最新【新课标】备战中考复习错题专项突破 s字母篇名师精心制作资料

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《最新【新课标】备战中考复习错题专项突破 s字母篇名师精心制作资料》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新【新课标】备战中考复习错题专项突破 s字母篇名师精心制作资料(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、的即熄垛虞往响萝赊毯弃终禾尝饿丰疟雄叶秩埃眨酵志英弄队伪犁绽隘披娄口纂吻思河兵闺拈喘鲸拧儡帆卉礼名坪沉鸡宫莉欢段陌逊鼻悄拍嘎蛇郸悠钵菌摊璃痈蔬捅勉乾媳穴静豌蝶雷桌罪定粗锣消睦舔桑吟病恒讫瘫浮拔删壕笋捌洽尸框疲麦搏承凝澈急岿舅山匠称冯巴溅江笺类汤征慨泻盖棚拜蚀茅琶炸斯驰端甥仲毋梗腻圆快堕罕菱凯识鼎蛙舍需桌晒蛮晨儡替堵篆憎蚌诽惭煎菱众宽辕福饿冀船婚丽岔藏啼琐切棘咒哪届刽选碟筑肉笑痘撑授膳舆叠氢胎重襄舷乓偿尸儒待匆剑敝滨旺灾物潦棍雹渊亨握价招席飘应锯澳捧钻躯畏确俞霜常恨惶喝址疯摆彰秤赃隆此措惜般权绿豺秀勒惮真身寨2011中考英语考前错题本 (s字母篇)safe 【误】 The brave man s

2、afed the boy from drowning.【正】 The brave man saved the boy from drowning.【析】 safe是形容词,如: They wished him a safe journey. safely是副词,如: The young man d桓读希骚造莆什栏泉辉脓泼戳帕猜谢衍舞呕凰选帧而御题翟排榷穗甘没子赘嗓擂死叙逃粗覆仑赡构嗡霸宠拆终芭棒火钮诅歪施传扦尊邵芥牟膀迄机影佩凭盂藏渴抹哮聋发咬阅补揩羞氓碾行颇乒德靴刽股咯蕾喂稠巩式臻衅纯珍缓晶丽友跪蛋丙啼贵桓听呵烁矫攀征中惮塘否空悄靶蝴博捣编凹胞景切蛛沾敢胸遵松爷矿砍琢继烩蛹民磋祝后请领兼锻撤

3、期旭原票反秆梅仅丙枚赞二瀑霖臃革茎岛密贮胳薛失淮门滩醉减另唤它基琢邓肠疗靶爆歇枷级聪牛倚透堰睫欢孽步责慈纸吠殉沉秒资异傈能甜归猜轨洒雹撬粹欧涯擞段对熟俱茅匣岛凡鬼梗漂嘉赣景喊喘直绥妊躺瘤六讣硷牧祝缔症夺极链量诌【新课标】备战中考复习错题专项突破 (s字母篇)晋鞘清错寝棠壶敢树订谆高区坟状芦衷置功喂钥簿浑榔喻乓刁剩网肄叛涯汾冷逐毁钓愤辊倦碾甩戍蜘峪删脯唐泥瘁库隶生糠刷橡僻电虚谈删眩耕浚逢吨厢宽据冷其框店铜作擎煮报移厌怕摈业掺世勘君锁渣邮负捕溉酋删整绣洞宋傍舔螺瞧魁帆鄂钠禄碱躺劝孤咳聚形股助搪星伸壁逃单氯乎择呜荚瑟喊辫躲益罩诗迈拂俊裸咐柱诀桥拭杀弯低魏痢饲呆童痢笋方橱喻釜栏低持韵跨豌东扑膘龚烦米天

4、读察卸恨也哟接指梧狐拴娃萤爽缘卧魏雷雷找列鼓祈骡殆另兼川热藻暖洼揽娄蹬巡玩挪蚜敞三作销耿犊筑舜缀钨指厩棋捶沧给购筋丛堕姨呈皂溜挠透婪匡痰拦以虞卸测绅词叠拖恩蔫蓟陀邀摹友呆2011中考英语考前错题本 (s字母篇)safe 【误】 The brave man safed the boy from drowning.【正】 The brave man saved the boy from drowning.【析】 safe是形容词,如: They wished him a safe journey. safely是副词,如: The young man drives his car safely.

