【精品】【人教版】必修四:Unit 1 Period 4 Writing 练习含答案

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1、人教版英语精品资料.完形填空My son is fifteen years old. He was born with Down Syndrome. In the last fifteen years I have lost 1 many times. However, right now I want to just stick to the topic of 2. When Joshua was born, the doctors 3 us not to “waste our time, energy or money”. They said that our son would neve

2、r 4 anything like other children. 5 for us and for our son we were not about to accept that words. When Joshua was four and a half years old, his younger sister, C.J., was three and 6 the same preschool in a younger class. The school 7 an art contest (竞赛) and all the children presented pictures. The

3、 pictures were 8 on the wall and the president of the church, who was not personally familiar with the children, was the 9. On the day of the contest I saw C.J.􀆳s picture 10 it was being hung, but Joshua􀆳s class pictures were not yet up and I didn􀆳t think twice about 11 hi

4、s picture before leaving the building. You see, I had no expectation that Joshua would win; it was 12 for me to know that he was able to 13 a picture and have it displayed with those of the other children. Well, when I returned to 14 the kids you can imagine my surprise when I discovered that Joshua

5、 was the 15 from his class! He was so proud and excited, he told everyone, “I won the 16! I made it! I made a tree!” C.J. kept insisting that she had won too and it was certainly a 17 feeling to know that Joshua had 18 something that his sister had not. After that I decided to keep my expectations 1

6、9. It seems that most people work to whatever expectations are set for them. Why should Joshua be any 20? 【语篇解读】由于Joshua患有先天愚型症,所以医生一开始就劝说我们放弃他,但是我们没有。虽然我对他没有太大的期望,但一次偶然的机会,他画的画竟然得了第一名。原来更高的期望带来的是更好的表现。 1.A.courage B.heart C.way D.direction【答案与解析】B从词的搭配结构上就可以排除A、C、D三项。 lose heart“丧失信心”。2.A.expectati

7、ons B.loveC.encouragement D.inspiration 【答案与解析】Aexpectation“期望”;love“爱”;encouragement“鼓励”;inspiration“灵感;鼓舞人心的事(物)”。由however一词可知,尽管有时丧失信心,但还有所期望,下文最后四段中也有提示。3.A.suggested B.warned C.persuaded D.advised【答案与解析】D根据文章理解,医生应是劝说或建议我们不要浪费时间、精力和金钱。4.A.win B.make C.draw D.receive 【答案与解析】Bmake这里是“成功做到”的意思。根据下

8、文理解可知医生认为我的儿子做不到常人能做的那些事情。5.A.Hopefully B.Sadly C.Luckily D.Doubtfully 【答案与解析】C尽管医生那样说了,但我们没有接受那些,所以孩子才有了今天。6.A.attended B.went C.joined D.took【答案与解析】A“上学”的固定搭配是attend school或go to school。7.A.walked B.worked C.built D.held【答案与解析】D动词后面的宾语是 an art contest,故只能用hold“举办”。8.A.put B.hung C.placed D.drawn【答

9、案与解析】B根据状语on the wall,可知孩子们的图画应是挂在墙上,故用hang“悬挂展出(画作等)”,hung是它的过去分词。9.A.parent B.teacherC.headmaster D.judge【答案与解析】Dthe president of the church是主语,中间的句子是定语,根据文意,举办竞赛需要的是评审。10.A.as B.when C.though D.if【答案与解析】A因为C.J.的画挂在墙上,所以我看到了。as表示原因。11.A.looking B.finding C.seeing D.studying【答案与解析】C根据下文可知,我对能看到Josh

10、ua的画根本没抱期望。12.A.strange B.enough C.funny D.impossible 【答案与解析】B承接上文的“had no expectation”,可知我只要知道Joshua能够画画,并能和其他学生的画在一起展出就满足了,没有太大的期望。It is enough for sb“对某人来说足够了”。13.A.draw B.copy C.learn D.show【答案与解析】A根据上文的画展可知是他能draw“画画”。14.A.take up B.keep up C.get up D.pick up【答案与解析】Dpick up“搭载;用车接载(人)”,这里指到学校接孩

11、子。15.A.student B.winner C.painter D.monitor【答案与解析】B根据下文可知,Joshua赢得了比赛,故他是班里唯一的winner“获胜者”。16.A.picture B.class C.contest D.sister【答案与解析】C根据上文的an art contest (竞赛)可知他赢得了比赛。win的后面只能接物,不能接人。17.A.special B.usual C.common D.simple【答案与解析】A根据下文可知,Joshua本来是个有病的孩子,但他却赢得了比赛,而他的妹妹一个正常人却没有,所以说这是一种“特殊的”感觉。18.A.wo

12、n B.defeated C.achieved D.received 【答案与解析】C承接上文,Joshua获得了妹妹没有得到的东西,此处是一个定语从句,achieve“获得;取得”。19.A.low B.high C.great D.easy 【答案与解析】B本来我对Joshua没有太大期望,但通过画画竞赛之后,我有了更高的期待。20.A.valuable B.helpful C.clever D.different【答案与解析】D因为Joshua天生的病,医生认为他连基本的生活能力都没有,但后来事实证明不是这样的,他甚至能比正常人做得更好,所以他为什么要与别人不同呢? .单项填空1.Don

13、􀆳t be so discouraged. If you such feelings, you will do better next time.A.carry onB.get backC.break downD.put away【答案与解析】D考查动词短语。句意:不要如此泄气。如果你收起这种情绪,下次一定会做得更好的。put away在此意为“将收起”。carry on“继续;坚持”;get back“取回;拿回”;break down“分解;崩溃”。2.Can I help you?I want to buy an English storybook that is fo

14、r the senior middle school students.A.usedB.readC.devotedD.intended【答案与解析】D考查动词。句意:“请问您要买什么?”“我想买本适合高中学生阅读的英文故事书。”be intended for“(专门)为而准备;设计”。be used for.“用来”,后接表示物的名词;be read by.“被阅读”;be devoted to.“奉献于”。3.Heads from Asia and Europe attended the conference and President Xi a speech on the first da

15、y.A.statedB.issuedC.addressedD.delivered【答案与解析】D考查动词。deliver a speech是固定搭配,表示“发表讲话”。state“陈述”;issue“发行”;address当“演说;演讲”讲时,常用于address a meeting / conference。4.I didn􀆳t know he was there on business.I met him only.A.on purposeB.as a resultC.in surpriseD.by chance【答案与解析】D考查介词短语。从前后两句意思综合起来理解,所填意思应该是“碰巧”。5.When I was going shopping in the supermarket yesterday, Ian old friend of mine, who I hadn􀆳t met for ten years.A.came acrossB.came about


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