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1、冀教版七年级下Unit14测试第一卷一、单选题(10小题,每题.5分,共15分)( )1_ solirs and octos eno Yaanto elpthe epletheretwo months agoAus f B.Thsand C.hosand of .Tosans( )2.m gog o Lijiang n acation nxt Sunday._Aav od tie BThank you CYo welcome D.I hav no idea( )3._ d yor ther lay tnnis after ork?Evryuesda and Tury.AHowson BHow

2、ofe C.he DWhy( )4. enyas _ Enlish ok. _ ok is n hedesk. A. a, Th B. an, The C. te, A D. an,Te( )5 he cake_niceIwant oem. A. tastes Bfel . tk D sounds( ). He is veryfrieny. He_ fight with other. A. always B uually . ofen D. ne( )7 Nancy cn id _ eraser. Can yu lend _ ther? her;her B. r;yors C. my; ous

3、D. ; yur( )8. Da, how ld isyor fat tis year? _ An we jus hd a sei pat f hi _ bithays weekend A Frteth; orty . orty; foty C.Fy;foreth D. Fortieth; tieth( ). Listen!Thy _ about HaryPotte. Lets jointem. A.tk B. aretali C.tlkedD. tlked( )10. ack _ o Cina fivwees and he _back tocol tmor. A. t; as B.o; co

4、m Cwent; ill D. ha one; wilome二、完形填空(1小题,每题分,共0分)Mynae isJe.iv on afarm wit myfather.tis Sundatay. want to 1 muncl, Jm. e wor n a 12 .Ii my firs me t th city, somy faer 13 me munles adress(地址). WhenI get to te ciy, can find he way.o I someone 14 he. I se a youn man in front f hshou. I ask, xcuee,cou

5、d yo tl e the way to libray? lease wait a moment With these ord, h goes into hs hou 15 coms ot it a 6 in his hand Hfinthe librry th ma and ls me te wy.I 7 him adgo ong th sreet. Plese 8 gain. Its a litl ere. An there s o busgetting thre.Ill 20 o tee wih m cr t last, Isee my cle wththe mans help.( )1

6、. A. istenB.viC.look. har( )2. A. librayB. potoiceC.bankDrestrat( )13. A. sysBtalksC. tellsDspaks( )14. nBonC. fD. fr( )1A ndB beauseCrD. bt( )16. . keB. mapC. ick. icture( )7. AgiveB.thkC.thks. give( )18. comeB. keeC. oseD.wai( ). A. far omB nettoC ce to acoss from( )2. rossB. chageC. kD. move三、阅读理

7、解Ar.Black is a fty years old omanShe lives ia eifu house ina small tn She h t cats. Oeis verygd he her i quite small. h like he very mch One y, s. Wite, friend hes, cmes to ee hr.When he stw hls ith door, a lar hole dallhole, she isvey rpried andsays: “ dea fied, wy are there o les inyr door?” “Let

8、the cats comein andgo u, of curse.”. Black sers. “Butwh arethe to hles?Int oe eog?” sks er fiend. “Ho canhe ig cat go thrughthesmal hole?” s. lack ys.根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(A)误()。(小题,每题1分,共分)( )1. Mrs. Black livesina tl ui.( )22. Mrs. Blk hswo casOne is od ad th othris oun( )2.Mr Whitthins ne i ole he do s

9、 nough.( )24. Ms. Wit loves er ca ermc.( )25.Ms.Black tinkbcat ges hrough th bg hoe andthe small atgos thruh the mallhole.B根据短文内容,选出对的的答案(0小题,每题分,共20分)st weenw rery py,becausthre ws a bech pr.twasa otevnin. tok the umber 9 buso tebech, ad I ottee t abot sevenocloc. I saw al ofeol ontheeach Some popl

10、e aledhapywithteirfriend. Sompyd each gams.Others ldeach volleball.Atnin cok, the beac muic party tarted.W were a vry appy. The were many opleromoher lac. Weaced to the msc. als madefriends wih a bo fom Hng Kon H tld me some jke. W aagood ime.( )26. Frm the passge, w knw its a .A. falypaty. chool pa

11、rC. beah paryD. rtdayparty( )27 Wen anwherws theprty?A.Its ast eekend on te bch.B.I as tvenng m solC It as on uay vein atmyhomeD.t ws lat weekend t y frins hme( )28 Hwdd th auho(作者) gettere?A. o abs.B. Wakethee.CTok a r.ooa txi.( )29 Wenid the beah msic artysart?A.At:00 a.m. A 9:00 a.m.C.At 7:00 p.mD At9:00 p.m.( ). hch oesWRONG?A. her were many pepe from ohe p



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