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1、Sales Contract销售合同THE BUYER:买方:Address:Tel:FAX:电话:传真:联系地址(办公):THE SELLER: Parcol (Wuxi) Valve Co., Ltd.卖方:帕克(无锡)阀门有限公司Address: Wenzhuang Rd, Economical Development Area YiXing, JiangSu, 214200, P.R.ChinaTe:+86(0)510 80307775Fax: +86 (0)510 80307773电话:+86(0)510 80307775 传真:+86 (0)510 80307773联系地址:江苏省

2、宜兴市经济开发区文庄路,214200Contract No.: PWXS-12042401合同号:PWXS-12042401Date: April 24th, 2012日期:2012年04月24日Place: WUXI地点:无锡Both the BUYER and SELLER agree to sign the Contract under the following terms and conditions:买卖双方同意根据以下条款与条件签订本合同:1. Description, specification, quantity, price of the Commodity:产品名称,规格

3、,数量,价格:Item No. 序号Name设备名称Model/ Tag No.型号/位号DN-Rating 尺寸Qty.数量Unit Price (RMB) 单价(人民币)Total Amount (RMB) 总价(人民币)13-way ball valve 三通球阀31L02FV0402A/B/C/D1-300#4台23-way ball valve 三通球阀31L02FV0403A/B/C/D1.1/2-300#4台总计(含17%增值税和运输费)Total (INCLUDED 17% VAT and TRANSPORTATION FEE)2. Transport way:运输方式: By

4、 Air By Sea0 By Truck口空运海运0汽运3. Manufacture: Parcol制造商:帕克4. Destination:目的地:5. Time of Delivery: The goods shall be delivered within ? months after signed the contract.交货时间:合同签订后?个月内交货。6. Packing:包装:The goods shall be packed in strong wooden cases or cases suitable for long distance air transportati

5、on and well protected against dampness, shock, moisture, rust and rough handling. The SELLER shall be liable for any damages to the goods on account of improper packing and for any rust damage attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the SELLER. And in such case, any and a

6、ll losses and/or expenses incurred in consequence thereof shall be borne by the SELLER.货物应由木箱或适于长距离空中运输的箱子包装,防潮、防震、防湿、防锈,耐粗暴搬运。卖方 应对由不良包装导致的货物损害以及任何由其未能采取充分或妥善的防护措施所引起的货物锈损 负责,并承担任何由此产生的损失和/或费用。7. Shipping Mark:唛头:The SELLER shall mark on each package with fadeless paint the package number, gross we

7、ight/net weight, measurement and wording: Keep away from Moisture” Handle with care This side up” etc, and the shipping mark.卖方应在每件包装上于显著位置用不褪色油漆注明箱号,毛/净重,尺寸并标明:“保持干燥”“小 心轻放”“正面朝上”等和运输唛头:PWXS-120424018. Insurance:保险:The SELLER shall take charge of the insurance policy to cover 110% of the total cont

8、ract price against all risks.卖方应投保一切险,投保金额为合同总价的110%。9. Payment:付款:Payment shall be made by T/T. Advance payment for 30% of the total contract value shall be paid by the BUYER to the SELLER within 5 working days after signed the contract. 70% of the total value shall be paid by the BUYER to the SELL

9、ER two weeks before the shipment date which stipulated in clause 5.T/T付款,合同签订后5个工作日内买方支付卖方合同总额30%的预付款,合同第5条规定的交 货期2周前买方向卖方支付合同总额70%的合同余款。Bank information of the SELLER:Bank of China Qi Ting Branch,Account No. for RMB 474158 199713 卖方银行信息:中国银行屺亭支行,人民币账户474158 19971310. Contract Documents:合同单据:a) VAT

10、invoice indicating 100% of the total contract amount issued by the Seller;由卖方签发的含合同总金额100%的增值税发票;b) One (1) originals of detailed packing list indicating the shipping weight, number of package and contract number issued by the Seller;由卖方签发的、注明装运重量、件数、合同号的装箱单正本1份;c) One (1) original and one (1) copy

11、of ex-works quality and quantity certificate issued by themanufacturer;制造商出具的出厂质量和数量证书正本1份副本1份;d) Delivery notice;装运通知;One (1) original of shipping advice issued by the Seller;由卖方签发的装运通知正本1份;11. Term of Shipment:装运条款:The SELLER shall ship the goods by truck within limit time specified in Clause 5 of

12、 this contract.The SELLER shall notify the BUYER of the necessary information of the shipment within 3 working days before shipment. Should any package contain dangerous goods, the SELLER shall inform the BUYER the nature of the dangerous goods, emergency accident handling instruction before deliver

13、y;卖方应在本合同第5条规定的期限内将货物装运。卖方应在发运前3天内通知买方有关发货的基本 信息。如有危险品,卖方应在发运前告知买方该货物的危险性质及紧急事故处理办法;12. Inspection and Indemnity:验收与赔偿:Before the SELLERS shipment of the goods, an exact inspection may be carried out to make sure of the quality, specification and quantity of the goods by the manufacturer or an inspe

14、ction organization agreed by the both parties, who shall issue an inspection certificate. Open package inspection should be carried after goods arrived at buyer s site, Within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, the BUYER shall claim any damage and nonconformity of the specifi

15、cation and quantity to the Contract, according to the inspection certificate issued by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau. At the BUYERS request, the SELLER shall replace free of charge the goods which do not conform to the contract, make up the missing part and deliver the new goods or machine parts on DDP (INCOTERMS 2000) term to the destination. The BUYER has the right to dispatch its inspectors at its own expense to the SELLERs country to inspect the qual ity, performance and assembly of any items of goods. If the BUYER inspection personnel fail to go the


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