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1、中学英语同义词近义词用所给词,词组的正确形式填空:1. a bit, a few, few, a little, little1) Im going to do _ of Christmas shopping.2) As I have _ money with me. I can lend you some.3) I have _ time today, but I shall come again in _ days.4) After school there were_ students in the class, they went to see the film yesterday.5

2、) She doesnt work hard at English, so she knows_ English.6) There are _ new words in the text. We must learn them by heart.7) As Li Wei works hard at the lessons, he made _ mistakes in the exam. But I made _ mistakes because of my carelessness.8) Can you speak English?Yes, but only_.9) He knows _ of

3、 everything.10) This book costs _ too much.2. a good(great) deal of, a lot of, lots of, many, much, plenty of1) I will cause you _ trouble.2) I have_ work to do this evening.3) There is _ food in kitchen.4) _ examples are provided in this book.5) He has _ money.6) It takes_ hard work to master a for

4、eign language.7) Only when _ information has been obtained,will it be possible to plan a manned trip to Mars.8) There is _ room for improvement.9) I have been to Beijing_ times.10) Did you suffer _ pain during the operation.11) How _ lessons have you learned this semester?12) Dont make so _ noise.3.

5、 a number of, the number of1) can think of _ ways to fulfill this plan.2) _ large _ books have been stolen from the library.3) What is _ of your cars.4) _ the books stolen from the library is large.5) _ large _ people have applied.4. ability, energy, force, power, strength1) His _ was awesome.2) We

6、must test the _of these wires.3) However, now and then serious accidents at nuclear_ stations may happen.4) I will do the work to the best of my _.5) It is beyond the presidents _.6) The navy is one of the armed_.5. about, or so1) Its _ three o clock.2) He is fifty years_.3) He is _ thirty.6. above,

7、 beyond, on, over1) It is _ my ability to work out the maths problem.2) He considered himself _ reproach.3) This is quite _ my comprehension.4) I am sure he is _ such dirty tricks.5) There were dark clouds _ our heads.6) There are two slogans _ the blackboard.7) Her hair hung_ her eyes.8) He jumped

8、_ the horse9) The ball hit me _ the head.7. accept, receive1) She _ most acclaim(喝彩) from the audience for her excellent performance.2) He refused to _ the offer.3) He _ the present, but did not _ it.4) The winners went on to the platform to _ the prizes.8. accident, event, incident1) His parents we

9、re killed in a car _.2) What he said is only an ordinary _.3) The bus met with an _ and many people were injured.4) The Lugouqiao _ took place on July 7,1937.5) People with disabilities may want to come to the _.6) They discuss the main _ of the day.9. accompany, attend1) Dr. Smith_ her in hospital.

10、2) We _ Prof Wang on a field trip.3) Ill _ you home.4) One day he had been called out to _a young peasant and his sister.10. accomplish, complete, fulfill1) The company _ the building last year.2) We _ our work.3) At last he _ his purpose.4) Have you _ your house decoration?5) He who makes no effort

11、 will never_ anything.6) We must _ every tasks assigned by the Party.11. accurate, correct, exact1) Your answer is not quite_.2) What is the _ number?3) Her report of what happened was_ in every detail.4) He is _ in everything.5) The prediction turned out to be _.6) Give me an _ report of what happe

12、ned.12. accuse, charge1) They _ him of taking bribes.2) They _ customers on an hourly basis.3) The old man _ two dollars for repairing the bike for me.4) He was _ of murder.5) Ill have to _ you for the overweight.6) The manager_ one of the hotel servants of stealing the money.13. ache, pain1) I have _ and _ all over.2) The girl cried with _.3) The _ was so acute that he couldnt help crying.4) I feel a great deal of _ in my chest.14. achievement, success1) Lets drink to the _


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