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1、四年级英语试卷题号一二三四五六七八总分分数1010101010201020100得分听力部分( 30 分)一、听录音,选图画( 10 分)根据录音内容, 选出相应的图画, 将图画标号写在题前括号内。1 / 6二、 听录音,排顺序 (10 分)根据你所听到的短文给下列句子排顺序(首句已给出)。() Whose coat is this?() And those? Whose pants are those?( 1 ) Sarah, can you help me, please?() Itsmine.() OK.() Theyre your fathers.三、听录音,写单词(10 分)根据听到

2、下列句子的内容,填入所缺的单词,完成句子。1. - Wheres the teachers_?- Itson the _ floor.2. - What are these?- They are _.3. - Its 9 oclock. Its time for _ _.4. - Whatsthe weather like in New York?- Its_.2 / 65.- I like that green _.笔试部分( 70 分)四、 图文配伍( 10 分)根据下面句子的意思选出相应的图片,将图片标号写在题前括号内。() 1. Its cloudy in Anyang today.(

3、) 2. -Whats this? -Itsa cow.() 3. - What time is it?- Its3 oclock. Itstime for PE class.() 4. Its time for breakfast. Lets drink some milk.() 5. - How much is this scarf? - Its58 yuan.五、情景对话( 10 分)根据栏的问题,从栏中选出答案,将其标号写在题前括号内。() 1. How do you like this skirt? A. Itssnowy.3 / 6() 2. How many sheep do y

4、ou have? B. They are your fathers.() 3.Do you have an art room?C. Itsvery pretty.() 4. What sthe weather like? D. Seventeen.() 5. Whose pants are those?E. Yes, we do.六、英汉互译( 20 分)A)把下列英语句子翻译成汉语1. Are these carrots? 这些是吗?2. Time to go home.该_了。3. Can I go outside now?现在我能 _吗?4. Can I help you? ?5. Wh

5、ats the weather like today?今天?B)根据汉语,完成下列英语句子。1看那条裙子。它很漂亮。Look at that dress. Its _.2九点了。该上床睡觉了。It s9 oclock. Itstime to _ _.3计算机房挨着音乐教室。The computer room is next to the _.4那条裤子是谁的?Whose _ are those?5放学了。让我们去操场吧。School is over. Letsgo to the _.4 / 6七、选句填空(10 分)阅读下面的对话, 根据上下文, 选择适当的句子将对话补充完整,并将其标号写到相

6、应的横线上。A. Its the teachersoffice.B. Do you have an art room?C. Thank you.D. How many students are there in your class?E. Is that the computer room?A: Welcome to our school! This is my classroom.B: Itsso big._A: Forty-five students.B: _A: No, it isnt. _B: _A: Yes, we do. Itson the second floor. This w

7、ay, please.B: _听力材料及评分意见一、听录音,选图画听录音,选出与句子相对应的图画,并将其标号写在题前括号内。5 / 61. It s cold and snowy in Kunming.2. -Can I help you?-Yes. Can I try these shorts?3. Go to the playground. Play football.4. -What are these?-They are potatoes.5. -How many students are there in your class?-Thirty-five.二、 听录音,排顺序根据你所听

8、到的短文给下列句子排顺序。Sarah, can you help me, please?OK.Whose coat is this?It smine.And those? Whose pants are those?Theyre your father s.三、听录音,写单词根据听到下列句子的内容,填入所缺的单词,完成句子。1. - Wheres the teachersoffice?- Its on the first floor.2. - What are these?- They are horses.3. - It s9 oclock. Itstime for English class.4. - Whatsthe weather like in New York?- It srainy.5. - I like that green skirt.6.6 / 6


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