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1、今天第七七城市更更新一篇篇利用pps中的的字体,笔刷,纹理图图等多种种元素打打造出欧欧美怀旧旧的汽车车宣传广广告.素材资源源包下载载:点击击下载In tthiss tuutorriall, I wwilll shhow youu thhe pproccessses invvolvved in makkingg ann olld-llookkingg, vvinttagee caar ppostter witth ggrunnge texxturre, fonnt aand bruushsset in Phootosshopp.Allongg thhe wway, wee wiill be us

2、iing a sseriies of Phootosshopp teechnniquues succh aas llayeer bblenndinng ooptiionss, iimagge aadjuustmmentts, fillterr efffeccts andd maaskiing. Soome of thee teechnniquues cann bee a bitt trrickky (esppeciiallly wwithh thhe PPen Toool), buut wwhy nott juust havve aa trry :)在这这个教程程里,我我将教各各位运用用Pho

3、otosshopp字体、笔笔刷制作作一个怀怀旧的,老老式汽车车海报。学习的过程中,我们将使用一系列的Photoshop技术,如混合层选择,图像调整,滤镜效果和掩蔽。有些技术可有点麻烦(尤其是钢笔工具 ,但为什么不尝试一下 )Here is preview of the final image result for this tutorial:下图是效果图:NexxtPaageStepp 1LLoadd itt innto Phootosshopp. WWe wwilll bee ussingg itt ass ouur bbackkgrooundd foor tthe carr poostee

4、r.第第一步PPhottoshhop 打开污污迹纹理理图片,我我们将用用它作为为汽车广广告的背背景Now duppliccatee thhe bbackkgrooundd laayerr annd sset thee duupliicatted layyers bblenndinng mmodee too “Mulltipply” annd oopaccityy too 800%. Youu wiill seee thhe ttextturee daarkeen aa liittlle bbit:复制背背景层,图图层模式式为正片片叠底,透透明度:80%,你将将看到图图片有些些变暗:Stepp

5、2TTo ffurttherr addd DDupllicaate thee “Bacckgrrounnd CCopyy” laayerr onnce andd hiit CCtrll + Altt + Shiift + BB too brringg thhe BBlacck aand Whiite imaage adjjusttmennt ttooll, aapplly tthe folllowwingg seettiingss:第二二步再复复制一个个复制背背景层,按按下键盘盘上的CCtrll+Allt+SShifft+BB,调出出图像的的黑白调调整窗口口。参数数设置如如下图所所示:Keep

6、p thhe bblenndinng mmodee off thhe ddupllicaatedd laayerr too “Mulltipply” annd aadjuust thee laayerr oppaciity to 90%, yyou willl ssee thee foolloowinng eeffeect:保持图图层模式式为正片片叠底,调调整图层层的不透透明度为为90%,效果果如下图图所示:Add a vvecttor massk ffor thiis llayeer bby cclicck oon tthe folllowwingg buuttoon oon tthe la

7、yyer pallettte:如如下图所所示,添添加矢量量蒙板:Clicck oon tthe Massk iiconn annd ggrabb thhe EErasser Toool wwithh a bigg sooft bruush, errasee a porrtioon oof tthe duppliccateed llayeer bby ffolllowiing thee diirecctioon aas sshowwn bbeloow: Youu wiill seee byy dooingg soo itt crreatted somme ccoloour varriattion

8、n annd wwe nnow havve aa liightt soourcce ccomiing froom tthe topp riightt.点击击蒙板图图标,选选择一个个大号柔柔角笔刷刷,在下下图所示示的地方方涂抹你你会看到到这样做做带来了了一些颜颜色的变变化,现现在我们们有一个个光源来来自右上上角。笔笔刷大小小与涂抹抹方向见见下图:Optiionaal: youu caan aadd a ggraddiennt ffilll laayerr onn toop oof tthiss annd aapplly tthe folllowwingg seettiingss:或者者:也在在图

9、片上上部可以以添加一一个渐变变填充层层,参数数设置如如下图所所示:Set thee bllenddingg moode of thiis ggraddiennt ffilll laayerr too “sofft llighht” annd oopaccityy too 800%, youu wiill seee thhe ffolllowiing efffectt:设置置渐变图图层模式式为柔光光,不透透明度880%,效效果如下下图所示示:NexxtPaageStepp 3NNow we cann addd tthe carr immagee onnto ourr teextuure. Uss

10、e tthe Penn Toool (orr anny ootheer sseleectiion toool yyou preeferr, bbut its ggoodd too prractticee Peen TTooll coos yyou willl ffeell thhe bbeneefitt laaterr onn) tto mmakee a worrkinng ppathh ass shhow bellow:添加汽汽车图片片使用钢钢笔工具具(或任任何其他他你喜欢欢的工具具,但用用钢笔工工具会让让你在之之后的制制作得益益) ,画画一个工工作路径径,如下下图所示示Thenn Riig

11、htt-cllickk annd cchooose “Makke sseleectiion” annd sset thee feeathher raddiuss too 0 pixxel, prresss Cttrl + CC annd ccopyy thhe sseleectiion, thhen go to ourr doocummentt annd ppresss CCtrll + V tto ppastte tthe carr onnto thee caanvaas, ressizee itt ass shhownn beeloww:然后后点击鼠鼠标右键键,选择择建立选选区,羽羽化半径

12、径为0像像素,按按Ctrrl+CC复制选选区,按按Ctrrl+VV将汽车车复制到到画布上上,调整整大小如如下图所所示:Use thee Erraseer TTooll too clleann upp thhe eedgees oof tthe carr: (if youu diid nnot makke aa peerfeect sellecttionn)用橡橡皮擦清清理汽车车边缘:(如果果你抠的的汽车不不太理想想),见见下图:Namee thhis layyer as “Carr” annd sset itss bllenddingg moode to “mulltipply” annd y

13、you willl hhavee thhe ffolllowiing efffectt:命名名图层为为汽车层层,图层层模式为为正片叠叠底,效效果如下下图所示示:NexxtPaageStepp 4DDuplliatte tthe “Carr” laayerr twwicee. OOn tthe “Carr Coopy” laayerr, aapplly tthe folllowwingg Gaausssiann Bllur setttinngs:复制汽汽车图层层两次。在在汽车11副本图图层里:滤镜-模糊-高斯模模糊,半半径:22.5像像素,见见下图:Set itss bllenddingg mo

14、ode to “oveerlaay”.图层模模式:叠叠加Thhen on thee “Carr Coopy 2 laayerr, ggo tto FFiltter AArtiistiic Watterccoloor aand appply thee foolloowinng ssetttinggs:然然后选择择汽车22副本图图层:滤滤镜-艺艺术效果果-水彩彩:画笔笔细节:14阴阴影强度度:3纹纹理:22Set itss bllenddingg moode to “Scrreenn” wiith 70% oppaciity. Yoou wwilll haave thee foolloowinng

15、 eeffeect:图层模模式为滤滤色,不不透明度度70%,效果果见下图图:Makee aa duupliicatte oof tthe preevioous Graadieent Filll llayeer, draag iit tto tthe topp annd rrighht-cclicck oon tthe layyer, chhoosse “creeatee cllipppingg maask” annd sset itss bllenddingg opptioon tto “oveerlaay”.Thiis wwilll hiighllighht tthe carr acccorrdinng tthe ligght souurcee:复制制渐变背背景图层层,并拖拖到顶层层,点击击右键-创建剪剪贴蒙板板,图层层模式为为叠加。这将突出汽车的光源:NexxtPaageStepp 5CCreaate a nnew layyer callledd “gruungee brrushh” onn toop tthe “Bacckgrrounn


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