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1、小升初笔试部分知识结构一语法部分整体结构:(1)时态(及各个时态的否定形式也要相应的教授)(2)句型(3)词类(4)固定搭配,句式及短语二详细分析小升初所考知识点(1)时态部分:注:时态多在动词适当形式填空,句型转换和单选中考察五种时态的构成模式: 如以drink为例:1. 我每天都喝牛奶:I drink milk every day.2. 我现在正在喝牛奶:I am drinking milk now.3. 我明天要喝牛奶:I will drink milk tomorrow.4. 我昨天喝牛奶了:I drank milk yesterday. 5. 我刚刚喝过牛奶了:I have just

2、 drunk some milk.动作发生时间不同动词的形式就不同注意(一定要把时间放后面)补充:动词现在分词的构成方法 变法例词直接在动词后加“ing”see-seeing carry-carrying go-going 以不发音音的“e”结尾时,去掉“e”加“ing”leave-leaving live-living dance-dancing以重读闭音节结尾,辅元辅字母结尾的动词双写最后一个辅音字母,再加“ing”begin-beginning dig-digging win-winning forget-forgetting hit-hitting stop-stopping以ie结尾

3、的动词,将ie改成y加“ing”die-dying lie-lying tie-tying(2)句型部分:(常见于句型转换题)1.一般疑问句: +其他2.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词特殊疑问词: what (什么) how(怎样,如何) whathowwhere(哪里)why (为什么) when(何时,什么时候)who(谁)whom (谁作宾语)whose (谁的)which (哪一个) 如: He is a student.(变一般疑问句)Is he a student? He can speak English.(同上)Can he speak English? He often goes t

4、o school by bus.(同上)Does he often go to school by bus?注: 此处一定要点一下汉语语序与英语语序的区别。如: He is from Beijing. (划线部分提问)Where is he from? (2) I can see a bird in the tree. (同上)What can you see in the tree? (此处要注意人称的转换)(3) He goes to school by bus every day. (同上)How does he go to school every day?2. 祈使句及其否定形式:祈

5、使句特点:以动词原形开头.如:Open the door, please. Close the window, please.祈使句的否定形式:Dont + 动词原形如:Dont open the door. Dont close the window.6. 感叹句(考查较少且简单)构成: 例题:What a fine day it is!(同义句转换) How fine (a day) it is!7. There be 句型:(此处注意与have/has的区别)构成:There意为“在某处有”而have/has的构成为:主语have/has+名词如:1. There is (be) a b

6、ook on the desk.2. There were (be) two pens on the table yesterday.3. There is (be) a student and two teachers in the classroom. (就近一致原则)另外:注意there be 句型的疑问形式8. 反义疑问句:(考查不多,只涉及以下几种情况)特点:.前肯后否,前否后肯.一定要用代词,及否定缩写反义疑问句在小升初考试中的几种情况: .一般情况:如:He doesnt like swimming, does he ? She is a teacher, isnt she ?

7、.祈使句的反义疑问句:基本都是will you?如:Open the door, will you ? .特殊祈使句的反义疑问句:如:lets go to the park, shall we?Let us go to the park, will you?(3)词类部分1.名词考查单复数变化规律和不可数名词尤其注意:单复数同形的单词:fish , sheep, deer, Chinese 等复和名词的复数 :boy studentboy students, night schoolnight school woman doctorwomen doctors, man singermen si

8、ngers 以“y”结尾的名词,有两种变法:A. 词尾为元音+y,直接加s boyboys,monkeymonkeys,keykeys,wayways B. 词尾为辅音+y,则变y为i再加esbabybabies,ladyladies,citycities,countrycountries 数词加名词作形容词时,该名词为单数 I have a two-year-old day. He wrote a three-thousand-word composition.(作文) That is a three-foot-high table.不可数名词:1.液体名词:water, coffee, t

9、ea, milk等 2.抽象名词:work, happiness等3.物质名词(一般为不可数名词): air, food,paper, butter, bread,rice等 注:不可数名词的数量表达法如:a cup of tea(一杯茶)two cups of tea(两杯茶)a piece of paper(一张纸)two pieces of paper(两张纸)3.所有格:(考查较多)表示有生命的东西的名词所有格在词尾加“s”。若是复数 并以“s”、“es”结尾的名词只加“”如: the Peoples Republic of China, Womens Day Marys father

10、, the students books, Charless bag 上述“s”所有格也适用下列几类名词:*表示时间、距离、价格、重量的名词的所有格。*世界、国家和城镇的所有格及某习惯表达法。todays newspaper, five minutes talk,Beijings finest parks, my villages weather 表示无生命的东西的名词的所有格一般与of结成短语。当表示有生命的名词有较长的修饰语或前面有表示数量的概念的词(如:a , two, some, no, few, any等)也用of 短语形式。 the top of the hill, the stu

11、dents of our school a few friends of mine, a photo of your brothers例题:1. Pass me two _ of _!A. bottles, rice B. bottle, ricesC bowls, rice D. bowl, rices2. _ in the fridge are big.A. Apple B. The apple C. Apples D. The apples2.代词人称代词(必考内容,一定要掌握)主格宾格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词I 我me 我my 我的mine 我的we 我们us 我们our 我们的

12、ours我们的you你you 你your你的yours你的you你们you 你们your你们的yours你们的he他him 他his他的his他的she 她her 她her她的hers她的it它it它its 它的its它的they 他/它/她们Them他/它/她们their他/它/她们的theirs他/它/她们的主格通常作主语,放在句首作宾语,放在动词和介词后通常作定语,与名词连用如:He is my friend. 可作很多成分,要单独用不定代词考查较多的有:1.复合不定代词即:以上可任意组合,如:nothing(没有什么,没有东西),anything(任何东西,任何事情)注:复合不定代词

13、被定语修饰时定语 只能放在这些词的后面,其用法如下: 复合不定代词形容词to do sth.e.g. I have something to tell you. We have nothing to eat.2.区分以下几组不定代词(注:some 和any 既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词)e.g. I have got some letters this month. Have you got any interesting books?I do not have any ink.e.g. 1. Can you give me some water?There is little left in my bottle 2.You have few books , do you ?Yes, I have quite a few . 3. I am new here, I have few friends. 4. There is little time left, hurry. 5. There is _ time left. Dont worry.



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