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1、新视野大学英语视据说教程第二册 听力练习录音文本和答案UIT1I stenig Sil.B 3D 4.C 5.AILiteing IT 1: Ecoe!.F 2.T3.F .T 5.Task2: TheCrets1. bautiful andea bledwell3 sier 4. wry oo ch 5. more mportantas : Mart A B C CIV. Speaing OtMoDo you like azz?aur:D you like jzz, Bo?Bb: o, nt muc. Do likei?Lur: Wll, ys, do. m rzy about Wynton

2、 Masalis.Bob: Oh, hs piao lye, ite?Laa: , he a trpt layer. So, what indo sic dou ike?ob: ikeistening trockLaura: Watroupdo ou lie bst?Bob: r, heCaberies her he geatt. hat about yu? Dont you lik hem?Laura:gh! They mae my stomch tun!Model o yo like punk rk?Iike dffernns.Anyi paiclar?Youdnt see likeWha

3、t about yu? Whatyour favorite mc?. Would yolike tothat sonds greaModl3 I ssunds like noise toe.Tr dw tht oiseere scol.Itustsuds ike nise tome cant stad !at d yu wnt to hea?Ho abuHr mussn v hipay oe. thi sh i a bore.VLes Tal. tecrtknderarten2. odrig tol3. apyitdayo ou4. apBrthay to ou ood ornin o All

4、Possle Reteling f th Teaer RefrenceV. FurtherListenng ad SpeakingTas 1: Karaoke1. F 2. 3T. Task :Whenwa musc firstst on a telephn line?5-42-3Task 3: hank fr te Musicspecil, joke, en, roudldjy honeslydner talkwndred, apture faUNI2I. LiseningSklls1. A .D 3.B 4.C .BIII Lenin InTsk 1:Waiing or t Ne ar o

5、tter Movieexcited/crazk, Seven, Boo Five. the aler cary.the witi n blood.Task 2: Acto.D 2C 3.D4.5BTas 3: ovieRvies1. e iks toeeoe andommnt on thm2. Fou.3. Three. O.MviesContets ad hacterisicsMonoonWddingI is abou an Indn wedding Prepartinsfori el ve an a past rape. Th movie shosIndn custs, fmilyad l

6、ve.AdaptatioIt is to fastfr espaer, wo atsto seit annD with captis.The iansI isabout a Jewpiaist in Wsaw. Th Nziset is fa t h cocentration amps. ws sa, n this narrw ecpe wsue to godluc ndte kidness of afe non-Jew.Rabit-Proo ecIt is abot thre naive girls. cist police saat hem from heir fame nden tem

7、toseialcetr. ere hy reagt prctcl skills. The govermentend t integraethemitwhite Austrlian set heran awa fr camand alked,50miles t fn their mothes.ISpekigOtModl 1 ioome with me?am odergi your free tomrni.I gss Im. W?Wil yu com ih me?eah, deinitey! hank fonvting e!Is my pleasu. Ilateredou wt through a

8、ll hi trole ju r m.Now YourTrnSMPLE DIAOGMde 2 Wht di yu think about the ovi?what d ou thinkabout s an exlletpiece of work, but nt asgood thrvou ones.w ineil!one f th mot spectacular thins about it wsState-ofthe-ar somanyfnastc setis and oter-wrldl costumes,Now Your TunAMPLEDALOGMel heplo fis-clas.h

9、epot ws fr-as. BI dontthine harctrdevlopmen was ta tro.e casing wsgreat; thecn asa ittlewak Tey jsdint a lotun r meaiful line. cant igine none s playing that paressooo cute!Nou unSAMPLILGV. etsalAlfedichco1.A .C .DV FuherngLiseningand pekingListeningTas : Only One Line1.memorzig ies. rmeer oneline3

10、Ihe t u rr4. a lou oom5. his a: An Inrview with.K Rowlig1. 2F3.F .T .FTas 3: The Scet of thNxt Ha Poe Book1 D 2.C3.A4.BNI3. Lienngkill1.B2.C 3. A 5.AII Listning Inas: ot be a cickn!1. gut 2. flamingre3.as a crsh on 4. a hicken5 likesthe gut 7turnhim dwn8. knw 9 eing everythg to himself10.ho to ellhe

11、rask 2:Poblem f Meet People.F 2F 3.T 4.5.ask 3: ongistaceFiedships1. A 2B.C 4.D1-7-4-2-I Speakin OutMol1 Ijust rke p wih lce!whas wrng ithyou? Youook soown!Noting. ou mushea brokehert.Ijst broke pwith Alce. huhyou w wre made foeah otr. wat stte own, she ata creerts lwysdiffiut to hoseeee aeerandil.I ot kn what osay t cofortyu, bttr to chee p!is ad tofoge heatthe omnt.Thees lot mre ish in th sea youllfindyur peectmat!No orTurnModl Leo rposedt e.Le ropos o e!id you acpt?I rell obing he cradeher. maure or his age. worriebo th


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