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1、美丽的安阳实小作文美丽的安阳实小安阳实小位于瑞安市东部,它一年四季景色诱人,像个美丽的大花园。Anyang real small is located in the east of Ruian City. It has attractive scenery all the year round and looks like a beautiful big garden.春天,百花盛开,金黄色的迎春花绽开了笑脸,把春天迎来。火红的杜鹃花穿上红衣服,正准备和其他花比美呢!雪白的梨花像一朵朵白云,美丽极了。粉红的桃花就像害羞的小女孩躲在枝叶后。Spring, a hundred flowers in

2、 full bloom, the golden jasmine flowers bloom smile, usher in spring. The red azaleas are wearing red clothes. They are ready to compete with other flowers! The white pear flowers are like white clouds. They are very beautiful. Pink peach blossom is like a shy little girl hiding behind the branches.

3、夏天,最美的要数“童话乐园”。“童话乐园”里的棕裥树像一个个卫兵守卫着“白雪公主”和“七个小矮人”。这里还有一处神秘的地方柏树“迷宫”,只要你一不小心,就很有可能迷路。In summer, the most beautiful one is fairytale. The palm trees in the fairy tale paradise are like guards guarding snow white and seven dwarfs. There is also a mysterious place - Cypress maze, as long as you are not

4、careful, you are likely to get lost.秋天,我们的校园四处飘香。桂花散发出迷人的香气。玉兰花像一瓶香水,把校园熏得香气扑鼻。连枝头的果实也散发着甜甜的香味。难怪大家把我们的学校称为“香水学校”呢!In autumn, our campus is fragrant. Osmanthus has a charming fragrance. The magnolia flower is like a bottle of perfume, which makes the campus smell fragrant. Even the fruit of the bran

5、ch exudes a sweet fragrance. No wonder we call our school perfume school.冬天,我们的校园很安静也很温暖。茶花依旧红着脸。柏树依旧郁郁葱葱。太阳暖阳阳照耀着。我们一有空,就在草地上打滚、睡觉,可舒服啦!In winter, our campus is very quiet and warm. Camellia is still blushing. The cypresses are still lush. The sun is warm and the sun is shining. As soon as we are free, we roll and sleep on the grass. Its very comfortable!啊!安阳实小,您太美了,我爱您!Ah! Anyang is so small, you are so beautiful, I love you!



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