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1、尼采语录英文版1、但凡不能杀死你的,最终都会使你更强大。All that can not kill you will eventually make you stronger.2、湿透的衣裳,终究会干。可以遗忘的,都不再重要。The drenched clothes will eventually dry. All that can be forgotten is no longer important.3、我的灵魂平静而明亮,宛若清晨的群山。My soul is calm and bright, like the hills of the morning.4、为了使爱成为可能,上帝必须是人。

2、In order to make love possible, God must be man.5、你们一本正经,我万事游戏。You are serious, I play all the games.6、笑意味着幸灾乐祸,不过伴随着良心。Laughter means gloat, but with conscience.7、造就伟人的,不是高尚感情的强度,而是高尚感情的持续时间。It is not the strength of the noble feelings, but the duration of the noble feelings that makes great men.8、

3、窥视深渊者,必为深渊所窥视。A peep of the abyss will be peeped by the abyss.9、那些不能杀死我们的,使我们更强大。Those that cant kill us make us more powerful.10、在认识一切事物之后,人才能认识自己,因为事物仅仅是人的界限。After knowing all things, people can know themselves, because things are only the boundaries of human beings.11、闭上你喋喋不休的嘴,去行动吧,这才是你赢得信赖的捷径。C

4、lose your mouth and act, thats the shortcut to your trust.12、一切都在虚伪价值和空洞言辞的禁锢中!Everything is in the imprisoned value of hypocrisy and empty words!13、人是一根绳索,驾于超人与禽兽之间。Man is a rope, between Superman and beast.14、坏脾气的消失,可以准确地反映智慧的增长。The disappearance of a bad temper can accurately reflect the growth o

5、f wisdom.15、有思想的人接触新人都会先聊些肤浅的动西。People with thought will talk to new people first.16、我们飞得越高,在哪些飞不起来的人眼中就越渺小。The higher we fly, the less we see in the eyes of those who cant fly.17、好人之所以弱小,是因为他们没有强大到变恶的程度。The reason why good people are weak is because they are not strong enough to be evil.18、爱拥有一种欲望,

6、渴望将人尽可能提高。Love has a desire to raise people as much as possible.19、纵欲并非源于快乐,而是源于苦闷。Lust is not due to happiness, but from depression.20、高处并不可怕,可怕的是陡峭的斜坡。The height is not terrible, and the terrible is the steep slope.21、最大的恶乃包含在最大的善之中,而这就是创造性的善。The greatest evil is included in the greatest goodness,

7、 and this is the creative good.22、人可以控制行为,却不能约束感情,因为感情是变化无常的。The person can control the behavior, but can not restrain the emotion, because the emotion is changeable.23、我是太阳,因为我只想给予,不想获得,所以我有无限的能量。I am the sun, because I just want to give, do not want to get, so I have infinite energy.24、太阳啊!如果没有你所照

8、耀的人们,你的荣耀又在哪里呢?The sun! Where is your glory if you dont have the people you are shining on?25、一向最为禁制的总是真理。The truth is always the most forbidden.26、成熟不过是个性被磨去了棱角,变得世故而圆滑了。But mature personality is rubbed off the edges and corners, become sophisticated and smooth.27、打从半高处看,这世界最美好。From half high, the

9、world is the best.28、宁可去追求虚无,也不能无所追求。It is better to pursue nihilism than to pursue.29、一切决定性的东西都是从对抗中产生的。All decisive things are produced from confrontation.30、我不愿向人问路,我宁愿问道路本身,亲自试试。I dont want to ask people for directions. I would rather ask the roa itself and try it myself.31、爱的太深,会失去荣耀和价值。Love is

10、 too deep to lose glory and value.32、每一个不曾起舞的日子都是对生命的辜负。Every day that never dances is a life betrayal.33、只要不杀死我们的困难都会使我们更坚强。As long as we do not kill us all the difficulties will make us stronger.34、对待生命,你不妨大胆一点,因为我们始终要失去它。To treat life, you might as well be bold, because we have to lose it all the

11、 time.35、只有经历过地狱磨难的人才有建造天堂的力量。Only those who have gone through hell have the power to build heaven.36、成功的人往往是了解自己的特质并加以利用。Successful people are often aware of their own traits and use them.37、人是必须要被超越的东西。Man is something that must be surpassed.38、用艺术的眼光看知识,用生活的眼光看艺术。See the knowledge with the eye of

12、 art, look at the art with the eye of life.39、坚信比谎言更是真理的敌人。Believe that a lie is the enemy of truth.40、那求之于外的人往往很容易迷失自己。The people who ask for it are often easy to lose themselves.41、当我们对拥有的东西产生厌倦的同时,我们也对自身产生厌倦。When we are tired of what we have, we are also tired of ourselves.42、对他人是快乐的人,对自己是睿智的人。A

13、man who is happy to others, a wise man to himself.43、我们拥有艺术,所以不会被真相击垮。We have art, so we wW crushed by the truth.44、一切荣耀、尊敬、智慧、感谢、赞美和力量归于我们的上帝, 永永远远!All glory, respect, wisdom, gratitude, praise and strength are to our God for ever and ever!45、在高傲负伤之处,会长出一种比高傲更佳的东西。In the haughty wounds, there will

14、be something better than arrogance.46、唯有戏子才能唤起群众巨大的兴奋。The only actor to arouse the masses great excitement.47、一段不幸的婚姻不是缺乏爱,而是缺乏友谊。An unfortunate marriage is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship.48、纵使人生是一场悲剧,我们也要快乐的将它演完。Even if the life is a tragedy, we will be happy to finish it.49、没有一贯的作自我蔑

15、视,又怎能不断的做自我欣赏呢?Without a consistent self contempt, how can I continue to enjoy self - appreciation?50、他们把水搅混,以使其看上去更深。The water they wish to make it look deeper.51、我的弟兄们:我不劝你们爱邻人,我要劝你们爱最遥远的未来 人。My brothers: I do not advise you to love the neighbours, and I urge you to love the farthest people of the future.52、白昼的光,如何能够了解夜晚黑暗的深度呢?How can the light of the daylight be able to understand the dark depth of the night?53、人生是彩虹之路,是走的高于自己的路。Life is the road of rainbow, the way to walk higher than oneself.54、白昼之光,岂知夜色之深。The light of t


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