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1、1Abaam LincolnHeaed the Unon, free he laves, dpreided overrc scond foun.2 Geore WashingtonHemade th nitedSte ossibleot onyby defeting king, uy eclng o become one himslf3 Thoas Jeffersonh auhorohe f mot importa wrds n America isty: “All e are crat eua.”4 Fakin Delo RooseveltHe sai,“The onlythng we ha

2、veto ear ifear tself,” andthenhe pove i.5 AexanderHmiltooldie, banker, and olticalsientit, h s inmotonan agrarian aions transfrmatin into an nsia ow. Benjamin FankliTh under-of-alltrades scietist, printer, ritr,dilomt, inventr, andmor; lie h contr, h conain multtues.7 Jhn MasllT defini chie jusce, h

3、e estaishethSuprme ou a the eua ofth ohertwo ederarhes8Martn Lther King JHseam fracalequaliy is tillesie,bu o one did more to mak tealhas EdisonItwasnt just he igtbulb; the zrd of Melo Pawte most rolific inventorinmera hiso.1 Wodrow Wilone mae te world safe or US.interenons, if o fr dmoay11John Doce

4、fellrhe man behiStandrd Oil et the mold for o tyofst bymaking oney, then by gvng way.2 UeS GnH was apoor presiden, b he was he geerl Linon needed;healso wro egatet ticl eoir iAmercan itory.mes MadisnHe faheredthe onstutian woe theill of Rhs.4 enry ForHe gave u te aemblyline ad h ol T, ndsparkedAmeic

5、as v ffarwit the automile.15 Thodo RetWhetr bing rustsorbulng nls, e embed the “strenuoulife” and blazd trai f wtih-ceturyec.16 Mark inuthor ofounational pc, wash o enimetal obsevr o our national life. RoaldRagnhamiable rchtec oft th oservtiv ralignnad the old Wsend.8 drew JacksnThe firsgre oulist:h

6、e foun Ameic arepulc nd eft t dmoccy19 Thomas PaieTic fthe Ameri Relution, ad firstgreatradcal.2 AndrwCarngeTh rginal self-mdeman foged Amricas inustrl migta eame oneof the naiongreatet phiantropst.2 Hay rmannacien pesien, thismachne ptican usered nthe Atomic ge adhen the Cd r.2 at WitmanHesag Aeric

7、 ad saped th unts conceptn itsel.2 Wrght Brohersey got usll f te grond.4Alexaner raham el inntingte ele, h openedth ag of tlemuicatiosand an he world25Joh AsHs adrsideth AmeicnRelutionpossible;hidevoton t repblicanism mad it succeed.26 WltDisneyh quinessential entrtaier-entepreneur,e wieed nmatcd il

8、ee oer urchlood.2 Ei WhitneyHis in mdecotking and sutind an mpire or slver.28 DwightEinhoeHe n a war and wo election, an ade eveyboy lkIk29 Earl WrrenHisSupre Cout transformedAmerican societandbeathed t us theltur wars.30 lzat Cdy SannOne f the fit get Aeri femiist, she fugtforocia rerm anwoensrihtt

9、o vote.31 Henr ClayOneof Amerias reatest legisltor and oators,h fgd mromise that hedoff ivil war fordeades.Aet Ensteii geatestcent work was don n Europe,bt hi hunity earned iundying fme inAmerica33 Raph ldo EmernTebard of indiiulism,herelied onmslad told us alto dothe sm34 Jonas SalkHs vaccne for po

10、lioeadiat e f the orsworstplgus.3 JakiRobnsnH broe aeballs color barir an emodid intgaions proi.6 WilimJennngsBryan“The Great Commor” lost teepresdeniallction, buhis poplis ansfrd te coutry.7 J.P.MoranT geatfinanceandanker ws he rotoypefor al theW tetbarons who ollowed.8 Ssan . AnhonyShe a the cntry

11、 most eloqnvicfroens eualiy nderth la.39Rchl aThe author of ient Sprin as godher to th vironenal movemet.4JohnDeyHe oughtt mak thepublic scoola training round fo demcrati ife41 Hariet BectoweHe cle TosCabpired a gerationof boiionits andset the ge fr ivl .4 Eleanor RooseveltSe use the first ladysffcad he mssmda oeome “firs ady of h orld.” W. E. B. DuBoiOe fAmeica gratillectuals, he ade the “rblemof he colo line” hi lifes wrk.44Lyno Baines JonsoHis rillianeaves vilri laws; i subbornnes gaveusVietnam Samuel . . orseBfore the Ir, thr waMorse ode46Wiliamoy Garrisoug his newspape, The


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