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1、英语口语中各种旅游的含义刚刚经过一个端午小长假,很多朋友都出门旅行去了,关于旅行,英语中有travel, journey,trip等等的说法,你知道这些词有什么区别吗?TravelAs a noun, travel refers to the activity in general and is generally used as an uncountable noun. travel做名词的时候指的是旅行这种行为本身,通常用作不可数名词。例句:I enjoy travel and playing golf.我喜欢旅行和打高尔夫。Travel and music are two of my f

2、avorite activities.旅行和音乐是我最喜欢的两件事。Travel can also be used as a verb and refers to the activity of moving from one place to another. Generally, travel is used as a general verb and is rather formal. People often use the mode of transport to express this activity.travel还可以用作动词,指的是从某地到另一地的行为。通常travel这个

3、动词很正式,人们更愿意用交通工具来表达这种行为。例句:I travelled by plane to Madrid. = I flew to Madrid.我坐飞机去了马德里旅行。=我飞去马德里的。She travelled more than three hundred miles to get to the meeting. = She drove more than three hundred miles to get to the meeting.她穿越三百多公里来到会场。=她开车开了三百多公里到达会场。Sometimes, travel is also used as a count

4、able noun in the plural form. In this case, it is often used in the sense that someone has been to many different places during one longer journey. This usage is also rather formal, and isnt likely to be used much in everyday speech.有时候,travel也用作可数名词,只用复数形式。在这种情况下,通常是表示一个人在一次长途旅行中到达过很多地方,这种用法也同样很正式,

5、不经常用于生活口语中。例句:His travels took to the far corners of the globe.他的旅程到达了地球最远的角落。Ms Bancroft sketched extensively during her travels around Europe.在环欧之旅中,Bancroft夫人花了大量的素描。TripTrip is a countable noun which indicates travel to and from a place. It is often used together with the reason for the return j

6、ourney.trip是一个可数名词,指的是旅行到某地和从某地出发,通常会和往返旅行的原因一起说。例句:I took a trip to the coast last weekend to relax.我上周末去了海边旅行放松了一下。Frank needs to take some time off and maybe take a trip to some exotic location.弗兰克需要请几天假,或许再出国去什么地方旅行一下。JourneyJourney refers to the actual time spent travelling. It tends to be used

7、 in British English more often than in American English.journey和旅行实际花费的时间有关。通常英式英语中更为常用。例句:How was your journey from Oxford?从牛津来的这一路怎么样?The journey to Rome was long and tiring.去罗马的旅程又长又无聊。VoyageVoyage refers specifically to long distance travel by sea.voyage指的是航海的长距离旅行。例句:The voyage to Japan takes a

8、bout two weeks from San Francisco.从旧金山到日本走海路大概需要两周时间。Many voyages were made to the Indian Ocean during that period.这段时间很多人航海去印度洋。Other Common Travel Expressions其他常用移动表达FlightA flight is a noun which refers to travel by air. It is similar to the verb fly which means to travel by air.a flight指的是航空旅行,和

9、fly的意思很接近。例句:My flight was delayed in Chicago.我的航班在芝加哥延误了。She needs to book a flight to San Diego next week.她需要预定一个下周去圣地亚哥的航班。She flew to London last weekend.她上个周末飞去了伦敦。DriveDrive is both a verb and a countable noun. It refers to travel by car or other four wheeled vehicle.drive是一个动词也是个可数名词,指的是开车或者使

10、用其他四轮交通工具旅行。例句:The drive to the coast is beautiful.开车去海边的风景美极了。She drove for six hours non-stop.她连续开了六个小时的车。RideRide is generally used as a verb, but can also be used as a noun. It refers to travel by bicycle or motorcycle.ride通常用作动词,也可以用做名词,指的是骑自行车或者摩托车旅行。例句:Lets take a ride on our bikes through th

11、e countryside.咱们骑上车去乡下玩吧。Walk, Jog, Run and SprintWalk, jog, and run are also used as both verbs and countable nouns. They refer to travel on foot. Walking is the slowest, jogging faster, running still faster and sprinting the fastest. Here are some examples that show the different speed:Walk, Jog和R

12、un都可以用作动词和可数名词。指的是徒步移动的行为,walking是走路,是最慢的;jogging是慢跑,会快一点,running更快,sprinting是最快的。I walk through the park on a sunny summers day.我在一个晴朗的夏日走过了公园。I jogged three miles last week.我上周慢跑了三公里Peter ran the last quarter mile to his home.皮特最后四分之一的路程是跑回家的。He sprinted the final fifty meters to the finish line.他全力冲刺了50米跑到终点。HikeHike is used as a verb and as a countable noun and refers specifically to walking in the mountains or countryside.hike用作动词和可数名词,指的是在山中或者乡下的徒步。例句:We went on a hike in Mount Rainier National Park last weekend.我们上周去维尼亚山国家公园徒步旅行了。She hiked 10 miles in six hours. 她六小时内走了十公里。



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