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1、Unit 4 Traditional Ethics and Ten Aspects of RighteousnessWarm-up ActivityTask. Matching: WHO SAID IT1. Zhuangzi 2. Laozi 3. Mencius 4. Confucius 5. Mozi6. Confucius 7. Laozi 8. Laozi 9. Hanfeizi 10. Confucius Section A Cultural TreasuresTask 1 Matching Execrise.1) h 2) k 3) i 4) e 5) f 6) b 7)g 8)

2、n 9) j 10) c 11) o 12) 13) m 14) d 15) a Task 2 Answers to Quiz.1) 学而时习之,不亦说乎 学而2) 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎 学而3) 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。为政4) 三人行,必有我师焉。述而5) 人无远虑,必有近忧。卫灵公6吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。为政7) 后生可畏子罕8) 朽木不可雕也公治长9) 听其言而观其行公治长10) 敏而好学,不耻下问公治长11) 有教无类。卫灵公12) 道不同,不相为谋。卫灵公13) 小不忍,那么乱大谋。卫灵公14) 人而无信

3、,不知其可也。为政15) 学而不厌,诲人不倦述而Section B Cultural Knowledge Carding Task 1. Answer the following questions based on the above passage.1Benevolence. In a broader sense “benevolence covered respect, generosity, trustworthiness, kindness, intelligence, wisdom, courage, loyalty, consideration and filialness.2)

4、 The reason why Confucianism was dominant was it conformed to needs of the ruling class. It presented a utopian world for both the ruling class and the common people.3) Confucianism stressed five constant virtues, namely benevolence (ren), righteousness (yi), propriety (li), wisdom (zhi) and fidelit

5、y (xin) as basic ethical codes.4) According to Confucianism, women had to obey absolutely their fathers when they were not married, to obey their husbands absolutely after in the wedlock and to obey absolutely their sons in their widowhood.5) Morality, proper speech, modest manner and diligent work

6、were basic virtues women ought to have.6) The five basic human relations refer to the relations between “father and son, monarch and officials, husband and wife, elder brother and younger brother, and friends.7) The ten aspects of righteousness meant that “Father should be loving and son filial; the

7、 elder brother should be good and the younger respectful; the husband should be righteous and wife obedient; the senior should be kind and the junior humble; the monarch should be benevolent and the officials loyal, which stressed the mutual rights and obligations of the ten parties.8) Goodness mean

8、s to show concern to every one. At the same time, assistance to other people should be sincere. To the ruling party, Goodness means to treat the common people as human beings rather than with utter disregard for human life.9) There is no private property and all facilities are for public use. Every

9、one is put in the right place so that they can do their best. Officials elected are noble and competent. Common people give full play to their abilities and make a valid contribution to society. In such a world, people show consideration for each other and every one lives a happy life. The young get

10、 a proper education; the elderly are well looked after; widowers, widows, orphans and the childless can be equally cared for. Society maintains stability and prosperity without theft, robbery or war. So far we can see that the benevolence Confucius refers to is actually fraternity. Heaven and earth

11、are parents, all human beings are sisters and brothers. (original sentences from the text)10“如果人类要在21世纪生存下去,必须回首2500年,去汲取孔子的智慧一位诺贝尔奖获得者在1988年的巴黎会议上如是说。Task 2. 1春秋 2诗 3书4礼5乐6易7仁者爱人。8夫仁者,己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人。9己所不欲,勿施于人。10四海之内,皆兄弟也。11三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。12人能弘道,非道弘人。Task 3. Multiple choices. A D D B B Section C Leg

12、end TimeTask 1.Answer the following questions based on the above passage.1) 塞翁失马,焉知非福。2) Open-ended. Task 2.Multiple Choices (Guess out the meaning of new words from the context!)1. D 2. B 3. A 4. BTask 3. Answer the Following Questions.1. What is the title of the story in Chinese What does the stor

13、y mean to tell此问无答案东郭先生;2. Open-ended. Task 4. Multiple Choices (Guess out the meaning of new words from the context!)1. A 2.D 3. B4. CTask5. Answer the Following Questions.1) 愚公移山2) Strong will-power and determination can help us to achieve much more than we originally could. That is, once we set o

14、ur minds on doing something, we should be determined enough to go straight on, no matter how hard it may be, how hopeless we may feel. 3) Open-ended. 4) 就这样愚公和家人继续努力着移山,不畏酷暑严寒,日复一日,年复一年,直到有一天玉皇大帝被他们的执着所感动。于是他派遣两位神仙搬走了这两座山。这那么故事的道理就在于:很多事情看上去不可完成,无法逾越,可是只要我们有决心,一切不可能都可以成为可能,一切梦想都可以实现。5) Good luck! Se

15、ction D Supplementary Reading Task 1. Translation:(1) 君子就是任何可以代表仁德品格的儒雅之士,他们对于祖先、家庭和上天也奉行孝道,谨守礼仪,严守传统。在一般人的想象中,君子总是留着白色胡须,穿着质量不错的衣衫,甚至留着长长的指甲。孔子奉行的儒家学说可以被看做是一种政治和政府被视为伦理道德和传统延伸的哲学。只要统治者是仁德的,政府就自然而然会为了人民的福祉而运作。(2) 他相信理想的社会是可以通过仁政来实现的,这样的社会里面,人人都仁善并且拥高尚道德情操。孟子非常关注政府、法规和命令体系的运作和功能,强调一切应该以国家的稳定和仁爱的精神为重心。仁政的原那么要求所有的政治行为都是人性化的,并且以人民的利益为出发点。孟子相信一个好的政府应该使得它的一切子民拥有一定量的财产,比方土地、房屋,而且不用缴纳太多税款,这样他们能够丰衣足食地过着舒适的生活。(3) 孟子眼中的“士是历代仁人志士追求的目标,但理想与现实毕竟存在着差距。纵观古今.士林中虽有很多“富贵不能淫,贫贱不能,威武不能屈的大丈夫但也不乏趋炎附势、卑劣无耻之徒。因此孟子与同时代的思想家荀子将“士划分为“仰禄之士和“正身之士,认为“仰禄之士一旦步入官场宦海,便无独立人格可言;只有


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