2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit 7 The Sea课时作业5 北师大版必修3

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1、课时作业5.单句语法填空1The enlarged school campus is three times as_(big) as the old one.2She writes_(carefully) than she did two years ago.3The more difficult the problem is, the_(careful) we should be.4Her illness was much_(serious) than we thought at first.5The hotel was much surprisingly cheap. I expected

2、 it to be_(expensive)6John has three sisters. Mary is_(clever) of the three.7This year they have produced less grain_they did last year.8The pianos in the other shop will be_(cheap), but not as good.9How did you find your visit to museum?I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was far _ (interest) than I expect

3、ed.10It takes a long time to go there by train. Its_(quick) by road.答案与解析1big2.more carefully3more careful 4.more serious5more expensive6the cleverest/the most clever原题中的three sisters这一信息词语暗示要用最高级的形式。clever的最高级有两种:the most clever,the cleverest。7than8cheaper该题考查了形容词比较级的两种形式,该句可理解为:The pianos in the o

4、ther shop will be cheaper,but not as good as those in this shop.。9more interesting用来修饰比较级的副词有:a little,a bit;even,still;far,by far; a lot,a great deal;much,any(用于否定、疑问);rather。10quicker此处可理解为Its quicker to go by road than by train.。.完成句子1我越想到他的情况,我就越难过。_I think of his situation, the_I become.2你说得太快了

5、。你能说得再慢些吗?You are speaking too fast. Can you speak_?3火车票的价格是汽车票的一半。The train ticket is_the bus ticket.4这位高级工程师现在挣的钱是他作为助手时所挣的2倍。The senior engineer earns_5我从来没度过如此令人担心的一天。I have never spent_答案1The more; sadder2a bit more slowly3half as expensive as4twice the money he earned when he was an assistant5

6、a more worrying day.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。One of the founding fathers of the Internet has predicted the end of traditional television.Vint Cerf, who helped to build the Internet while working_1_a researcher in America, said that television was_2_its “iPod moment”In the sam

7、e way that people now_3_their favorite music onto their iPod, he said that viewers would soon be downloading most of favorite programs_4_their computers.Mr Cerf, who is now the vicepresident of Google, says that, “Youre still going to need_5_television for certain thingslike news, sporting events an

8、d emergenciesbut_6_it is going to be almost like the iPod, where you download content to_7_at later.”Although television on demand has not yet become a_8_activity in the UK, the BBC, ITV and Channel 4 have all invested vast_9_of money in technology which_10_viewers to watch their favorite shows_11_t

9、heir computers.But some critics(批评家),_12_some Internet service providers, have warned that the Internet will collapse_13_the stress of millions of people downloading programs at the same time.But Mr.Cerf dismissed the warnings, saying that critics had predicted 20 years ago that the net would_14_whe

10、n people all around the world started to use it all together.“In the past 30 years it has_15_a million times.Were_16_exhausting the capacity,” he said.“Its a _17_ worry when they see huge amounts of information being moved around online.”_18_out his vision for the future of the Internet, he said he

11、wanted it to reach as_19_people as possible.“I want more Internet,” he said.“I want everyone on the planet to be_20_to connect to the Internet.”1A.as BlikeCat Dwith2A.achieving BapproachingCfinishing Darriving3A.write BdownloadCread Dremember4A.into BatCin Donto5A.live BpresentCpast Dlate6A.greatly

12、BharmfullyCincreasingly Dhopefully7A.watch BlookCnotice Dsee8A.mainstream BfamousCimportant Dwellknown9A.sums BdealsClots Dnumbers10A.has Blet Cenables Dmakes11A.by Bwith Con Dat12A.containing Bincluding Cnaming Dcalling13A.with Bin Con Dunder14A.collapse Bfall Crush Djump15A.developed Bincreased Ce

13、nhanced Denlarged16A.close to Bfar from Cfar away Dnext to17A.miserable Bsurprising Cunderstandable Dimaginable18A.Taking BFinding CTurning DSetting19A.many Bmuch Cmore Da few20A.able Beasy Chappy Dwilling答案与解析本文为应用文。随着网络技术的发展,传统的电视将有可能退出历史的舞台吗?1A考查介词。work as 为一个短语,意思为“担任”。这里指的是温特瑟夫曾担任过美国的一名研究人员。故选A

14、。2B考查动词辨析。根据第一段可知,传统的电视时代即将结束。因此,这里应该是说电视正走向“iPod”时代。通过对四个词语的辨析(achieving取得,获得;approaching走近,靠近; finishing完成; arriving到达)可知,答案为approaching,故选B。3B考查动词辨析。write 写; download下载;read 读; remember记得。通读全文以及对“iPod”为大容量MP3播放器的理解可知,人们把他们喜欢的音乐下载到他们的“iPod”里面。故选B。4D考查介词辨析。由对上句now download their favorite music onto their iPod,的理解可知, downloading most of favorite programs_4_their comput



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