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1、第一学期九年级英语月考试卷(2月)一、听力部分(20分)I.听小对话,选择图片:(共5小题,计分)( )1. What does ill wantave for reaast? ( ) .ho i h oyew English techr?A B ( ) .Whee ds the a come r? ( ) Whr i Be nw?( ) 5. Whats Luc doingow?II.听小对话,回答问题(共小题,计5分)( ) 6.heredoyu tithey are talkig? A. n thehopital B Ia shop C. A chool ( ). Whatcolr is

2、 tmn car?A. Blue B. Re C. Bak ( ) . Wichiste man favore seaon? A. Summe B inter . utum ( ) 9. How idth mancome to schol toa?A. B bike B. n foot C.yr ( ) 1. What th weater le at h mme?A ind B uny C. Rn .听长对话,回答问题:(共小题,计分)听下面一段较长对话,回答112小题。( )11. Whatis Jd oigto bwn hgrowup? .A drverB.A doctor C. Aai

3、ive( ) 12.at wil Je do whe th lympis comes?AHe wns tomet may foreigfriend. atso akemor mnyC.He wantsto etforeinfrids to ioe h Englis. 听下面一段较长对话,回答315小题。( )13.here are thepesents? A In te Christmas ree BUndr hChists tee C. In a big b( )1. What preentdo te get?A usic bxnd ae B. a lght nd a hrsmas tree

4、C. A large pece f chocl anamusi bo( ) 15. owdoes th hocolate tte? A. ttastes to swet. . t tase swee. C. Ittste terle. 短文理解:(共5小题,计5分)( ) 16.Whatid hey alwaysletatm whenthywet o?.ATheir ughter. B.Their dog. C. eir at.( )1Howdd thy g tote iema ne evenin? A.On fot. BBybe. C.y ar. () 8Whyws the wman vey

5、 angry?. .Becase hedg ws msg. .eauher un dit ctchthe bbr. C.Becauese intthik tedoghad looked after tehuse. ( ) 1.Wh happend to he robber acordin tohesory?A.Hewas locke i the dor. BHws cauht inthegaren. He abitten by thedg.( ) 0. Fom e sr wcn se that e dog is _.A.clevr andbrave Bsong but crless Cekad

6、 folish笔试部分 (90分). 单选:(5小题,计15分)( ) 21. Mr. on _ be a doctor,o he _helpig others.A. s to /i use to B. e to / usd toC. uet / used to Dwsseto / is usedo( )22.eole hould _ pouin wase water intothe rver. bestd B. tppn C. e toppeom D. sppedo( ) 23. he mst be a doctor, _ s?mut B wnt .isnt D. c( )24. If yo

7、u dntknow tse ne word, _ n a dictionaA.ok u tem B. o tem p C. lk i up . ook upit( ) 25.T by_ yeserdy morin.A.mad cr B. was me cry C wasmade to ry Dwasadecying ( )26. We shegt tothe school, she found she _ her keyatome. s orgten B. ad forgote C hs left . hd lf( ) 27. oplelketovit_ A. smewhe exciing e

8、xciin sowhere C. smehe xcited D. excied somewher( )2. - Cduellme _,lease? - Wlk log Zhogshan Road forabout2metesIton yor lA. how t gt tHuaian Surmret B how an Ige to Hualia uprmarketC. hIan gt toHualin Supermaret . bth A anC( ) 9. He is susd _ afte _chool. t wok, heleaves B. okn, laving C. t work, l

9、aving woking, h ill lave( ) 0. Hogkong is _ expensve ace.A. quitean . very a C. aut D. qet a( )31 TheTVset _ hs gon wrg.A I bout i last ee B hatI bought it last eek C. wht Ibuh last buht lt ek( ) 32. ese thins _me. ae surprsed at B.aren interet dot surise D. arentintereted( ) . -,guy, oure tilinBeij

10、ing. -I _yo _o Sghi. A.thnk hveeen B. thgh/ haegonto C. hnk haone to D.hught/ oneo( ) 4 Her mther _ he fathrr abot twenyers. A. ha got married B. hs got maried to C. has ben married with D. hs been mrredto()3 Comand jn us,Jimmy! - Im sry, bt Im al busynow. If I _tm,I _ertal g.A. wil have / will Bhavhad / wol C.ad / would Dave/ill.完形填空:(共15小题,每题分,计15分)I a teoy person who hs reahed seior middl school in myfamiy. So, am he “est-uated” But aso usd to be te motimoie becus I_ hought abo my manners. s a



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