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5、以及可记忆性都统统交由字体和配色方案来处理了。附海报图集:威廉亨利哈里森 1840丹尼尔韦伯斯特 1848扎卡里泰勒 1848卡斯/巴特勒 1848约翰弗里蒙特 1856米勒德菲尔莫尔 1856詹姆斯布坎南 1856亚伯拉罕林肯 1860林肯/约翰逊 1864林肯/约翰逊 1864格兰特/科尔法克斯 1868加菲尔德/阿瑟 1880克利夫兰/亨德里克斯 1884威廉麦金利 1896麦金利/霍巴特 1896麦金利/罗斯福 1900伍德罗威尔逊 1912考克斯/罗斯福 1920杜鲁门/巴克利 1948约翰菲茨杰拉德肯尼迪 1960肯尼迪/约翰逊 1960林登约翰逊 1960罗伯特弗朗西斯肯尼迪 1

6、968尼克松/阿格纽 1968尼克松/阿格纽 1972尼克松/阿格纽 1972理查德尼克松 1972乔治麦戈文, 1972卡特/蒙代尔 1980吉米卡特, 1980罗纳德里根 1980里根/布什 1984杰西杰克逊 1984蒙代尔/费拉罗 1984布什/奎尔 1992克林顿/戈尔 1992多尔/肯普 1996克里/爱德华兹 2004克里/爱德华兹 2004布什/切尼 2004巴拉克奥巴马 2008海报图像来源:国会图书馆,RonWadeB,Lori Ferbe Collectibles The Evolution of the Campaign PosterIn a few short mon

7、ths, campaign posters will be everywhere.The gamut of Republican White House candidates will roll out the commercial artwork theyve chosen to augment their presidential ambitions. Iowa and New Hampshire will be festooned.The modern campaign poster is a slick thing, with message-tested taglines and o

8、ccasionally trendsetting design. But its nothing like its early forebears. As an element of political culture, the campaign poster has taken a long road to its present form.John Quincy Adams became the first presidential candidate to widely use posters in 1824, according to theUniversity of Virginia

9、s Miller Center, but the oldest American campaign poster in the Library of Congresss digital file promoted presidential candidate William Henry Harrison in 1840.In the 1800s, posters were more detailed than they are today. Early campaign posters featured etched portraits of the candidates looking st

10、atesmanly and were printed using wood or metal plates, sometimes inked in color. Extensive text sometimes accompanied the portraits (see the Garfield/Arthur and McKinley/Hobart posters above), and in some instances text was the posters main feature (see the two Lincoln/Johnson posters).It was harder

11、 to reproduce images than to reproduce text, said Steven Heller, a design expert and formerNew York Timesart director who blogged about campaign posters for theTimesin 2008 and who nowcontributes toThe Atlantic. They wanted to inform the public, and the public at that stage was fairly literate, so t

12、here was more of an emphasis on the word. As you get further into the 19th century, it gets easier to reproduce things with wood engravings, and toward the end of the century throughhalftone. There wasnt a camera, so you were reliant on likenesses from wood or steel engravings. By the end of the cen

13、tury, the camera had come into being and you could see a photo of U.S. Grant, and you could see a photo of Abe Lincoln earlier than that, but photography became more accessible, photo reproduction became more doable, and so the printing technique kind of conformed to that.By the middle of the 20th c

14、entury, a new design scheme came to dominate: black-and-white photographs with color backgrounds and large text. Big, block-letter slogans and candidate names replaced the lengthy cursive script seen in the etched prints of the late 1800s, and primary colors replaced their dusty olives and sun-yello

15、ws.Offset printing, in which ink is transferred to a rubber cylinder, became the dominant commercial-printing technology in the 1950s, and color photographs, along with full color layouts, supplanted black-and-white by the time Richard Nixon ran for president in 1972.While candidates (and their advertising, design, and printing firms) now mass-produce color-photography posters in every election year, printing advancements havent made campaign posters more complex, per se. The most widespread style, to this day, is t


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