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1、状语从句状语从句在句中相当于副词做状语,又叫副词性从句。状语从句分为时间状语从句、条件状语从句、地点状语从句、原因状语从句、目的状语从句、让步状语从句、结果状语从句和比较状语从句。掌握状语从句应当引导词入手,注意引导词的词义,引导状语从句的引导词都有词思,所以,了解引导词的意思尤为重要。引导词按意义分为九类:1)时间when , as , while , till , until , before, after , since2)地点where3)原因because , as , since , now that4)条件if , unless , once .so (as)long as .

2、in case5)让步though , whatever (-ever) as, even though, even if6)目的so that, in order that7)结果so . that8)比较than, as . as9)方式as , as if例如:1I fell asleep when ( as , while ) he was doing his exercises .他正作练习时我睡着了。(时间状语从句)2When he arrived in Shanghai , his mother met him at the station .他到上海时,他妈妈到车站接他。(时间

3、状语从句)3She always sings as she walks .她总是一边走一边唱。(时间状语从句)4I waited until he had finished his work .我等到他做完活。(时间状语从句)5It was not long before he told me about this affair .不久,他就告诉我这件事。(时间状语从句)6He has worked very hard since he entered the factory .自从他进厂,工作一直很努力。(时间状语从句)7After he had finished the work , he

4、 went home .他干完活,回家了。(时间状语从句)8Where there is a will,there is a way .有志者,事竟成。(地点状语从句)9She didnt come to school because she was ill .她由于有病没来上学。(原因状语从句)10As he did not know much English , he looked up the word in the dictionary .由于他不懂什么英语,所以查字典。(原因状语从句)11Now that ( Since ) Ive told you twice , you must

5、 know it .既然我告诉你两次了,你必须记住。(原因状语从句)12Once he says that , he will do it .一旦他说了,他就会做。(条件状语从句)13Unless I receive the letter from him , I wont write to him again .如果我不收到他的信,就不给他写回信。(条件状语从句)14So long as you work hard , you are sure to succeed .只要你努力工作,就一定能成功。(条件状语从句)15Thoughwewere neither very big nor ver

6、y strong , we were a good team .虽然我们个儿不大,身体不壮,但是个好队。(让步状语从句)16No matter who she is , shell have to wait .无论她是谁,也得等。(让步状语从句)17Poor as he was , he was honest .虽然他很穷,但很诚实。(让步状语从句)18It also shows you the callers telephone numberin order that you can recognize who it is .它能向你显示打电话人的号码以便能够认出是谁。(目的状语从句)19H

7、e was so excited that he could not say a word .他如此激动以至于说不出话来。(结果状语从句)20He works as hard as he used to .他工作与过去一样努力。(方式状语从句)21You must do as I told you .你必须按我告诉你的去做。(方式状语从句)运用状语从句应注意的几个问题:1)状语从句中用一般现在时代替一般将来时2)because不与so连用,表示因为.所以二者只能选择其一;though ( although )不与but连用,表示虽然.但是 ,二者只能选择其一.3)同一引导词可以引导不同种类的从

8、句.如: whereYoull find itwhere it was .(地点状语从句)Tell me the addresswhere he lives . (定语从句)I dont knowwhere he came from . (宾语从句)Where he has goneis not known yet . (主语从句)This is where they once lived . (表语从句)since , as, when也分别可以引导不同种类的从句.练习题I .填入适当的引导词1. I havent heard from him _ he went to America .2

9、.He wont be here _ he is invited .3. He will not go to the cinema _ he is very busy .4. We found the key _ she lad left it .5. We found the books two days _ he had gone away .6. We had no sooner got to the station _ the train left .7. He speaks English _ he were an Englishman .8.He is explaining cle

10、arly _ they could understand .9. Do not leave the room _ you have finished the test .10. She sang _ she went along .答案:1.since 2.unless 3.because 4.where 5.after 6.than 7.as if8.so that9.before 10.asII.改错1. The children were running on the playground as fast as they can .2.Since her husband had died

11、 , so she had to supporther family .3.He wont go out until his mother will come .4.He was very foolish that he didnt pass such an easy exam .5.Tom had gone out as soon as his mother got home .6.It was three months since he came to our school .7.The playground of our school is larger than their schoo

12、l .8.The streets in Nanjing are wider than Shanghai .9.Whatever there is plenty of sun and rain , the fields are green .10. She singssongsas ifshe is a bird .答案:1. can改为could 2.去掉so 3.will come改为comes 4. very改为so 5.as soon as改为when 6.was改为is 7.than之后加上that of8.than后加those in9.whatever改为wherever 10.

13、is改为wereIII.找出从句并指出是那类从句1. It depends on whether we have enough time .2.The question he asked was where the electrical equipment should be stored.3. The mountain is no longer what it used to be .4. The fact that she works hard is well known to us all .5. He wasnotthe man that he was before .6. Nowyo

14、u was free , why not go swimming with us ?7. Where there are schools and colleges , there are examinations .8. Bad habits , once firmed , are difficult to give up .9.She often wears the same kind of skirt as her twin sister does .10 .The moment he opened the window , a bird flew in .答案:1.whether we have enough time介词宾语从句2.he asked定语从句where the electrical equipment should be stored表语从句3.what it used to be表语从句4. that she works hard同位语从句5. that he was before定语从句6.Nowyou was free让步状语从句now= now that7.Where there are schools and colleges地点状语从句8. once firmed时间状语从句9. as her twin s



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