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2、 本设计计是沈阳阳铁路局局办公室室结构设设计,要要求完成成必要的的毕业论论文及建建筑施工工图和结结构施工工图等图图纸。 本工程程占地面面积约为为12006.99平方米米左右,总总建筑面面积60034.6平方方米,五五层,首首层层高高为3.9米,其其余各层层层高均均为3.6米。办办公楼主主体结构构采用钢钢筋混凝凝土现浇浇框架结结构,柱柱网尺寸寸为3.3m6.00m ,总总长度为为82.64mm,总宽宽度为114.664m, 总高高度为118。11m。 本设计计包括建建筑设计计和结构构设计两两个部分分。设计计内容包包括(建建筑设计计部分)平平面设计计、立面面设计、剖剖面设计计及相应应的构件件设计,

3、(结结构设计计部分)计计算模型型的选取取、荷载载计算、内内力计算算、构件件设计及及相应的的配筋图图。 外墙采采用2440mmm厚空心心砖水泥泥砌块;楼梯间间墙为2240mmm实心心砌块; 内墙墙采用2240mmm厚空空心水泥泥砌块。柱柱子采用用5000mm5000mm方方形柱,每每层的柱柱子截面面尺寸一一样。梁梁的截面面高度由由其跨度度确定,考考虑到施施工便利利,边跨跨主梁尺尺寸为2250mmm5000mm,中中跨主梁梁采用22504000,所所用钢筋筋为HRRB4000级,梁梁板混凝凝土为CC30,柱柱子为CC30。本设计依依据现行行国家规规范和相相关参考考设计资资料完成成,根据据经济、安安

4、全、适适用、美美观、私私密性的的原则,并并且考虑虑了与周周围环境境的和谐谐和统一一,进行行设计。结结构计算算中,采采用D值值法,计计算水平平地震作作用和风风荷载作作用下框框架的顶顶点位移移和内力力;采用用分层法法计算竖竖向荷载载作用下下的框架架内力,并并考虑地地震、风风的影响响进行内内力组合合。在此此基础上上,进行行框架梁梁、柱的的配筋设设计计算算。同时时,还对对楼板和和楼梯进进行了设设计。关键词:钢筋混混凝土;框架结结构;结结构设计计;内力力分析AbsttracctGradduattionn deesiggn iis tto cculttivaate stuudennts coomprreh

5、eensiive knoowleedgee off baasicc thheorry, thee ellemeentaary knoowleedgee annd tthe bassic skiill, annalyysiss annd tthe abiilitty tto ssolvve ppraccticcal proobleems. Itt haas aa veery strrongg prractticaalitty aand commpreehennsivve, is to culltivvatee sttudeentss wworkk inndeppenddenttly of a g

6、goodd waay aand metthodd. IIn tthe dessignn prroceess, reevieew aand connsollidaate thee beeforre II leearnned thee baasicc thheorry aand proofesssioonall teechnnicaal kknowwleddge, too maake up forr thhe llackk off thheirr owwn iin tthesse aaspeectss, aand morre ddeepply reaalizzed as a bbuillderr

7、eiitheer iin tthe dessignn orr inn thhe cconsstruuctiion proocesss, musst ttakee thhe rrigoorouus sscieentiificc atttittudee too thhe ttheoory andd prractticee annd cconnnectted. Inn thhe ddesiign, I loookedd thhrouugh a llargge nnumbber of reffereencee maaterriall, aand strrivee too maake of knoowl

8、eedgee coonsttanttly sysstemmatiic, connstaant massterry. Thiss deesiggn iis sshennyanng rraillwayy offficce sstruuctuure dessignn, aaskeed tto ccompplette tthe neccesssaryy grraduuatiion theesiss annd aarchhiteectuurall coonsttrucctioon ddrawwingg annd sstruuctuure connstrructtionn drrawiing andd d

9、rrawiingss. The proojecct ccoveers an areea oof aabouut 112066.9 squuaree meeterrs, witth aa tootall coonsttrucctioon aareaa off 60034.6 ssquaare metterss, ffivee laayerrs, layyerss off thhe ffirsst hhighh off 3.9 mm, tthe othherss eaach layyer upoon llayeer wwhicch iis 33.6 metterss hiigh. Thhe mma

10、inn sttruccturre oof rreinnforrcedd cooncrretee buuilddingg thhe ccastt-inn-siitu fraame strructturee, ccoluumn griid ssizee off 3.3 mm x 6.00 m, thhe ttotaal llenggth of 82.64 m, widdth is 14.64 m ttotaal, tottal heiightt off 188. 11 m. Thiss deesiggn iinclludiing buiildiing dessignn annd sstruuctu

11、ure dessignn off twwo ppartts. Dessignn coonteent inccluddingg (aarchhiteectuure dessignn paart) pllanee deesiggn, thee veertiicall deesiggn, thee deesiggn oof ccrosss aand thee coorreespoondiing commponnentt deesiggn, (sttruccturre ddesiign parrt) callcullatiion moddel sellecttionn, tthe loaad ccal

12、cculaatioon, intternnal forrce callcullatiion andd coompoonennt ddesiign andd thhe ccorrrespponddingg reeinfforccemeent figguree. By 2240 mm thiick walll hholllow briickss ceemennt bblocck; Thee sttairrs oof tthe walll bbetwweenn 2440 mmm ssoliid bblocck; By 2400 mmm thhickk waall inssidee thhe hhol

13、llow cemmentt bllockk. TThe pilllarrs 5500 mm x 5500 mm squuaree coolummn, thee evveryy laayerr off thhe ppilllarss off thhe ssecttionn siize. Thhe bbeamm seectiion heiightt byy itts sspann suure, coonsiiderringg thhe cconsstruuctiion is connvenniennt, acrrosss thhe mmainn giirdeer ssizee iss 2550 m

14、mm xx 5000 mmm, acrrosss thhe mmainn giirdeer iin 2250 x 4000 , uusedd foor HHRB4400 reiinfoorceed lleveel, beaam sslabb cooncrretee ass C330, pilllarrs ffor C300. Thiss deesiggn aaccoordiing to thee naatioonall sttanddardd annd rrelaatedd reeferrencce ddesiign matteriial commpleete, acccorrdinng tt

15、o eeconnomiic, seccuriity, apppliicattionn annd bbeauutifful, thhe pprinncipple of illliciit cclosse ssex, annd cconssideer tthe andd thhe ssurrrounndinng eenviironnmennt hharmmonyy annd uunitty, to carrry on thee deesiggn. Strructturaal ccalcculaatioon, thee D vallue metthodd, tthe callcullatiion of horrizoontaal eeartthquuakee efffecct aand winnd lloadd thhe vvertticees oof tthe fraamewworkk off diispllaceemennt aand intternnal forrce; Byy sttrattifiied undder verrticcal loaad mmethhod to callcullatee th


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