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1、1. 那个小孩掉到河里的时候我正好经过那里。(happen)2. 我保证尽一切努力帮助他。3. 我一定会确保每个学生都有一本这种书。(make sure)4. 我刚走出大楼天就下雨了。(hardly放在句首)5. 科学家们认为火星上没有生命。(assume)6. 他被送到医院后,医生立刻给他做了手术。(perform)7. 我们比过去任何时候都坚信,改革开放的政策是正确的。(be convinced)8. 老人在过马路时被一辆出租车撞倒了。 (knock down)9. 你这么说是什么意思?(mean)10. 那个球队退出了比赛,抗议那个不公平的裁判。(withdraw)11. 我们找个地方躲

2、雨吧,不然就淋湿了。(shelter)12. 你的作文很不错,但是还有改进的余地。(room)13. 陪审团由八位白人和四位黑人组成。 (compose)14. 只有勤奋者才会在这场竞争中处于比较有利的地位。 (favour)15. 每一位学生都可以自由利用图书馆的一切资源。(access)16. 他们有足够的粮食度过冬天。(last)17. 这些从城里来的年轻人分不出小麦和草。 (distinguish)18. 在有些文化中,人们在吃上要花很多时间。 (devote)19. 根据警方的说法,犯罪嫌疑人(the suspect)谋杀了被害人。(according to)20. 那扇窗户离地约1

3、0米。 (at a height of)21. 消费者协会正在调查她的投诉。(look into)22小孩子找不到了,他的父母对他的安全忧心忡忡。(be concerned about)23这位妇女虽然很穷,但是她每个月都把一部分收入存起来,用于孩子的教育。(set aside)24. 让我们轮流来做这项实验。(take turns)25. 北京将为自己是2008年奥运会的东道主而感到骄傲. (pride oneself on )26. 我们非常感谢这些年你为我们所做的一切。(grateful)27. 万一我还没有回来他们就到了,你就请他们等几分钟。 (in case)28. 总之,我们过去2

4、0年的成就证明,发展是硬道理。(in short; an absolute principle)29. 他不但没有帮助我们,相反却给我们制造了许多困难。(on the contrary)30. 他们坐在那里呆呆地望着那位电影明星。(with ones eyes fixed on)31. 他利用了她的轻信,向她“借”了五千元钱。 (take advantage of; trustfulness) 32昨晚有人进了我的屋子偷走了我的电脑。(break into)33. 他身体很虚弱,走了没几分钟就已经气喘吁吁了。(out of breath)34谁也不知道这些奇怪的风俗是怎样形成的。(come i

5、nto being)35他冒着生命危险救了那个小女孩,为我们树立了一个好榜样。(at the risk of; example)36. 她很聪明,也很努力,可是另一方面她很粗心,所以成绩并不是班里最好的。(on the other hand)37. 所谓文化,指的是一种生活方式。(refer to)38. 他们整整一夜没睡觉,累坏了。(be worn out)39. 在讨论暑假里去哪里度假的时候,大多数人赞成去大连。 (in favour of)40. 他们步行了好几个小时,最后来到了一条小河边。 (find ones way to)41所有的学生都必须在9月7日之前报道。(require s

6、b. to do sth.)42. 那场车祸导致了5人丧生。(result in)43. 越来越多的人厌倦了都市的喧嚣,向往相间的宁静生活。 (long for)44自从20世纪90年代以来,武汉发生了巨大的变化,面貌焕然一新。(take on)45. 这个小男孩长得很像他父亲。(take after)46年底前,所有的工程都顺利地完成了,这位总工程师终于休息了三天。 (with + N. + P.P. past participle 过去分词)47. 谁会想到,那位夺得冠军的学生竟然患有这么多严重的疾病。 (suffer from)48. 老师要求学生独立完成科研论文。 (on ones o

7、wn)49. 他的勤奋弥补了他的经验不足。(make up for)50英语专业的学生除了学习英语以外,还必须学习许多其他课程。 (in addition to)1. I happened to pass by when the boy fell into the river.2. I promise you that I will do everything I can to help him. 3. I will make sure that every student has a copy of the book.4. Hardly had I gone out of the build

8、ing when it began to rain.5. Scientists assume that there is no life on the Mars.6. The doctor performed an operation on him as soon as he was sent to the hospital.7. We are more convinced than ever that the reform and open-door policy is correct.8. The old man was knocked down by a taxi when he was

9、 crossing the street.9. What do you mean by that?10. That team withdrew from the match as a protest against the unfair referee.11. Lets find a place to shelter from the rain or well get wet.12. Your composition is well written, but there s still some room for improvement.13. The jury was composed of

10、 eight white people and four black people.14. Only those who work hard will be favoured in the fierce competition. 15. Every student has free access to all the sources in the library.16. There is enough/sufficient food for them to last through the winter.17. These young people from the city cant dis

11、tinguish wheat from grass.18. In some culture people devote a lot of time to eating.19. According to the police, the suspect murdered the victim.20. The window is at a height of about 10 meters from the ground.21. The Consumers Association is looking into her complaints.22. The boy was lost/missing.

12、 His parents were very concerned about his safety.23. Although she was very poor, the woman set aside part of her income for the education of her child.24. Lets take turns to do the experiment. 25. Beijing will pride itself on being the host of the 2008 Olympic Games.26. We are very grateful to you

13、for what you have done for us these years.27. in case they arrive before I come back, please ask them to wait for a few minutes.28. in short, our achievements in the past two decades have proved that development is an absolute principle. 29. He didnt give us any help. Instead/ On the contrary, he cr

14、eated a lot of difficulties for us. 30. They sat there with their eyes fixed on the film star. 31. He took advantage of her trustfulness and “borrowed” 5,000 yuan from her.32. Someone broke into my room and stole my computer last night.33. He was so weak that he was out of breath after walking for o

15、nly a few minutes. 34. No one knows how these strange customs came into being.35. He saved the little girl at the risk of his own life and set a good example to us.36. He was both intelligent and diligent, but on the other hand he was very careless, and thats why he never got the highest scores in t

16、he class. 37. Culture refers to a way of life.38. They had not slept last night, and were completely worn out.39. Most people were in favour of going to Dalian when they were discussing where to spend their holidays. 40. They walked for a few hours and finally found their way to the bank of a small riv



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