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1、大连理工大学本科毕业设计XXXX大学本科毕业设计(论文)低重心式两轮车动力学建模与分析Dynamic Modeling and Analyzing of a Two-wheeled Vehicle with Lower-gravity学 院(系): 汽车工程学院 专 业: 车辆工程 学 生 姓 名: 刘德春 学 号: 200673003 指 导 教 师: 岳明 评 阅 教 师: 陈广义 完 成 日 期: 2010.6.8 大连理工大学Dalian University of Technology低重心式两轮车动力学建模与分析摘 要随着科学技术的迅速发展,移动机器人得到越来越多的关注。两轮自平衡



4、法- I -低重心式两轮车动力学建模与分析Dynamic Modeling and Analyzing of a Twowheeled Vehicle with Low-gravityAbstract With the development of the science and technology, more attention focus on the mobile robot. As a kind of wheeled mobile robot, two-wheeled self-balanced robots have the capability to adapt the comp

5、lex situations. It can move and shift flexibility. Therefore, two-wheeled self-balanced robot can perform several rounds of the complicated motion which the multi-wheeled robot can not achieve, especially in the changeful environment such as space exploration, topographic reconnaissance and transpor

6、tation of dangerous goods. So it is suitable for detecting in narrow and dangerous space and has a wide foreground both in civilian and space explore. But two-wheeled self-balanced robot has multi-variable, non-linear and parameter uncertainty characteristics. Therefore, the dynamic equation is quit

7、e complex and it is difficult to design a control system .Both of the negative factors limited the development of such robots.Based on summarizations of the present two-wheeled self-balanced robot in view of structure, a new two-wheeled self-balanced robot has been proposed. That is Two-wheeled Vehi

8、cle with Low gravity. Two-wheeled Vehicle with Low gravity is characterized by rapid motion, it can both run in omni direction and turn with zero radius. The design of the structure is different from the inverted pendulum. Due to adopt the structure of hanged pendulum, the two wheeled vehicle with l

9、ow gravity has the nature of stability. In order to address the vibration phenomenon which is generally existed in the two wheeled vehicle, we propose a methed to use the principle of magnetorheological effect on the body to suppress the shock phenomena. This paper analyzes the law of motion and ste

10、ering mechanism of the two-wheeled vehicle with low gravity. Through analysis of robot in detail, we get robots model of kinetic energy and potential energy. Two-wheeled self-balanced robots dynamic model is established by using Lagrange equation, and it will provide a theoretical basis for the cont

11、roller design.Simulation is developed derived dynamic model above using MATLAB to prove the effectiveness. At last we obtain the desired experimental curve of the displacement, velocity, tilt angle of the two wheeled vehicle with lower-gravity. The analysis of the simulink results are conducted to e

12、nsure the validity and efficacy of the proposed dynamic model.Key Words:Two-wheeled Vehicle;Nonholonomic;Dynamic Model; Lagrange multiplier- IV -目 录摘 要IAbstractII1 文献综述11.1 课题背景11.2 两轮自平衡机器人的研究现状21.2.1 两轮自平衡机器人的国外研究现状21.2.2 两轮自平衡机器人国内研究现状51.3典型两轮自平衡机器人系统性能分析与比较71.4两轮自平衡机器人研究发展趋向91.5课题的意义及研究的主要内容102

13、低重心式两轮车样机介绍112.1 引言112.2 低重心式两轮车构型设计介绍112.3低重心式两轮车磁流变阻尼器减震设计122.3.1 磁流变液122.3.2 剪切式磁流变旋转阻尼器的结构及其工作原理132.4低重心式两轮车运动机理分析142.4.1 低重心式两轮车前向运动机理分析142.4.2 低重心式两轮车转向运动机理分析152.5 本章小结163 基于拉格朗日方程的系统动力学建模173.1 引言173.2典型的动力学建模方法173.3低重心式两轮车动力学建模的理论基础193.3.1 非完整系统概述193.3.2 广义坐标与约束力193.3.3 基本形式的拉格朗日方程203.4 低重心式两

14、轮车动力学建模的假设条件233.5 低重心式两轮车动力学建模的系统坐标系243.6 低重心式两轮车约束力模型243.7 低重心式两轮车动能模型253.7.1低重心式两轮车的车轮动能模型253.7.2低重心式两轮车的配重动能模型283.8低重心式两轮车的势能模型283.9低重心式两轮车的磁流变阻尼力矩模型293.9.1剪切式磁流变液阻尼器磁场诱导阻尼力矩的计算293.9.2剪切式磁流变液阻尼器粘性阻尼力矩的计算293.10低重心式两轮车完整动力学模型303.11低重心式两轮车的完整动力学模型的处理333.12本章小结354 低重心式两轮车MATLAB仿真364.1 引言364.2 低重心式两轮车

15、MATLAB仿真分析364.3 低重心式两轮车MATLAB仿真模型374.4 低重心式两轮车前向运动仿真分析384.5 低重心式两轮车零半径转向运动仿真分析404.6 低重心式两轮车任意半径转向运动仿真分析424.7 磁流变阻尼仿真分析444.8 本章小结47结 论48参 考 文 献49致 谢50编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第1页 共1页1 文献综述1.1 课题背景随着科学技术的发展和人类活动范围的扩大,机器人特别是移动机器人在太空探索、军事、工业、消防、反恐等领域中的应用越来越广泛。轮式机器人由于具有运动平稳、容易控制,转向灵活的优点,从机器人研究伊始就吸引了众多研究人员的目光。在轮式机器人工作过程中可能会遇到工作区域狭窄、路面不平等复杂多变的工作环境在这种情况下要求两轮车经常转向,如何在这样复杂多变的环境里灵活快捷的完成任务,使机器


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