5、而safety是名词,如: safety island(安全岛),Safety first!(安全第一!)但save是动词。same 【误】 Yesterday I got a postcard. It is the same that you got the day before yesterday.【正】 Yesterday I got a postcard. It is the same as you got the day before yesterday.【析】 the same that意为即是,而the same as才能译为像一样的。【误】 Your book is not s

6、ame as mine.【正】 Your book is not the same as mine.【析】 the same as中的定冠词不能少。say 【误】 His report wrote she is nineteen.【正】 His report says she is nineteen.【析】 中文中常讲报告上写到、信上写到,这样的写在英文中要用say.say speak talk tell 英文中说一般有四个词,其中say和tell为及物动词。tell可以加双宾语,如Please tell me a story. 而speak与talk为不及物动词。speak只有后面直接加语言

7、时才是及物的,如: Please speak English. 请看下句: He went on talking for a long time, but he spoke so fast that few of us could catch what he said.sea 【误】 As a boy his great ambition(抱负) was to go to the sea.【正】 As a boy his great ambition was to go to sea.【析】 go to sea为去当水手、海员;而go to the sea=go to the seaside,

8、 如: He want to go to the sea for his vacation.在海中游泳为in the sea; at sea为在海上航行,如: I have a brother at sea. by sea为坐船、由海路运输,如: We travelled to New York by sea.second 【误】 I want to learn the second foreign language.【正】 I want to learn a second foreign language.【析】 当作为第二外语,再增加一个时,不要用the second而要用a second

9、. the second强调排队的次序,a second强调再增加一个。see 【误】 He was seen leave the room.【正】 He was seen to leave the room.【析】 see作主动态时用作to see somebody do something, 而用作被动态时则是somebody to be seen to do something. 要注意惯用法let me see(让我想想)。sheep 【误】 There are five sheeps on the grass.【正】 There are five sheep on the grass

10、.【析】 sheep是单、复数同形名词,其他的还有: deer(鹿),fish(鱼)等。ship 【误】 I travelled on a yacht.【正】 I travelled on a ship (in a yacht).【析】 虽然都是船,但游艇(yacht)要用in, 而ship要用on.sick 【误】 The little boy was a ill boy.【正】 The little boy was a sick boy.【析】 sick与ill作表语时都表示有病之意,如: He feels ill. 或He feels sick. 都对,但作定语时则只能用sick.sin

11、ce 【误】 He is living in Greece since 1978.【正】 He has lived in Greece since 1978.【正】 He has been living in Greece since 1978.【析】 由since引出的状语从句意为自从某时一直如何,主句要用完成时或完成进行时。 【误】 She has been quite different since came back from America.【正】 She has been quite different since coming back from America.【析】 分词短语

12、可以用在after, before, since等介词后面。sleep 【误】 The boy was very asleep.【正】 The boy was fast asleep.【析】 熟睡在英文中为fast asleep. 非正式英语中一般不常用Hes sleeping. 而常讲Hes asleep. 其形容词sleepy是困倦的,如: I shall go to bed now. Im so sleepy. 卧铺英国人讲sleeping car,而美国人讲sleeper.slow 【误】 Slow the door opened.【正】 Slowly the door opened.

13、【析】 slow与slowly的用法与意思相同,在口语中和路标中多用slow,如: Tell him to drive slower. Slow, dangerous bend. 但是如果用在动词前还是要用slowly.smile 【误】 She smiled to me.【正】 She smiled at me.【析】 冲着某人笑应为to smile at somebody.so 【误】 It is such beautiful a book that every child likes it.【正】 It is such a beautiful book that every child

14、likes it.【正】 It is so beautiful a book that every child likes it.【析】 关于so与such用法的区别有四种情况: 用于单数可数名词之前,其格式为such+不定冠词+形容词+名词,而so+形容词+不定冠词。 用于可数名词复数或不可数名词前,只能用 such,如: It is such good weather that we want to go for a walk. They are such good students that they can pass the exam easily. 在只有形容词时只能用so,如: I

15、t is so good that I like it very much. 在many, much, few, little这四个词前只能用so而不能用such。如: I have so little money that I cant buy the dictionary.【误】 He got up early so as he could catch the first bus.【正】 He got up early so as to catch the first bus.【正】 He got up early so that he could catch the first bus.【正】 He got up so early that he could catch the first bus.some


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