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1、. . . . 摘要本论文所介绍的信息安全管理系统是一个有关网络安全的管理信息系统。该系统面向公司的信息安全管理人员,使得他们可以从繁重而分散的操作中解脱出来,减轻劳动强度,从而有足够的时间和精力和充分的数据对业务系统和资产中的漏洞、威胁、病毒、安全事件等信息进行收集、整理、分析、处理、保存、传输和发布,使得信息安全管理人员能有条不紊的开展信息安全管理工作。该系统的开发采用了软件工程的理论,合理地安排人员和时间对系统进行分析、设计、编码、测试和维护,项目小组在预定的时间准确而高效的完成了该项目的开发。系统采用面向对象的软件设计方法,模块间松耦合而模块部又保持高度一致,系统的可重用性和可维护性水


3、选择,系统测试,运行与维护概况。关键词: 信息安全、管理信息系统、面向对象、JDBC、B/SAbstractThis paper introduces an information security management system that is about network security. The system faces to the people who manage the information security in the company, so as to help them escape from the hard and busy work, reduce their

4、 laboring intensity. Consequently they will have enough time and energy, and can get abundant data to collect, coordinate, analyze, dispose, save, transport and distribute the hole, threaten, virus, security and so on in the operation system and asset, thereby the information security manager can de

5、velop the information security management task in an orderly way.The exploitation of the system was adopted the theory of the software engineering, arranged the people and time to analyze, design, code, test and maintenance the system in reason. Project group achieve the development of the project i

6、n schedule well and truly.The design method of the system was adopted the way of object oriented. The coupling in the module is close and it was kept consistent within the module. The system can be used repeatedly and the maintainability of the system is very strong, so the quality of the software d

7、esign was enhanced. It is convenient、expansible and sustain the use repeated of the code to use JAVA as the language of the background, in a certain extent reduced the laboring intensity of the software development people.This paper was accomplished by being thought over after the system had been do

8、ne.The first part of the paper is the foreword. The second part is the expatiation about the systems requirement analyse, the description of the system, the problem in existence, and provide the solution, the feasibility and decision-making of the system development. The third part is the descriptio

9、n of the logic scheme, the data stream map and the data dictionary about the system and the system explanation. The fourth part is the collectivity framework design about the system, including the software module framework design, for example, the module fabric map, the IPO map and the database desi

10、gn. The fifth part is the implement of the system,such as the code design, the main module design. The final part is the implement circumstances, the implement environment and the choice of the tool, the system test, the survey about the running and maintenance of the system.Keyword: information sec

11、urity, management information system, object oriented, JDBC, B/S目 录摘要IABSTRACTII第1章前言- 1 -1.1背景分析- 1 -1.2国外现状- 1 -1.3 本系统研究(设计)容- 2 -第2章系统需求分析- 5 -2.1现行业务系统描述- 5 -2.2业务流程图- 5 -2.3现行系统存在的主要问题分析- 7 -2.4 关键技术与难点- 7 -2.5 解决方案- 7 -2.6可行性分析和决策- 8 -第3章系统逻辑方案- 10 -3.1数据流图描述- 10 -3.1.1信息安全管理系统数据流图的符号说明- 10 -

12、3.1.2信息安全管理系统关联图- 10 -3.1.3信息安全管理系统DFD总体图- 12 -3.1.4信息安全管理系统DFD零级图- 13 -3.1.5信息安全管理系统DFD细节图- 14 -3.2数据字典描述- 16 -3.3基本加工小说明书- 18 -第4章系统总体结构设计- 20 -4.1软件模块结构设计- 20 -4.1.1 模块结构图- 20 -4.1.2 IPO图- 22 -4.2 数据库设计- 25 -4.2.1实体描述- 25 -4.2.2实体之间的联系- 29 -4.2.3 E-R图- 30 -4.2.4 基本表的设计- 30 -4.3计算机系统方案的选择- 31 -4.4

13、系统总体安全性,可靠性方案与设计- 32 -第五章系统实现- 33 -5.1 数据库中表的详细描述- 33 -5.2代码设计- 36 -5.3 主要模块的设计- 36 -5.3.1 登陆界面的实现- 36 -5.3.2 资产管理模块的实现- 38 -5.3.3 漏洞库管理模块的实现- 40 -第六章实施概况- 42 -6.1实施环境和工具的选择- 42 -6.2编码- 42 -6.3系统测试- 42 -6.4系统运行与维护概况- 43 -结束语- 44 -鸣- 44 -参考文献- 45 -英文翻译- 46 -英文原文- 46 -中文翻译- 52 - / 第1章 前 言1.1背景分析宝信软件股份





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