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1、小学英语三年级下册各单元练习题 学校 姓名 班级 Unit 1 一、按字母表的顺序给下列字母标上正确的序号。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、把相应的大小写字母连起来。(5分) 三、 看图,将相对应的单词和图片连线。(12分) apple dog student Coke elephant girl 四、看图,选出合适的句子。(10分)( )1.A. Im from China. B. Im from Canada. C. Im from America.( )2.A. Goodbye, Mike! B. Hello, Im Mike. C. A A A, say “OK”!

2、( )3.A. This is a ball. B. This is a balloon. C. Bounce the ball.( )4.A. This is a girl. B. This is a boy. C. This is a teacher.1. 2. 3. 4. 五、 根据栏中的问句,在栏中选出正确答语。(8分) ( )1.How old are you? A. Thank you.( )2.Happy birthday! B. One cake.( )3.How many cakes? C. Im fine, thanks.( )4.How are you? D. Im ni

3、ne.六、根据所给的情景,选择正确答案。(10分)( )1. 别人跟你说“Im sorry.”你应该回答: A. Come in. B. Oh, no. C. Its OK.( )2. 你想说“我是从中国来的。”应该这么说: A. Im China. B. Im from China. C. My name is China.( )3. 你想提醒对方当心,应该说: A. Look at me. B. Watch out. C. Thank you.( )4. 你想知道对方是哪里人,你可以问: A. How are you? B. Whats your name? C. Where are yo

4、u from?( )5. 你想跟对方借东西来看一下,应该说: A. May I have a look? B. Have some chicken. C. Can I have some chicken?Unit 2 一、给下列字母重新按字母表顺序排列。(9) Ee Aa Ff Bb Gg Dd Cc Hh Ii二、照样子抄写单词。(10) F G c d G f d b g a- ABD d f c g a b FAG b E g-三、从B栏中找出与A栏中相应的答句,把B栏前的题号写入A栏前的括号中。(10)Whos thisman? A 栏 B 栏ANice to meet you!( )

5、 1.Lets WatchTV.BHes my father.( ) 2.Whos that boy?CGreat!( ) 3.Whos thiswoman?DHe is my brother.( ) 4.Nice to meet you! EShes my mother.( ) 5. 四、根椐问句找相应的答句。(10)、Whos this girl? A. Its my bag. B. Shes my sister.2、I am from Canada. Where are you from? A. Nice to meet you. B. Im from China.3、Read afte

6、r me: Ff Gg Hh Ii. A. OK. Gg Hh Ii Ff. B. Ff Gg Hh Ii. 4、Is this your sister? A. Yes, she is my sister. B. Yes, he is my brother.5、Do you like ice-cream? A. Yes, I like ice-cream. B. Thank you. 五、找出不同类的单词或字母。(5)1、. F B. d C. B D.G2、.father B. mother C. fish D.grandmother3、.goose B.good C.girl D.moth

7、er4、. fish B.father C.boy D.girl5、.mom B.dad C.father D.grandpaUnit3一排序( )Is it in your toy box ?( )No problem .Where is my ball ?( )Thank you .( )Is it under your bed ?( )Execuse me ,can I use your ball ?( )Yes.Here you are .( )NO.It isn”t.二填空1. The elephant has _ _.(大耳朵)2. The giraffe has a _ neck

8、.3. The rabbit has a _ _.(短尾巴)4. The elephant is _(大),the mouse is _(小)。三选择合适的答语( )1.What is the time ?( )2.How many animals do you know ?( )3.Look at the elephant .( )4.Where are you from ?( )5.Does the monkey have a tail ?( )6.The lion is big .The mouse is small .A. I am from the America . B.You a

9、re right .C.It is 8:oo a.m. D.Yes ,it has a long tail .E.Oh, it is so big . F.All the animals.四、找出不同的单词 .( )1.A.gorilla B.monkey C.children D.wolf( )2.A.arm B.kangaroo C. leg D.mouth( )3.A. UK B. PRC C. CD D.CAN( )4.A.a.m B.is C.am D.are( )5.A.giraffe B.deer C.fox D.juice( )6.A.watermelone B.bike C.lamp D.taxi( )8


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