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1、MBA英语作文及写作范文MBA 英语作文及写作模板值得商榷-标题论述者得出如此的结论,认为_ 结论 ,之因此得出如此的结论是因为_,然而,这一论证存在着以下几方面的缺陷或者不足。第一,第一分要点,依旧有待研究的,假如/因为 _。其次,第二分要点,是不足为信的,假如/因为 _。再次,第三分要点,是值得商榷的,假如/因为 _。最后,第四分要点,是值得完善的,假如/因为 _。总而言之,论述者没有提供更充分的论据来证明_ 结论是无效的,为更加强那个结论,还必须提供其他更为有力的证明,作者的观点关于_ 结论是不利的。二、论说文 标 标 题第一段100 字第一句话:50 字以内的引用原文, 第二句话:过渡

2、词+破题 读了这段小故事,三个排比句从试卷给出的材料中提炼三个排比句 -,-,-, 我从中悟出一个道理,标题。第二段 100 字对材料简单的分析p 引申,强化论点。第三段20_字 告诉我们的确实是 那个道理:生活的理想确实是为了理想的生活,每个人都应该为此而担负起自己的责任 - 直面生活, 不管遇到如何样的困难与挫折,都携带前行。第四段20_字 给成功的人以尊重,说明了自己对别人成功的佩服、颂扬与追求;给失败的人以尊重,说明了自己对别人失败后的同情、安慰与鼓舞。只要有尊重在,就有人间的真情在,就有以后的期望在,就有成功后的连续奋进,就有失败后的东山再起。第五段100 字 _ ,友人告诉我:是坎

3、坷坎坷的,路上有着荆棘、沼泽,也有鲜艳的花果,然而我要用 披荆斩棘; 老师告诉我:是一场充满着遗憾,又满是拼搏的较量,然而我要用奋起拼搏;父母告诉我:是一盘漫长的棋局。然而我要用去博弈。英语 小作文 January 7 th2021 Dear Sir/Madam:(道歉信)112 字I am writing you this letter to show my deep regret because of the unpleasantness caused.Please accept my sincere apology.I hope you will understand me and e_

4、cuse me for I didnrsquo;t mean to do it deliberately. The reason for my wrongdoing was _(过失的缘故)。I had no way out because I _自己当时的处境和情形。Therefore its not in my power to prevent it from happening.Naturally, I promise that it wouldnrsquo;t happen another time.。I shall be obliged if you will kindly writ

5、e and tell me something I could do for you.其他信:you early reply will be greatly appreciated 感激 Yours,Li MingJanuary 7 th2021 Dear Sir/Madam:要求信-105 字I am writing you this letter to formally request for要求.The reason for my writing this letter is that I believe it is very important to me.我写这封信正式地要求 _,我

6、相信写这封信的缘故对我专门重要。I would also like to suggest you consider my request seriously and I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused.我也想建议你认真考虑我的要求,我差不多造成的任何不便,我专门抱歉。Thank you for your attention to these requests.If you have any questions, you should not hesitate to contact me at_(号码).I look forward to

7、 a favorable reply.感谢你注意这些要求。假如您有任何问题,不要犹疑与我联系 at_号码。我期待着一个良好的答复。your early reply will be greatly appreciated感激 Yours, Li Ming 小作文通用模板January 7 th2021 Dear Sir/Madam:邀请信74 字I think I can promise you thatthere are some good activities in the day.On the one hand, .我认为我能够承诺你一些专门好的活动,一方面.On the other ha

8、nd, .另一方面,.I really hope you can like our invitation.Please reply us within the time written on the letter.我确实期望你能喜爱我们的邀请。请在信上写的时刻内答复我们。Yours, Li Ming 英语 大作文 模板一The phenomenon of.has aroused great public concern in China recently.Well, for me,最近.的现象已引起中国公众的极大关注。那么,关于我来说, I maintain that _( 我的观点) , t

9、he following several reasons need our attention.的 我认为我的 _ 观点, 以下 几 个方面的缘故需要我们注意。In the first place, it is humanrsquo;s misleading behavior that leads to the phenomenon.第一,它是人类的误导行为导致的现象。For instance, 举例, ,In the second place, ,the improper tackling measures worsen the fact.比如:_,其次,不当的应对措施,恶化的事实。For

10、e_le._( 举例) ,In the final analysis, we have to do something to cope with the situation, such as arousing the public attention and enacting the new rules to regulate it.。比如:_,最后,我们必须做一些情况,以配合的情形下,如引起公众的关注,并制定新的规那么来规范。From what has been discussed above, we may safely e to the conclusion that.从上面差不多讨论,

11、我们能够安全地得出如此的结论:.英语 大作文模板二 The phenomenon of.has aroused great public concern in China recently.Well, for me,最近.的现象已引起中国公众的极大关注。那么,关于我来说, I maintain that _( 我的观点) , the following two reasons need our attention.的 我认为我的 _ 观点,下 以下 2 个方面的缘故需要我们注意。On the one hand, it is humanrsquo;s misleading behavior th

12、at leads to the phenomenon.一方面,它是人类的误导行为导致的现象。For instance, 举例, ,On the other hand,we have to do something to cope with the situation, such as arousing the public attention and enacting the new rules to regulate it.。比如:_,最后,我们必须做一些情况,以配合的情形下,如引起公众的关注,并制定新的规那么来规范。From what has been discussed above, w

13、e may safely e to the conclusion that.从上面差不多讨论,我们能够安全地得出如此的结论:.柱状图/ 线形图 第一段 对图表主题的总体 描述 As can be seen from the above chart, The chart 柱状图/ line graph 线形图 shows the _图表主题during _时刻.我们能够从上图看出,该图表向我们展现了从 _ 到 _ 间的 _。The first thing we notice is the increasing(decresing) number/rate of _主题as time/type c

14、hanged.我们第一看到的是 _ 的数量 / 比率随着时刻 / 类型的变化而变化。柱状图/ 线形图 第二段 对图表数据的详细 描述We can see from the statistics given that_图表内容一的增加或减少.Before _, the amount of _stay at _。After _, the number changed to _. 我们能够看到图表中内容一的数值/比率在增加/减少。_ 时刻前,_ 的数值/比率为 _。_ 时刻后,数据改变为 _.。The figures also tells us that_图表内容二的增加或者减少.Before _, the amount of _stay at _。After _, the number changed to _。从图表还看出内容二增加/减少。_ 时刻前,数值/比率为 _._ 时刻后,数据成为 _.柱状图/ 线形图/ 饼状图 第三段 给出缘故 , 总结,发出倡议、建议 Judging from these figures, we can draw the conclusion that the rate of/ amount of the _(



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