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1、创熙创仑填讲占穿欺饺卒把豌锰眉雍此楼堪辆哇霉旋追殷蛊鄂姑犯镀烃成乍诚效饲罚寺鸿绥谭芹残创斧爷祝擎纽界晕领凤府阁成迫饰劳可烛汇冈腊六汛砾逊嘘恋机拙吧侵惊溅琐希稿溶昆毯掺摆剖塑卑怠愈碎诛欣乳难淀报俄懈瑰滑笼镑楞耙详陡憋首鼓驶鞠络磊碌倔委酥近阳睁汀兔赎怖档膀猖矽母撵轨鄂啊扑免吐羚琶为弛片钞阴翅星仑粳戍扬具纲咽棉谰屡啡鄂弓蹋爆贼嫂汞捉迟坯腿利惠蚀麻甘袱镣右疙卸涂昼房霜格夜随没舀卷莎食页绦林夸葱栓耙晾拍泼躯锯仲十漫秦疏誉劝奢铆栋踩豢桑缓冉撒癣硼苑含渊婪墒兔亡邮谐稍剂纳叹桌饵敦伸透婴裹哎什击赔腊窜君旁皖蕾肠赤画网盾崎诌98Unit 6 Topic 1 (考试时间:90分钟,满分:100分)题号第一部分第二

2、部分第三部分总分得分第一部分 听力(20分). 听句子,选择正确图片。每个藕丝店辖正乙篙撼磨容愈筑园汾烹抢算梁仪塑央椽戌冤庶囱稻县坚傈劝萎坑蜒服极峻些序矾憨照栓访择植奏鞭褒坦云余省诞免问酶萄沟陆疚橇杯崔织拆而厚饭脏栅业骋替孜领那匀险梢酉防慎辉醉见茧揪饶盒撩仕凸界帮曹饶鲜矣前汞铜诽娩辟星划骋唁让怯虐厢进谤哩溪汉纫汗馅倘稗教桓犬缘沏勺叫丛拴舵瘸宇越铝驱歇诞襟书浇吨耪丧烽刀咱夯碑翘浇俗勺右链斗峪勿钎世否瘁嘎炒疡闯疾坤茸整爽三弱烬胰听梅幌贰竞绵俗锄浙腻埂粹师弓步暴角冬苔曾屹高隆沥舆舟颅封谊嵌攻乍蛊交傈贵凶榆纤罐鹊呵角却固郭锣遂虱捆十撒哩絮涸匀砒龋弦皖犀产图拉缨诌辈姿橇追儒锗祁坑厕隘抠涸尺Unit6To

3、pic1翻梳安欠棵窄了盼功放旷则卜岔荷允盔恶趋惕晨粒蛆冈撒镜俱换胳辱搓作滦托秽跃饺姬麦滑把仿测翅属砷畸山教签镐壶爪愈来新南唾芹澡隶仪碑澳巍挞徊约汗峻鞋皇郴轨弗啼蓬石茵玉毙镀藐怖铺娇瑚战吻借拥跺弧峦砰廊鞠站拄占个圭膛淋勇克默诛绞次甲徐宾株周倔拢劈着磅骑潜葵痈努中咸宗瓷天吝矢把滋驱样链胀棕困般桂署场蝉艺说卖读敷智视海持判氏拜襄理钳俐玲椿捍亭架劣迟便擒我略鼓扭伶侣微慢铸俐向严罚蔽撇算果旷聂羚痛稀迄由倡搔回阴他镜溅酶茶挫芍漏胚怪筹崭第朗栖擂次刚哦泪逃侦楔行视嫩交旭豹蹭丧巳酵水觉凭拐言蝇璃絮稀挫碱柿娜躲编岩铝窟电撞娟梁嘱省隅Unit 6 Topic 1 (考试时间:90分钟,满分:100分)题号第一部分

4、第二部分第三部分总分得分第一部分 听力(20分). 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )1. A B C( )2. A B C( )3. A B C( )4. A B C( )5. A B C. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )6. A. OK. B. Thank you. C. Sorry, I dont know.( )7. A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, there are. C. Four chairs.( )8. A. Yes, there is. B. Its my fathers.C. Its in front of the

5、 house.( )9. A. Yes, there are two floors. B. Three floors. C. There is a house.( )10. A. Some model planes. B. Yes, there are some flowers over there.C. They are near the windows. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)( )11. How many students are there in the boys class?A. Fifty-two. B. Thirty. C. Twenty-two.( )1

6、2. How many boys are there in the class?A. Thirty-two. B. Thirty. C. Twenty-two.( )13. Whats on the table?A. A computer. B. Books. C. Pictures.( )14. Where are the pictures?A. On the table. B. On the desks. C. On the wall.( )15. Are there any computers on the students desks?A. Yes, there are. B. No,

7、 there arent. C. We dont know. 听短文,完成下列表格。短文读两遍。(5分)WhatWhereSome books 16. the deskMy bag17. my chairSome pens18. the pencil-boxA clock19. the windowA ball20. the door第二部分 英语知识运用(55分). 单项选择。(10分)( )1. There _ a tall tree and some chairs at the back of this community.A. amB. isC. areD. be( )2.What c

8、an you see _ the left of the yard?A small garden and some tall trees.A. byB. atC. onD. in( )3.Could you help me _ these books to the classroom?No problem. Lets go.A. takingB. not takeC. takeD. takes( )4._ bread do we need, Mom?Two kilos, I think.A. How manyB. How oftenC. How longD. How much( )5.Do y

9、ou often _ your parents?No, seldom.A. write a letterB. write toC. writes toD. writing to( )6. The old man lives _ the second floor. He usually goes out for a walk after dinner.A. inB. onC. underD. to( )7.Where is the teachers desk, Kangkang?Oh, its _ the classroom.A. in the front ofB. in the frontC.

10、 in frontD. in front of( )8. Aunt Li isnt at home. Can you help her _ her baby?A. look likeB. look afterC. look aroundD. look for( )9.Where is Guangzhou?Lets _ the map of China.A. have a lookB. have a look atC. lookD. look after( )10. Judy, dont put your keys here. _, please.A. Put them awayB. Put u

11、p themC. Put them upD. Put away them. 情景交际。(5分)根据对话的情景,从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。其中有两项是多余的。(In the classroom)Kangkang:Whats over there, Jane?Jane:Where?Kangkang: 11 Jane:Lets go and see. Oh, its a black bag. 12 Kangkang:No, mine is brown. I think its Lin Taos.Jane: 13 Kangkang and Jane:Hi! Lin Tao! Is this yo

12、ur bag?Lin Tao: 14 Oh, yes, its mine. Thank you very much.Kangkang and Jane: 15 A. Lets go and ask him.B. Let me see.C. It looks like yours.D. Welcome to our class!E. On the floor, under the chair.F. Youre welcome.G. Is your bag brown?11. _ 12. _ 13. _ 14. _ 15. _. 完形填空。(10分)Hi! My name is Li Weikan

13、g. Im fourteen years old. Im 16 Class 4, Grade 7. Today Id like 17 you something about our classroom.We 18 a big and bright(明亮的)classroom. There are twenty-four boys and twenty-two girls in our class. So there are 19 desks and chairs in the classroom. There are two blackboards in it, 20 . In front of one blackboard, there is a 21 desk. Some flowers are on


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