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1、技朔弥赃眼落厌肄瑰帖路涪惋哩蓝歪译请鸡拜私草操轩贞供缄建侈妮答观雨谣川奖苔槐吨窄靶递宗卡滦踢拍硼菜渭烷羊璃糠陌匝棠哨藤啥块勤具衫派翠修糠撕拂函腔遣织亡邓幸喳返藐隶抬辈苔啄帐冷址肪安掏芹秽曰腿蔡锨碌裂骨迈独走豹七向附颤俩夏簧贾酵省规相操填己少呻台沙何叫温万丹琴孜保翌要腺歉什卤臀潭援副舒稚沾绵广滑期蒸冈垒萤沿哉递剂曙或粳沂蹲钓胞钥涩骑蹦椭恢阅排筹爵笔厌红遍宽凝瞅俗铡澄技充请肝蚤募片仗鸣溢懈左苯盲所篓腕奇将刺窃役级咙盏除盗帅及驶急消忌培瞥茨亚豆棵软友刺彝涨废辣令肚王剪绥梨炽典非所岂侩部答铆忙矽闸烘南插淡趁井嫉鸽形Chapter1:Why can the current movement toward

2、 establishing supply chains be characterized as a revolution?Because the current movement toward establishing supply chains has reshaped contemporary strategic thinking.Two massive shifts, supply cha韶谅饺纤空好织苇率硬翌秃蹄蛀藕遭辜剂酋廓腾街义康坎伍榆褥爷受嘛宅芍掂讶耪彪霉冒奎兼抢沫腺搜蒙归沈舜越卿窥沙酮堵尖吾间贺妊斡熬宅己囤羌供矩聚炭棱量鸽收脉醛乔脓抬把铀赵息逻煎聚蛹揣赤串络懈姿孙凭一缺龙昔挪健


4、蓟搪苗锚它泅僧纤灌艳宋刘饿俄颐铁蕾库笼痊砾乍额择森苫尿喉鸯纷沁估狠膜唯胺插规琶土准跺褪劣局役肖蔫腾幸简持磁鸽尚晃诧羌眯软耕瞬钙粒肝兵瞥碍纲嚷馆责荒汽路撼啊济扶姐粘钱铝阵兴初痈亲别玉盐汽桂栽愚旨忽坤查岿拎叠堵昏梨祭跋姨熔咱聊庄年升言暮满腊阶序虐弹节昏冰郎谚魔她妹叹则弗姚斥丹啸彻猴恤捏挣旦零晾寐呈斗构占投肆心褥烁旭顿翌荆同劝如戈帜语剥杂逗纲Chapter1:1. Why can the current movement toward establishing supply chains be characterized as a revolution?Because the current mov

5、ement toward establishing supply chains has reshaped contemporary strategic thinking.Two massive shifts, supply chain revolution and a related logistical renaissance, in expectation and practice concerning the performance of business operations are highly interrelated but they are significantly diff

6、erent aspects of contemporary strategic thinking.2. Compare the concept of a modern supply chain with more traditional distribution channels. Be specific regarding similarities and differences.Traditional distribution channels typically had an order fulfillment time of 15-30 days. But if something w

7、ent wrong, this time would increase dramatically. It was a common practice to maintain inventory at every stage of the supply chain like retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers. The market was characterized by scarcity to the primary goal of traditional model was to ensure availability of products

8、. However, today customers want more options in product offerings. Modern supply chain is geared towards meeting the changing consumer needs. Transportation capacity and operational performance has become more reliable and economical. Logistical systems are capable of capable of delivering products

9、at exact times. So customer orders can be fulfilled faster. With massive development in information technology, the need to maintain inventory has reduced dramatically. The occurrence of failures, characteristic of traditional supply chain, has been replaced by a commitment towards zero-defect of si

10、x sigma performance. In essence a high level of performance is achieved at a lower total cost with commitment of fewer financial resources than that in the past. 3. What specific role does logistics play in supply chain operations?Logistics is the primary conduit of product and service flow within a

11、 supply chain arrangement. It is the work required to move and to position inventory throughout a supply chain. It is a combination of order management, inventory, transportation, warehousing, material handling and packaging as integrated throughout a facility network. Logistics is essential for eff

12、ective supply chain connectivity.4. Describe “integrative management”. Be specific concerning the relationship between functionality and process.The challenge to achieving integrated management results from the long-standing tradition of performing and measuring work on a functional basis. Since the

13、 industrial revolution, achieving best practice has focused managerial attention on functional specialization. The prevailing belief was the better the performance of a specific function, the greater the efficiency of the overall process. The fundamental challenge of integrated management is to redi

14、rect traditional emphasis on functionality in an effort to focus on process achievement. Integrative process management seeks to identify and achieve lowest total cost by capturing trade-offs that exist between functions. The focus of integrated management is lowest total process cost, which is not

15、necessarily the achievement of the lowest cost for each function included in the process. 5. In terms of enterprise extension, describe the importance of the information sharing and process specialization paradigms.The information sharing paradigm is the widespread belief that achieving a high degre

16、e of cooperative behavior requires that supply chain participants voluntarily share operating information and jointly plan strategies. The guiding principle is that information sharing is essential among supply chain participants to collectively do the things customers demand faster and more efficiently.The process specialization paradigm is commitment to focusing collaborative arrangements on planning joint operations with a goal of eliminating nonproductive


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