【精品】【人教版】必修四:Unit 4 Period 4 Writing 练习含答案

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《【精品】【人教版】必修四:Unit 4 Period 4 Writing 练习含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【精品】【人教版】必修四:Unit 4 Period 4 Writing 练习含答案(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、人教版英语精品资料.完形填空 Some of the most common American gestures have very different meanings in 1 areas of the world.Take the handshake for example.In America, a strong, 2handshake shows a confident person, someone you can trust, a good leader, but people might be3in Asia and the Middle East where they pre

2、fer a much looser handshake.Other American gestures are considered very4in other countries, such as direct eye contact.To an American, eye contact shows that someone is telling the truth or is5in what he or she hears.But if you lived in parts of Asia or Africa, people might be6.There are many chance

3、s for you to be confused by gestures and body7 when you travel.8 your head up and down for “yes” and shaking your head from side to side for “no” mean the 9 in parts of eastern Europe.The same applies to waving your hand left to right for “hello” or “goodbye”.This can mean “ 10” in Asia and parts of

4、 Europe! If you go to Argentina, you might be offended and think someone is calling you crazy when you see them11at their head or ear and move their first finger in a circle.Although this means someone or something is 12in America, in Argentina, it just means that you have a phone call!If you13 to g

5、et someone to come over to where you are, you might hold out your hand, with the palm up and fingers facing in, and curl your first finger in and14.But don􀆳t do that in Asia, because it isn􀆳t very15.The last gestures I want to talk about are16we call “thumbs up” and the “OK” sign.I

6、f you 17your hand and hold up your thumb, this gesture is used in many countries, but it means the number one in Germany and Japan18 of “good job” like it does in America.If you19 a circle with your thumb and first finger, and point the other three fingers up, you are saying “yes” or that 20 is okay

7、 if you are in America.But in France it means zero, in Japan it means money, and if you are in Brazil or Germany, it is very rude!【语篇解读】体态语言在日常生活中很重要,不同国家和地区就同一个手势或体态语言有着不同的意义,文章给我们做了详尽的介绍,一起来看看吧。1.A.anyB.someC.elseD.other【答案与解析】D一些很普通的美国体态手势语在世界其他地方有不同的含义。C、D两项作为形容词,都可作定语。前者一般放在不定代词(something等)或疑问代

8、词(who / what等)之后,后者位于名词前。2.A.softB.firmC.looseD.nice【答案与解析】B由上文“strong”可知用firm。3.A.happyB.disappointed C.surprisedD.sad【答案与解析】C根据美国人和亚洲及中东地区人们握手习惯的不同,可知后者对前者的情况会感到诧异。4.A.rudeB.politeC.oppositeD.gentle【答案与解析】A从下文“To an American.”的解释可判断,眼神的交流在有些国家被认为是“无礼”的行为。5.A.interestedB.boredC.gladD.satisfied【答案与解

9、析】A在美国,眼神交流表示说实话或对听到的事情感兴趣。6.A.pleasedB.offendedC.angryD.attacked【答案与解析】B联系前文“Other American gestures.”和此句的But可知部分亚非地区的人们认为这是冒犯了他们。7.A.movementB.actionC.languageD.tongue【答案与解析】C此处指“体态语言”,常用body language表示。8.A.MovingB.NoddingC.ShakingD.Holding【答案与解析】B根据生活常识可知,一般情况下,点头表示同意。9.A.oppositeB.differentC.sam

10、eD.similar【答案与解析】A此处指同样的体态语言在东欧一些地方意思刚好是相反的。10.A.yesB.helloC.goodbyeD.no【答案与解析】D联系语境及文中的hello和goodbye可排除A、B、C三项。11.A.pointB.stareC.lookD.feel 【答案与解析】Apoint“指着”;stare“凝视”;look“看”;feel“用手摸着”。12.A.happyB.sadC.angryD.crazy【答案与解析】D由上文“calling you crazy”可知。 13.A.wishB.hopeC.wantD.need【答案与解析】Chope和wish表示“希

11、望”;want“想要”;need“需要”。这里指你想要别人到你跟前来,故用want。14.A.outB.downC.upD.away【答案与解析】A此处指手指来回弯曲,in and out“进进出出;来来回回”。15.A.strangeB.politeC.rudeD.surprising【答案与解析】B如果在亚洲,手指就不要来回弯曲,因为那被认为是不礼貌的行为。16.A.thatB.whatC.whichD.whether【答案与解析】B分析句子结构可知,what引导表语从句,既是are的表语,同时也是call的宾语。17.A.openB.takeC.turnD.close【答案与解析】D根据

12、生活常识可知,握起手,举起拇指。18.A.insteadB.becauseC.fondD.tired【答案与解析】A同一手势在不同国家的意义是不一样的。19.A.drawB.makeC.moveD.do【答案与解析】B此处指用食指和拇指构成一个圆。20.A.everythingB.anythingC.somethingD.nothing【答案与解析】C在美国那样的手势表示你同意或某事很好。.单项填空1.The forest guards often find campfires that have not been completely.A.turned downB.put outC.put

13、awayD.turned over【答案与解析】B考查动词短语。句意:森林防护员经常会发现一些没有被完全扑灭的篝火。put out“扑灭”。2.After the storm, the logs down the river by the current can be seen everywhere.A.sweeping B.sweptC.to sweep D.sweep【答案与解析】B考查过去分词作定语。sweep和logs是被动关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。3.The taxi driver often reminds passengers to their belongings when

14、 they leave the car.A.keepB.catchC.holdD.take【答案与解析】D考查动词。句意:出租车司机经常提醒乘客下车时带上行李。keep“保存”;catch“抓住”;hold“握住;拥有”;take“带;拿”。4. in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail account.A.What is requireB.What requiresC.It is requiredD.It requires【答案与解析】C考查固定用法。it作形式主语

15、,that引导的从句作真正的主语,且that从句的内容与require之间为被动关系,故使用被动语态。5.How about going out for a walk? I􀆳ve nothing to do now.A.Why not?B.I􀆳m not glad to.C.You are welcome. D.That􀆳s right.【答案与解析】A考查交际用语。why not“为什么不呢”用于回答建议。C、D两项是感谢的答语。6.It􀆳s burning hot today,isn􀆳t it?Yes. yesterday.A.So was it B.So it wasC.So it is D.So is it【答案与解析】A考查交际用语。句意:“今天太热了,是不是?”“是啊,昨天也一样。”如果表示前者所说的肯定情


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