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1、北京市丰台区初三二模英语试卷.06听力理解(共30分)一、听对话,从下面各题所给的、B、三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。(共5分,每题1分)二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共15分,每题15分)请听一段对话,完毕第至第7小题。6. ht subectdoes Tony hveMnday?A. PE and soy BPEand mth. . istoy and at. hatay is th gilsfaoriedy?A.ondy. B.Saturdy. C. Fridy.请听一段对话,

2、完毕第8至第9小题。8. How di heboo to schtoday?. Bta. BBy ike CBybs.9. What ds the o tink f ridingbies?A. S B.Comfortable. C. Dangerou.请听一段对话,完毕第1至第1小题。10What s Jme housik?A.sui.B.It bi . small11. What knd oom desJimant to add x week?A. Aling rom. Auest broom. C. Anirom请听一段对话,完毕第2至第3小题。12 hat are tegoin o do

3、 ogethr?A Go swmig .Seeanew vi. C. Playtennis1Whatarteymain tlking aut?.Personal nterets. B. Weekendplans. . Scollie请听一段独白,完毕第4至第1小题。4. Wat cayo lean rm thespaker? A. here a100 oomsin te oses of Prliamen.Only small ships an passthough Twer Bridg.C. You canget a viewfrom the Londn Eye15 Whydos teseae

4、 ie te speeh?A.TomakeaninouctoonLondntraveling.B Togive sm aviceo o o visiLondo. C. ooffr nivittionfgin tLodo.三、听对话,记录核心信息。本段对话你将听两遍。(共10分,每题2分)请根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,将所缺的核心信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。知识运用(共25分)四、单项填空(共10分,每题1分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.I an fid mruer. Culd ou help _init?. meB. er. hmD. th

5、em22.m Luy. Iwasborn _Novmber 1,94.A B in C or. o23 Id li t gosimmn with ou_ Itoo busy. or . but C. n D s24 _didyou by tenew ba? ast Moday.A. here . How C. When D. Wh25.I am veprothat Beijin is oofcitie nthe orld. . big B bigr C. igg D the biggst26. Mut I clan thero w?No,you _. cantB. neednt .ntD.sh

6、udnWha were ou oing at oclocklas night?I _.A. atch B wtce C.a tchinD. is atcingob Brnbatbll inNBA since1996A. has payed Bl play C.playD.played 29. h Intere_by more and moe pel in ou dai f nw. .ses B. use Csue D was usd30. Exse me Cou you tel me_? orr,IntknwI nehereA. where is the post offce . where

7、th pot offie is. he s e postfie Dee the pos e was五、完形填空(共1分,每题15分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。TheMagicWindowOne upntme there wasalitle boy who bem ver ill. He hadospen all ay in bd, nableto _31_. Beaus her cilren rt allwe to cme near him,hesuffedgreatl,and sent hs da feeln_2_nd blue

8、.Therewat mc he coldxcpt lookig of the window. Tiee,an his feelin f hoens ju_33_.Untlondy hesawa srange shapeewindw.It a atiybear eatinga sausage sandwh. Th ber squeezed(挤进) i thugh the open _, sid “good fternon” o the oy, urd ond,and eft.Of corse, the was vry _5_.He was still tryingto work ot wat h

9、 happened, wh outside hs widw saw nken a uit,usy ig up baloon Atfirt the boyasked himsewhathat codpoil , but ftr a while, s oe and moreazy-lokig characterseedoutewino, he stard _36_sdenly nd found it ad totop.Anyne who wand to stopauhwold eerldy sein apig laying a r, n eepant umpn onasofa, or a o we

10、aring a ir of lsse n akin abutnothing exc poliics. Th ittbo it tel nyone abut his bcaus n oe wod believe im.vno, tose stane caatrs eded up puting _3_ck n is heat, an i hi body. Bfe long, his hlh d iproved smuch ththe was abl to obak to h gain.Ther hegtto tako hs friens, andll he al the_38_hin hehad

11、se. While h s talkin to hs bet ien, he ssomething jumping ot ofh friends schol ag The bo asked his iendwhait ws, and nsstend final his riedhad to _39_ whawa inhe ba:Thre,nide, werell t facy-dress sitsa hi bestfendad beeung o ry o _40_t littl oyp!nd rm hatay on, thelitleby alwaydi hs best o m ure tano one elt sad and ale.31.A mo B. her C. se D. spk2. A.agry hapy C.sad D. qt 3 A.lost grw C. fel . hae 34. A.box B. do . rom D. indow 35. A. surprise Bfritened . cal D plea3.A.silig B cin C. shoing D. lagh



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