调部分或其他部分中找出一个先行词,附上修饰该部分的定语从句,这样整个句子结构就变得非常复杂。应特别注意不要混淆定语从句的关系词和强调句型中的that/who部分。It was playing computer games that cost the boy plenty of time which he ought to have spent doing his lessons. 是玩电脑游戏花去了这个孩子大量

14、的应该用在功课上的时间。6易与强调句混淆的几个句型(1)It is/was 时间when .“当的时候;时间是”。when 引导的是时间状语从句,主句中的 it 指时间,表语由具体的时间充当。试比较:It was ten oclock when we got home last night. 我们昨晚到家时十点了。(状语从句)It was at ten oclock that we got home last night. 我们昨晚是在十点到家的。此句是强调句,去掉“It was .that”后句子仍然完整合理,注意that不能改成when。而上句不是强调句。(2)It was/will be

15、 . before . “过就”;It was not/will not be . before . “不久就”。主句中的 it 指时间,表语多是long, not long, three days, two weeks 等表示“一段时间”的词或短语。试比较:It was three days before he went to Beijing. 三天后他就去了北京。It will not be long before he finishes his job. 不久他就完成了工作。It was three days ago that he went to Beijing. 他是三天前去的北京。此句是强调句,去掉“It was . that”后句子仍然完整合理。即时演练4选词填空 (when, before, since, that)It was 20 years ago that the


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