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1、 高考英语动词及动词短语专项练习 100 题1. The mail was _ for two days because of the snow storm.a. held outb. held offc. held upd. held downd. cares for2. - Can I do the job?- I m afraid not, because it _ skill and patience.a. calls for b. asks forc. sends for3. The government has _ the parents to work with teachers

2、 in the education of their children.a. asked for4. Though he is _ worker, he works very hard.a. an ordinary b. a common5. The plan _ just because people were unwilling to cooperate.b. called forc. looked ford. paid forc. a usuald. a generala. turned down6. I dont skate now, but i _ when i was a kid.

3、a. used to b. am used to dob. pulled downc. broke downd. put downc. was used to skated. used to it7. students should be encouraged to finish their homework _.a. of themselves b. of their own c. for their own8. Does the way you thought of _ the water clear make any sense?a. making b. to make c. how t

4、o make9. Such _ the case, I couldn t help but _ him.a. being; support b. is; to support c. has been; supporting10. - And besides, these colors are more _ you.d. on their ownd. having makingd. be; supported- D o you really think so? ia. becoming toll take it then.b. belonging toc. referring tod. used

5、 to11. I simply couldn t understand how it _ that you did so much work within such a shorttime.a. came acrossb. came aboutc. came upd. came back12. No agreement was reached in the discussion because neither side would _ to _.a. give away; the other13. Her face gave her _ when she told a lie.a. off b

6、. away14. I really don t want to go to the party, but i dona. get back from b. get out ofb. give up; othersc. give in; otherd. give out; anotherc. upd. outt see how i can _ it.d. get offc. get away15. And there, almost _ in the big chair, sat her little brother, who never had to be told to bequiet.a

7、. losingb. having lostc. to be lostd. lost16. Without fact, we cannot form a worthwhile opinion, for we need to have factual knowledge_ our thinking.a. which to be based onb. upon which to based. to which to be basedc. which to base upon17. T here are many interesting books _, but im atbaorlroosws.

8、which tod. to choose from18. The two sides have finally _, though some small differences still exist.a. made a decision b. reached an agreement c. settled downa. to chooseb. for choosingc. to be chosend. broken up1 19. To everybody s surprise, the fashionable young lady _ to be a thief.a. found out

9、b. proved out c. turned out20. What a pity! he _ the only chance of success.a. gave in b. put down c. threw away21. The truth will sooner or later _.a. come about b. turn out22. The teacher _ excellent models of compositions for her class.a. held up b. held back c. got throughd. put outd. broke offc

10、. come outd. give outd. got up23. In my opinion, medical treatment and special schools should be _ disabled people.a. referred to24. It is said that the newly-built theatre can _ 1,800 people.a. be held b. seat c. sit25. The president of Iraq has decided to step down to be _ by his younger son.a. ch

11、anged b. taken c. held26. It snowed heavily for three days _ and they were separated from the outside world.b. supplied withc. given byd. provided ford. be seatedd. succeededa. in the end27. I think things will _ soon. all signs have shown everything is getting better.a. put up b. set up c. pick up

12、d. hold up28. - Are you sure he will join us ?- Of course. he will be _ glad to come.a. only too b. too much29. This room _ fifty people.a. contains b. containing30. After coming back from work, he _ his car in the street.b. at the endc. by the endd. on endc. all tood. none tooc. includesd. included

13、a. washed down31. I can t _ his name at the moment.a. think over b. think about32. Every day, people _ a lot of rubbish.a. give away b. throw away33. He _ and broke his right leg.a. knocked over b. got over34. The fellow i spoke _ no answer at first.a. made b. to makeb. washed awayc. went downc. thi

14、nkd. laid downd. think ofc. clean awayd. wash awayc. fell overd. took overc. to maded. to making35. On Sunday morning after getting up, i help my mother _ our rooms and wash dirtyclothes.a. do up36. If you are not sure of the meaning of this word, you can _ the dictionary.a. refer to b. look up c. see37. The story was so moving that i could hardly _ my tears.a. hold up b. hold on c. hold on to38. Her mother was _ ill yesterday and is now in hospital.a. broken b. taken c. caught39. He ran back into the room to see if he had anything _ behind.a. forgotten b.



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