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1、环 球 卓 越2006同等学力申硕英语水平全国统考考前辅导词汇速记班讲义(内部资料 翻印必究)主讲:初 萌电 话:010-82503220/21地 址:北京市海淀区人民大学北路金桥写字楼102室(本讲义仅供环球卓越学员内部使用)第一次课:P、R开头的核心词汇学习时间:12天学习内容:P、R开头的核心词汇学习方式: 认真听讲,记笔记。在每个词后都要记住其记忆方法,语义和使用语境。完全能拼写出单词是不必要的,但是要做到看到单词能认出其语义。学习提醒: 你愿意一生都坐失良机吗?你愿意今年在职考试功亏一篑吗? 不! 当然不! 知道做不到不知道!成功不在于能知乃在于能行!如果你没有决心严格按照讲义中的要

2、求来做,反而会浪费你的时间! 所以,在你课程开始时,请你先把下面的承诺填好。我承诺: 从今天开始,疯狂背诵, 用12天的时间彻底掌握P、R开头的核心词汇 我将100%付出我的行动! 我将100%忠于我的承诺!签名 _ 时间_ 地点:_paceradicalpanicratiopartialrationalparticipaterawparticularlyreadilypartnerrebelpassionrecallpassivereceiptpeculiarreceptionpeerrecessionpenaltyreckonpenetraterecognitionpensionrecom




6、erevenueprofessionreviseprofilerewardprofitridiculousprogressiverivalprohibitroarprominentrotatepromoteroutinepromptrumorproofruralpropertypublicationproportionpublicityprotestpublishprovidedpunchprovisionpunctualprovokepurchasepossessionpurposepsychologicalpursuepuzzle语境词汇题:P4.The reading section o

7、f the tests contain five _ ,each of which followed by five questions. A messagesB paragraphsC statementsD passages5. The elderly of Russians find it hard to live on there _ state. A pensions B earnings C salariesD donations 8. This is a new model of _ typewriter especially to meet the needs of trave

8、ling business. A mobile B flexible C portable D active 9. While nuclear weapons present grave _ dangers, the predominant crisis of overpopulation with us today. A inevitably B constant C overwhelming D potential10. My time is very _, I can only spare you minutes for a interview. A previous B scare C

9、 dear D precious11. It is believed that a good breakfast is _ a big supper.A more preferable than B more preferable to C preferable to D preferable for12. The _estimate of gains IN gross national product suggest a fast recovery from economic recession. A introductory B prime C primary D preliminary1

10、3. Some people criticize family doctor for _ too many medicines minor illness. A prescribing B ordering C advising D delivering 14. He gave his _- for new marketing procedures. A presentations B representations C comments D memoranda 15. The fundamental _which govern all physical processes are also

11、related to many everyday occurrence. A rules B regulation C principal D principle16. He adjusted his hat _. A prior of leaving B prior to leaving C prior to leave D prior leave 17. The food we eat through the whole _ of digestion, absorption and elimination. A procedure B procession C proceeding D p

12、rocess18. Chinese customers regulations _ taking precious works of art out of China. A prohibit B forbid C avoid D repel19. Mr. Bloom is not _ now, but he used to be an excellent doctor. A significant B dominant C magnificent D prominent20. Weight is an inherent _ of matter. A propriety B prosperity C property D privilege21. He _that the house be repaired. A proposed B imposed C opposed D composed 22. The office says there is little _ of rain in the near future. A perspective B foresight C prospect D outlook 23In a time o



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