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1、常用动词、介词、副词短语11have breakfast/ lunch 吃早/午餐2have an English lesson上一节英语课3have a rest 休息4have good time 玩得高兴5have a good journey 旅途愉快6have a look 看一看7have time 有时间8have an idea 有一个主意9have the window seat 有一个靠窗的位置10have medicine吃药11have no idea不知道12have it back 把某物换回去13have a cold 感冒14have a cough咳嗽15ha

2、ve a headache 头痛16have a sports meeting 举办运动会17have a try 试一试18have nothing to do with 与无关19take a walk 散步20take a rest 休息21take off 脱下22take ones time 花的时间23take care of 照顾24take ones temperature 量体温25take the medicine 吃药26take exercise 做锻炼27take sth. out of把拿出来28take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事29take s

3、th. to some place 把某物拿到某地30take NO. 3 bus 乘坐3路公交车31take sb. away from 把某人从某地带走32take photos 照相33take trains/a plane 乘火车/飞机34take a message 留言35take ones place 占的位置36take part in 参加37look after 目送/照顾/关心38look for 寻找39look out 当心40look at 看着41look up 查找/仰望42look the same 看起来一样43look out of 看出去44look l

4、ike 看起来像45look over 察看/调查46look around 到处寻找/环顾47look young 看起来年轻48look about 四处寻找49look back回顾/追忆50look down 俯视51look into 观察52get married 结婚53get together 聚集54get up 起床55get down 吞下56get ready for sth. 为做准备57get on/off the bus 上车/下车58get warmer 变得温暖59get to Beijing 去北京60get on well with sb./sth. 与相

5、处得好61get back 拿回来62get dressed 妆扮63get lost 丢失64get into the car 坐进车65make faces 扮鬼脸66make friends 交友67make tea 沏茶68make problems 找麻烦69make a mistakes 犯错70make sb.do sth. 让某人做某事71make sure 确信,确保72make a sentence 造句73make a cake 做蛋糕74make our life better 使我们的生活更美好75make our country beautiful 使我们的国家更美

6、丽76make a phone call 打电话77make money 赚钱78make the bed 整铺床铺79make a contribution to 为做贡献80make a noise 制造声响,噪音81make ones way to 排除困难做某事82make room for 给誊空间83make a decision 做决定84make up ones mind 下决心85with the help of 在的帮助下86with pleasure 很乐意87with nothing in it 什么也没有88with a smile 带着微笑89with a medi

7、cine box 带着一个药箱90agree with 同意91be busy with 忙于92catch up with 赶上93do with sth. 处理94help sb. with 在方面帮助某人95be angry with 生某人的气96play with 与玩耍97be filled with 充满98be covered with覆盖99get along with 与相处100be strict with 对严厉101begin with 从 开始102be fed up with 生的气103come up with 想出(主意等)104quarrel with 与争

8、吵105end with 以结束106be pleased with 满意于107ring up 打电话108hands up 举手109look up 查阅110hurry up 赶快111turn up 开大声112put up 张贴113wake up 醒来114send up 发射115grow up 生长116eat up 吃完117make up 编造118clean up 打扫干净119give up 放弃120pike up 拾起121on a cold morning 在一个寒冷的早上122on time 暗示123on ones way home 在某人回家的路上124on

9、 and on 继续125on show/display 演出126on the top of 在顶上127on the earth 在地球上128on the other side /hand 在另一方面129on the farm在农场上130on duty值日131on watch 值班132on the tree 在树上(用于原本长在树上的东西)133on foot 步行134on a trip 旅游135on business 出差136on holiday 放假137later on 后来138spend time/money on sth. 花费时间/金钱在某事上139opera

10、te on 给动手术140put on 穿上141move on 继续前进142go on 继续143hold on 坚持/不挂断(电话)144walk on 继续走145turn on 打开(电源,开关等)146come on 加油147get on 上车148work hard on 在方面努力工作149play joke on sb. 开某人的玩笑150pass on 传递151base on 基于152carry on 实施153from now on 从今以后154live on 靠生活155try on 试穿156find out 找出157be out 外出158wear out

11、 穿破(衣服等),用坏159sell out 卖完160try out 试验161look out 小心/看外面162pull out 拉出,离开163work out 算出/制定出164rush out冲出165take out 取出166at the moment 在此刻167at this time of year 在每年的这个时候168at half past seven 在七点半169at the traffic lights 在交通灯处170at first/last 首先/最后171at the foot of 在的脚下172at the beginning of 在的开端173

12、at the end of 在的结束174at the age of 在的年纪175at times 不时176at once 立刻177at the doctors 在医院178at noon/night 在中午/夜晚179at breakfast 在早餐时间180at the same time 同时181at midnight 在午夜182at least 至少/最少183at most至多/最多184at sea 迷茫/不知所措185laugh at 嘲笑186shout at 对吼叫187point at 指着188be good at 擅长于189knock at 敲(门窗等)190work hard at 专心于191be amazed at 吃惊于192thanks to 感谢/多亏193point to 指向194be friendly to 对友善195help yourself to 自便吃196be on a visit to 去某地的途中197pass on to 传给198give a message to 传递给199preferto 喜欢而不喜欢200travel to 去旅游201hurry to 急于去202next to 靠近203write to 给某人写信204the answer to .的



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