初三上册英语期末复习试题及答案(DOC 6页)

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《初三上册英语期末复习试题及答案(DOC 6页)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初三上册英语期末复习试题及答案(DOC 6页)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、初三上册英语期末复习试题及答案在一份设计良好的英语试题面前,能够在很大的程度上去检测学生们的英语学习水平!所以,还等什么呢?让我们来做一套试题卷吧!下面是X带来的初三上册英语期末复习试题,希望对你有用。初三上册英语期末复习试题一、单词拼写。根据中文提示,填入正确的单词。1、Im looking for a pair of black_(鞋)2、John put the suit on, and then went to look at _(自己)in a mirror.3、They talked on and on very _(高兴的)4、If youre not_(好)by then, I

2、ll take you to see the doctor.5、Thank you very much for _(指给)me the way.6、They _(离开)five minutes ago.7、If you learn even a little English, you will find it _(有用的)8、The watch was the _(便宜)one in our country.9、There are three _(德国人)in his factory.10、May is the _(五)month of the year.二、单项选择1._ trees hav

3、e been planted in our school in the past 10 years.of thousands of thousand ofhardly hurt himself in the accident, _ ?t he t he he hethe street too narrow for the bus to go _ ?really took him _ to draw the nice horse.time timeyou tell me _ with the money?to do should I doI should do I should do6. The

4、 Chang Jiang River is one of _in the world.A. the longer river B. the longest riverC. the longest rivers D. the long riverslong _ his dog_?A. has, been dead B. has, died C. has, been died D. has, dead8. Yesterday Jack _ a story book to Dicks sister. She can _ the book for two days.A. lent, borrow B.

5、 borrowed, keep C. lent, kept D. lent, keep9. Have you found your English teacher_?A. still B. already C. yet D. ago10. The workers wear glasses to keep their eyes _.A. safe B. safely C. to safe D. to be safe11. Ten years _ passed.A. have B. has C. is D. are12. His grandfather will die if he _ a doc

6、tor.A. sends for B. doesnt send for C. isnt send for D. wont send for_ here since they _ to China.A. have lived, xxe B. have lived, xxes C. have lived, came D. lived, came14. Dont talk in class, _?A. do you B. will you C. are you D. shall we15. The head master will return _ two daysA. on B. at C. to

7、 D. in16. Each of the stocking s _ full of presents.A. is B. are C. have D. has17._ Day and _ Day are important for the students.A. The Teachers, the Childrens B. Teachers, ChildrensC. Teachers, Children D. Teachers, Childrens18. Would you please _ on the blackboard?A. dont draw B. not to draw C. no

8、t draw D. to not drawstudents _ when the bell rang.A. talking B. are talking C. were talking D. talked20. Is there _ in his talk?A. something difficult B. difficult something C. difficult anything D. anything difficult三、用括号内动词的正确形式填空。1. The sun_ (go) down earlier in winter than in summer.2. I _ (wri

9、te) a letter to my pen-friend yesterday.3. Miss Gao _ (teach) the students to sing an English song now.4. The Greens _ (stay) at home next Friday.5. He _ (tell) to return his book to the library yesterday morning.6. I d like you _ (meet) my parents tomorrow evening.7. There _ (be) a lot of great cha

10、nges in China since 1949.8. The fridge is used for _ (keep) food fresh.四、根据中文提示,完成句子。1. 他喜欢说不喜欢写.He _ speaking to _.2. 他说他讨厌乘飞机旅行.He said that he _ _by air.3. 在他小时候,他总是尝试新的实验When he was a small child, he _ always _ out new ideas.4. 我们好久没有收到他的来信了We havent _ _him for a long time.5. 他们上周都在为凯特的生日聚会担心They _all_ about Kates birthday party last week.6.老师让我们上课别说话The teacher asked us _ _talk in class.7.一定要让他准时还书_ _that he can return the book on time.8.我已经把它写在这张纸上了Ive _it_ on this piece of paper already.9.当我看到她们时,她们正在喂马。They were _ the horses some _ when I saw them10.活到老学到老。Youre _ too _ to learn.



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