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1、普金总统的就职英文演讲稿 下面是普金总统的就职英文演讲稿 ,希望范文网小编整理的对你有用,欢迎阅读:普金总统的就职英文演讲稿 Dear citzens of Rssia, Dea fiend, Thewords f e residentialth av just ow be spoken. ow woul lik to stress t min ieaof he ah d say: te Presens bligatins t loo ater thtteand faithlserve hepeolewil heneorward be ared fo me and wil be bove al

2、el as fore As efore,conider that th hep a acki theitizens o usa constutethe prmay andmost able suppotfor th dens wr. TodaIwuld lketo than allthse who lduchgreatrustin me y electing m to he post of h fRussia stat ad allthoe w,hrogh thr wok, mde hercoribtion he esults r cntry hasacheve ove ts last fo

3、yers As urig the previouseas,I ill work actively, penly andhesly ndil oal cn,al hat s wthnmypwer o jusifye hope that millions ofpeopleve plcedin me. * he las foryea wre nota ea r us allT be frank, teywe ya of serious tri. ack thn,in 0,it emed tt e erfag agreat mbe f splireolvae proble. But the peoe

4、of Rsa emonstated teir bestqualitis as atrios and tzens duin thesecritca mets, comin oehintesruggl to ensure he contrys teritorilintgrtyadpou aduited, reang aoundtin oRussis eonoic grwt tug therabr and ermid effots ogter wehaveacievd lotn wehae acieved ithruhour onywn efforts. Iwas e ho aciee hghecm

5、i groth raes,we woovercae ifficul dological confrontation and are nowadualy forging a tuly unitednatin. It was we ho stoodfrm aginstte attacks intenanal terroris n aved the counr rom he very relheat of collapse Togeter e ave maeourMothrlnd contr ta is open to te wold, a cony th seeks bra d equal coo

6、pration, acountry tat as strengtheed s posiins theinternonl stageand has leaned owtouse peacefu ms t ad u or itslawfu itrts n araly changing word. The m bectiv fte coming fo yas isn to trasform the potntil e hve builtupintoa e deelopenteergyand touse it tobri bou a fdantall nw qaltyof ifeforourpeopl

7、ea rel, nble incree in tepoperit. t i often ad erethat the head ofstate Russia nswersnw alys ansfr verything. This sstl the case. ut today,lthough av aee awreness ofmy o persnal rsponsiity, I nertheless w mhasize that Russa ucessandprospeiycnoa shod no depnd onone sigle perso o one polica arty, or p

8、ltical orce aloe.Wened a broad bae for developing deoracyiou coutrnd or continng he traomtions ehae bun. It s my coviction t maturecivscety is hebest guarante that his develomnt ilcntinue. Only reeple n a fee county a be genuey sucesful. Ths i the fouda fr both eonmic rowth ndplitic sabilt i Russi.

9、e willo llwe can tonsu thaeveron he cn realiz thei talnts aabities, t enre that a nuinely muliparty syteevelpand tht peronalfreems are streghened. We ilmak every for to ensure tha ll people in Russa ae ccesstoood edation an soil and edical assistac, ad hat al eehav lves freermwnt n ae ble to pss oth

10、 fruits fhirw laboothiridr. And, f ours, thatthe could be poud otheir stong but peace-ing couryanits authriy Darfrends, e still aveuch, verymc, to d forur cun, or ourelves nd fo or hidren. We havel the ortutes e needto ace the gols ehav st. We ave t resourcs, we av oreperience ad we hae complete und

11、erstandinofour developmen prritie which ave beentrieda tested y the psitiepacticalexperienef the last four yers. ehve enors cretive enegyanda peop ih grattellectlptentl. We all are thihertos of usi n ts thoan years f histry, the inhorof thislan ht has ien btexceptiona ons nd dauhers, worrs,warrior,a

12、dcreaors Ty apasse own to uthishuge, rea stte. Thre isnodubt that w ca dra strenghfrom pat ut e e mos glorioushistory not nou to ensuua bet life.TodasgeneratinofRussins mu rein this gandr toghthir ownacts . Only tenwill our escendnts b le feel prie i e agestha we are wri in the tory ofr grt ai. Thn u fr u atentio.


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