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1、B班蓝鸽平台第二次作业作业期限:2013年3月22日星期五2013年4月5日题型:词汇题、单词听写、长对话、阅读理解、完型填空。Vocabulary Unit2 Book21. To my wonder you are, being a soft-hearted girl, so much _ to have seen the film of murder that you stay excited overnight.A. dismayed B. frustrated C. thrilled D. comforted1. 【参考答案】:C2. I dont like you, yet I a

2、m _ constantly(偏偏) to meet you every day I step into my workplace. A. guided B. doomed C. driven D. conducted 2. 【参考答案】:B3. Everyone attending the funeral _ him for his bad argument with his wife over where to locate a grave. A. encouraged B. persuaded C. condemned D. assisted 3. 【参考答案】:C4. To treat

3、 a(n) _ leniently without principle will undermine the values on which our society runs smoothly. A. citizen B. servant C. employer D. criminal 4. 【参考答案】:D5. Her hobbies cover such a large _ that I fear she cant concentrate on her school work, yet my fear proves unnecessary. A. sphere B. condition C

4、. globe D. kingdom 5. 【参考答案】:A6. If you _ your son to so small a circle of friends, how can you expect him to grow into a man of open mind and high aim? A. reduce B. control C. confine D. hinder 6. 【参考答案】:C 7. Enough money raised for a cause of charity set me _ dedicatedly toward building a school f

5、or those orphaned children. A. to work B. worked C. having worked D. working 7. 【参考答案】:D8. Though we are living, _ sooner or later, we will be living, immortal forever in the living memory, if we serve the people heart and soul. A. moral B. mortal C. memorable D. mindful 8. 【参考答案】:B9. Do keep it in

6、mind that your _ to a matter will invariably affect the result you expect to achieve ultimately. A. attitude B. direction C. sympathy D. excitement 9. 【参考答案】:A 10. Repeatedly I urged that her _ should be on the shared values when she found herself a husband-to-be, but she didnt listen to me. A. acce

7、nt B. emphasis B. power D. statement 10. 【参考答案】:B11. If someone has done you a favor, you dont _ it. Then you are abusing his kindness(不领情、不知趣). A. handle B. adopt C. appreciate D. bother 11. 【参考答案】:C12. A trail _ on until it lost itself in the dense woods, where there existed a lot of mysteries we

8、wondered. A. turned B. lengthened C. stretched D. broke 12. 【参考答案】:C13. This collection of poems reads like a feast of human life, serving us a remarkable _ of mixed feelings and flavors. A. review B. panorama C. landscape D. culture 13. 【参考答案】:B14. The boy, though very young, knows enough of the wo

9、rld ways. I have decided to _ him as my son. A. admit B. permit C. adapt D. adopt 14. 【参考答案】:D15. The girl is sensitive to psychological suggestion, sticking to the wall the _ which reads: “Study hard and make progress every day.” A. motto B. warning C. instruction D. order 15. 【参考答案】:A16. Life shou

10、ld be fundamentally predictable. If we feel no _ of whatever is happening, we will have no sense of security. A. importance B. achievement C. certainty D. necessity 16. 【参考答案】:C17. We couldnt take parental love for _ , because, if so, we wouldnt know how to cherish a red heart of gratitude to our pa

11、rents. A. gifted B. blessed C. presented D. granted 17. 【参考答案】:D18. A man aspiring to work more for his country will work enthusiastically rather than _ at the first opportunity. A. untiringly B. confidently C. listlessly D. unselfishly 18. 【参考答案】:C19. Mr. Wang is not a man of logic; his digression

12、from a topic _ his talk on Korea Today. A. characterizes B. emphasizes C. combines D. conducts 19. 【参考答案】:A20. Though it is a casual word from his slip of tongue, it _ to us what is hidden in the depth of his heart. A. spreads B. transfers C. interprets D. reveals 20. 【参考答案】:D单词听写Directions: In this

13、 part you will hear several sentences. Each will be spoken only ONCE. Try to supply the missing word according to what you have heard and then type it on the web page.题数:5;分数:9分;参考时间:0分53秒题2121.She herself for the task.【参考答案】:qualified题2222.The constantly wind made the sailing difficult.【参考答案】:shifting题2323.This is a striking difference between ourselves and our .【参考答案】:ancestors题2424.Believing he could succeed, Bi



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