江苏无锡某中学-中考模拟英语试卷含答案(DOC 12页)

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1、精品资料 无锡市天一实验学校初三英语三模试卷 卷一(共50分)一、选择题(14)( )1. I wonder what it feels like to be one of _ really rich. The Browns already have Rolls Royce and now they are buying _ third. A. the; the B./;aC.the;aD./;the ( )2. The grassland, reaching out far away, looks rather beautiful _ the blue and clean sky. A. a

2、gainst B. aboveC. throughD. past( )3. Could you tell me how many books I can borrow at a time? Sorry. _ at all . Our compute system is updating. A.NotB. NothingC. NoneD. No( )4. Chinese Dream is a great way to gather people together and _ the fast development of our own country. A. try out for B. fi

3、t for C. push for D. cheer for( )5.Could you tell me_?“Rome was not built in a day.” You should try to give it enough chances to become strong.A. what I can do to have a good memory B. how I can do to have a good memoryC. why I should have a good memoryD. how can I have a good memory( )6. Dont wait

4、for others to be polite. Show them _ a friendly person you are. A. whoB. how C. what D. where( )7. It is so cold that you cant go outside _you put on more clothes. A. ifB. unless C. though D. when( )8. There is a lot of smoke coming out of the teaching building there. Really? It _ be a fire, most pr

5、obably. A. canB. should C. have to D. must ( )9. Please drive a bit faster. I hear a storm is_. Dont worry. III find a hotel nearby to avoid it. A. on the wayB. in its way C. in some way D. by the way( )10. The patient was badly hurt and needed _ at once. A. operating B. to operate on C. to be opera

6、tedD. operating on( )11. I know this plan is far from perfect, but I just cant think of _ one. A. a better B. the betterC. a bestD. the best( )12. What a terrible experience! _, youre safe now - thats the main thing. A. Anyway B. MoreoverC. OtherwiseD. Indeed( )13. Pay no attention to those who laug

7、h at you. What _ most is how you see yourself. A. caresB. mindsC. mattersD. counts ( )14. Do the dishes, Mike, or I will tell mum! _ , Sue!A. Mind your own businessB. You are welcomeC. Its your dutyD. Never mind二、完形填空(10)Many people believe that they will be happy when they arrive at some special go

8、al(目标) they set for themselves. However, when you arrive “there” you will not feel 15 , and move your “there” vision to another point in the future. By always running after another “there”, you are never really 16 the value what you already have right “here”. It is important for human beings to keep

9、 17 about the strong natural need to look beyond the place where you now stand. On one hand, your life is 18 by your dreams. On the other hand, the power can 19 you farther and farther from your enjoyment of your life right now. By learning to be 20 , you can bring yourself closer to achieve the cha

10、llenge of living in the present. To be thankful means that you thank for what you have and where you are on your path right now. As you focus on (集中于) the present moment, you can 21 the full wonder of “here”. Taking some advice will help. First, imagine what your life would be like if you lost all t

11、hat you had. This will most surely remind you of 22 you do enjoy it. Second, make a list each day of all that you are thankful for. Do this especially when you are feeling as though you have nothing to feel thankful for. Or 23 a few minutes before you go to sleep showing thanks to all that you have.

12、 Third, spend time offering help to those who are less 24 than you, so that you may get new ideas.( ) 15. A. satisfied B. interested C.excited D. amazed( ) 16. A. reaching B. receiving C. understanding D. supporting( ) 17. A. fit B. calm C. clean D. safe( ) 18. A. controlled B. improved C. explored

13、D. proved( ) 19. A. force B. take C. pull D. promise( ) 20. A. powerful B. useful C. careful D. thankful( ) 21. A. notice B. see C. achieve D. experience( ) 22. A. how much B. how well C. how often D. how soon( ) 23. A. control B. wait C. spend D. spare( ) 24. A. lucky B. lively C. lovely D. friendly三、阅读理解(26) (A)Greek-Roman Festival Friday, April 28thYou can join one group.As a member of the group, you will take part in at least ONE of the following activities.1. Compete in an Olympic event. Remember there is only small space for each event, so dont


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