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1、Revision 2 Teaching aims(教学目标): 1. Knowledge aims:知识目标 (1). Write down times words. e.g: ten to two; twenty to eleven; twenty past six; quarter past seven. (2).Write down TV programs words and phrases. the sports program; the cartoon program ; the science program; the nature program; the romantic fi

2、lm; the detective film. 2. Ability aims:能力目标 (1).Write phases with time words. (2).Develop students writing ability and judgement ability. 3. Emotion aims:情感目标 (1). Be confident during studying English. (2). Lean to cooperate with others and communicate with their partners. Key Points(教学重点): 1. What

3、s the time ?(问时间句型) Its 2.I like(TV programs) I dont like(TV programs) She dosent like(TV programs) (喜欢或不喜欢的电视节目) 3.Reading comprehension on page 61. 8.Read and write.(阅读理解) Difficult Points(教学难点): Reading comprehension on page 61. 8.Read and write.(阅读理解) Teaching Instruments(教学准备): 1. Clock picture

4、s and clock objects. 2. TV programs pictures. 3. Prepare for a picture of watching TV. Teaching Arrangements(课时): 4课时 Teaching steps(教学过程):Lesson1Teaching content:Whats the time? Complete the your day sentences. Teaching main and difficult points: 1. Time sentences: Whatt the time ? Its 2. My day se

5、ntences: I get up at I go to school at I go to bed at Teaching aids: clocks(pictures) Teaching new ideas:新理念 1、让学生合作交流,谈论有关时间的话题,激发学生的学习积极和学习英语的兴趣,让学生愿意主动开口说英语,树立自信心。 Learn to cooperate with others and communicate time with their partners. 2、让学生唱钟表歌谣,采用活动途径,倡导体验参与。 编钟表歌谣:Tick or tock, tick or tock.

6、Whats the time? Its ten past nine now. Tick or tock, tick or tock. Whats the time? Its ten to nine now. 3、注重过程评价,促进学生个性发展。 Teaching steps:教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 1. Listen and say the chant . The clock . Listen to the tape . Ss clap and say the chant . Tick or tock . tick or tock. Whats the time ? It

7、s ten past nine now . Tick or tock .tick or tock . Its ten to nine now. 2. Play a game T: Look class . Whats this ? (Teacher is drawing a circle on the board . ) S1:Its a circle . T::Good . Look . Whats the number ? S2:Its the Number Twelve . T:Go on look the number . S3:Three , six , nine . T:Write

8、 down the number S say them . T:Write down a dot in the middle and write down short and long . T:Look ! Ss:Its a clock . T:Good. Lets revile Unit 6:Time , OK? Ss:OK . Step2: Revision Time Ask and answer . 1. Teacher takes out a clock . T: This is my nice clock. Tick or tock , Tick

9、 or tock. Look, whats the time? Ask S to say the teachers clock. S1: Its three oclock. T: Yes. Look another “What time is it now”? S2: Its ten past three. Go on. S3: Its five to four. S4: Its quarter past five. 2. Pair or group work. Sis take out their clocks or dock pictures. Play the game: One tur

10、n around or paint, another say. e.g S1: Whats the time? S2: Its six oclock. Step 3: Practice “Time”. Write them. T: Lets do the work. on page 58. 1. Whats the time? If Finish, check your keys. Step 4:Consolidation. T: Talk about your day. Like this: I get up at. I go to school at . School starts at

11、. School ends at . I go to bed at . Do the exercise in groups,(4?6 Students) Say one by one. S1: I get up . S2: I go to school S3: School starts S4: Step5: Homework . composition . Write a passage about your day. Lesson2Teaching content: Judge the texts on pages 48?49 Write the programmes names. Tea

12、ching main and difficult points: 1. Understand the texts on pages 48?49. and tick or false sentences. 2. Look at the TV programs pictures and Write them names. Teaching aids: Teaching new ideas: 1. 阅读北极地区的几种动物短文,准备卡通、科幻、侦探等新理念、电视节目录像、图片和卡条。让学生理解,关键词和关键句子,培养学生找出自信和坚强的意志,苦中求乐的情感态度。 2、让学生自由交流自己所喜欢的电视节目

13、,面向全体学生,注重素质教育。 Teaching steps :教学步骤 Step 1 :Watch the TV programs : The cartoon :Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck . After the cartoon . T:Do you like the cartoon ? Ss: Yes . We like it . We like cartoons . T: Which do you like ,Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck ? Ss: Mickey Mouse . Donald Duck . Some says Un

14、it7 : Television some says . Step2 : Revision TV programs names . T: What TV programs do you often watch ? S1: Sport programs and science programs . S2: Nature programs and detective programs . S3: I like romantic films . Its wonderful . T : Youre clever .Now please look at my programs pictures . Wh

15、o can say ? S1. the cartoon ; the sport program ; the nature program ; the science program . the romantic film ; the detective film . T: Good . Lets look ,read and write them . Discuss in pairs then do the exercise on page59.4 write the TV programs . If Ss fish ,T ask some students to stick the phrases below the TV sets pictures . e.g the cartoon the sport program the natu


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